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YOURSAY | Who should form interim govt if there is one?

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘The right people should form the interim govt, not Umno.’

'Interim government' talk takes root in Umno

Poppy: An interim government is the right solution, but it needs the participation of all the various political parties, including the opposition.

A leader that both sides of the political divide accept should be chosen to lead. Those chosen as ministers and deputies are selected according to merit and also from both sides.

They will run the administration until the Covid-19 crisis is brought under control. Only then a decision is to be made as to the date of the general election.

Umno should not lead the interim government and makes all the decisions concerning the future direction of this nation.

It will want to further its agenda to grab as many seats in the coming elections. At the same time, Umno leaders Najib Abdul Razak and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi will be the ones pulling the strings of the puppet they will put in the PM's chair.

OCT: There is a desperate need for the right people to form the interim government. More important is a team of experts who have the expertise in crisis management, health care, finance and economy. These are the four main sectors that need them.

All selections must be based on meritocracy and have the right credentials, not more politicians as the rakyat have seen what politicians have done to Malaysia.

There must be ownership with clear objectives, action plans and deliverables. Whoever fails to perform to expectation will be terminated immediately and not promoted as in the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government.

This is a dire situation. Malaysia is on the brink of disaster. A bipartisan team with a vision to really help Malaysia to recover is needed. Right now, politics must take a back seat. Let the professionals do the job at warp speed.

Iron Man: I agree to an interim government. Or more correctly, an interim minority coalition government. If all parties cannot prove to Agong they have majority, this is actually an option in the Constitution.

I don't want an election right now or even any time next year. Pakatan Harapan and BN should share power.

Please no polls, we already can't control the pandemic right now. And we are running out of cash. It is totally unnecessary.

I hope Agong can talk some sense to both sides. A compromise must be made as nobody can go it alone. The rakyat are suffering.

Goose N Banter: If an interim government is the way forward, why must it be Umno? Why not have the opposition as part of the equation, for good measure?

It’s interim anyway, a coalition from both sides of the fence will have the necessary equilibrium to help us move on till GE15. As for the PM, submit names of passive politicians, the used-to-be’s, and His Majesty decides.

But God forbid, definitely not an Umno-BN interim government!

One: These Umno leaders are shameless. They cannot even solve their own party problems but they want to save the country? Please!

Should Umno not show first that it can uphold democracy by having a party election and sort out who is most qualified to be running the party?

Should the party not show it is willing to sack the corrupt in its own house and get back to focusing on the welfare of the Malay people?

Should Umno not show that it can be a leader of BN by having a coalition that respects its members and can jointly serve the people instead of bullying members and using them only for political convenience?

Ridcovidfirst: Thursday’s Parliament session was a field day for our politicians.

For the rakyat, despite our fear of Covid-19 (survival included) and the continuing threat affecting our livelihood, it was the drama to watch. The best of our self-serving politicians was on display.

All those who contributed in what some call ‘constitutional crisis’ revealed only one thing. They were not interested in the rakyat and their suffering. It was an opportunity for all to make headway in the furtherance of their political position and ambitions.

Umno ‘left-outs’ see an opportunity to claw back its power and place its leaders in power. Not to forget, the priority to ‘free’ their leader and court cluster. This is all in the name of defending the Malay rights and royal institution. It cannot get more hypocritical.

Will Take Note ASAP: Umno was in cahoots with the vultures from Bersatu, PAS and Azmin Ali’s gang to take over the government and then failing us all. Now they are pretending to be saints.

Hello, wake up and smell the stink you help create. You help put a totally incapable team in charge of the country when we are facing the worst danger ever on all fronts.

I hope voters will not forget your role in this mess and see through your wayang kulit (shadow play).

Just A Malaysian: In theory, an interim government is the right way to go. But it requires every politician to focus on the noble aim of reconstructing the country. This has never happened before in our history.

Each politician hides an ambition to be in power and a dagger to strike at each other.

LimeHare9546: The interim government should compose of a team of capable and competent candidates regardless of colour and religion, the goal is to save the nation, not any particular group or person with personal interests.

Only after meeting all these goals set by the rakyat, then we can re-elect a new administration.

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