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YOURSAY | Muhyiddin ‘confirms’ PM can influence court cases

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Is that why ex-Sabah CM Musa Aman was let off?’

PM: Some want me to interfere in court proceedings

Dr Raman Letchumanan: "Some want me to interfere in court proceedings," Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said.

Exactly. If BN, of which you were a long-time leader, had not interfered in court cases before, why would anyone even think of that now?

This is blatant contempt of court. A few anonymous commenters wrote some silly remarks in Malaysiakini, and that became a Federal Court case.

Muhyiddin, many want you to leave. Look at social media and the many protests. So why are you not stepping down?

Between the court cluster and the cabinet, which is worse? Billions stolen can be earned. Thousands are dead and more dying are like mati katak. The almost dead economy will take years to recover. Millions will suffer, barely surviving, for a long time.

Tembikai: Am I hearing right that the PM can interfere with court cases if he so wishes to?

What say you, chief justice? How about investigating Court of Appeal judge Hamid Sultan Abu Backer’s affidavit?

NKK: Is this a tacit admission from the PM that he can interfere with the court proceedings? He says he won’t, but doesn’t that mean that he could if he wishes to?

VioletRabbit6652: Yes, Muhyiddin, it may be highly possible that some Umno leaders want you to interfere in court cases.

But for the rakyat, you have failed miserably in tackling the Covid-19 crisis and that is the reason we want you to resign.

A Little Bit Crazy: PM, even if what you claimed was true, the majority of the rakyat, through their MPs, want you to go because your Perikatan Nasional (PN) government has failed to contain the Covid-19 pandemic and caused severe hardships to the rakyat.

We are sceptical of what you claimed because your allegedly treasonous acts have further tarnished your already damaged image.

You have been showing us you are a power-crazy person since February 2020, and you are trying all tricks to play out the Agong and rulers, and manipulating all government machinery and the Parliament to serve your political interests.

You are not as noble as you would like us to believe.

You actually are now behaving like Najib Abdul Razak when he was the PM during the 1MDB crisis from 2013 to 2018. The attorney-general (AG) and the MACC head were sacked, and the government machinery and Parliament were manipulated to save his BN government.

But look at what happened, because of that, the BN government collapsed in GE14. So, ironically, you are now following a similar path.

GanMu: It’s a pity Muhyiddin can’t read the writing on the wall that his chances are getting slimmer by the day.

His statement that he refused to accede to his critics' demands, including interfering with the courts, is not relevant.

He said he “will not sacrifice my principles and neglect my oath of office to fulfil all my obligations with honesty, loyalty to king and country while preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution.” These are mere words signifying nothing.

He was neither honest to Parliament nor did he respect its independence. He did not display love or loyalty to the king when he did not defer to the Agong’s suggestion for Parliament to debate and vote on the emergency ordinances.

Can he be more precise and tell us which articles of the Constitution that he tried to defend?

When the MIC president S Vigneswaran and Housing and Local Government Zuraida Kamaruddin commented on the actions of the king as the head of state, did he publicly reprimand them?

Here we readers are hopping mad and fuming at them for what they said. He chose to remain silent. Was that loyalty to the king and country? Sorry, we don’t believe you, Muhyiddin.

CitizenSaro: A man with dignity would have called for himself to be tested in the Parliament.

He still has not validated his position after the Sheraton Move and later, he declared emergency so as to remain in power.

But not this PM who actually has tried to con the Malays that he is Malay first and Malaysian second.

Mcrap: Don’t play us for fools, you were all too happy to plot the Sheraton Move with those with court cases to bring down a legitimately elected government. You are just as dishonest as them.

So, please tell us why was the AG present at your recent house meetings? And why was former Sabah chief minister Musa Aman let off?

Gaji Buta: As PM, isn’t it your duty to report such requests to interfere with court cases to the authorities?

Your failure to do so is another sign that you’re a failed leader with no integrity.

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