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YOURSAY | 'We cannot endure the incompetence anymore'

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | 'The PM shouldn't think too highly of his govt.'

Can nation handle more problems if govt changes, asks Muhyiddin

GanMu: Mr PM, if you love the king, country and Constitution, please devote your undivided attention to the rising number of Covid-19 cases, including the deaths.

This is far more serious than worrying about government change. We don’t care if you have support or not, just do your job and save the rakyat. If you can’t, just quit.

Your National Recovery Council (NRC) has not moved an inch. Every day you delay, the numbers are going up.

Remember, you gave an assurance in January that under emergency rule, you will be able to vanquish the pandemic. In fact, it’s worse now after eight months.

How many more Covid-19 deaths do you need before you decide to quit? Some 40,000 or 50,000? The situation is getting worse and the nation will hold you singly accountable as head of the government for this failure.

OCT: The PM shouldn't think too highly of his Perikatan Nasional (PN) government. No one is indispensable.

When Dr Mahathir Mohamad resigned as PM, he also thought no one can do a better job than him. He was so sure no one can replace him. Out of the blue, Muhyiddin became PM. The rest is rotten history.

If the PN government had done a good job, Malaysia would not be in such a dire situation. None of the cabinet ministers is up to the job.

Deputy Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob implemented various movement control orders (MCOs) and standard operating procedures (SOPs) which were ineffective. His MCO and SOPs are still causing confusion, poverty, suicides and rise in infection rates and deaths.

Yet he was promoted to DPM. Malaysia has reached 20,000 infections and hundreds of deaths daily. This is the result of failure and not success.

The National Recovery Plan (NRP) started with three or four conditions for it to move to the next phase. Now, only one condition applies. The other conditions of infection cases of below 2,000 and ICU cases reduction are no more valid.

When everything regarding the pandemic is in a mess, any other party that takes over cannot do worse than it. Till today, Muhyiddin is still talking about politics instead of working for the rakyat’s welfare.

Sun: To Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s question: can the nation handle more problems if the government changes? My answer would be an overwhelming "yes" if the following are implemented; something the government has refused to do.

1. Cut expenditure by slashing the size of the cabinet to a minimum. The health minister can also be in charge of the vaccination programme (no need for another minister). Advisors to the PM can be removed completely. He can seek advice as and when he needs it without appointing so many people, who are, incidentally, with limited or no knowledge.

2. Form all-party committees to tap the best talent to handle Covid-19, instead of scraping the bottom of the barrel, who are politically-motivated picks.

3. Establish a National Recovery Council staffed with professionals, not politicians, and listen to them.

4. Show a good example by following standard operating procedures (SOPs) strictly and punish those VIPs and leaders who breach them, but go a little easier on the foibles of the common person.

5. Hold the Health Ministry accountable for every sen spent. Where have the billions allocated to the ministry gone? Why are even basic essentials still not available?

ScarletKoala2342: Muhyiddin may, unfortunately, be right. Unless there is a candidate who can clearly command a majority, there is no guarantee that a subsequent government would be able to succeed where this one has manifestly failed.

He is not a good PM, but sometimes I think, better the devil we know.

RZee: We are governed by idiots. The Covid-19 threat is escalating, but Muhyiddin still wants to stay in power. He then has the gall to ask whether the nation can handle more than the problems he and his cabinet have handled.

Who are you to say the next government - properly appointed under democratic rules - will govern badly?

BusinessFirst: Can the nation handle all the problems the incompetent PN government has placed on the people?

I think those who have died either by the virus or through hopelessness via suicide may not be able to answer, but those of us still here can answer that. The answer is no. We cannot endure the incompetence anymore.

Please call for Parliament to convene as soon as possible to test your legitimacy. Stop the desperate attempts to continue to hang on to power.

Constitutional Supremacy: Change of government will do more harm than good? This was exactly the argument of former US president Donald Trump.

But we know when Trump lost the last US election, Joe Biden set a new direction for the Covid-19 fight and within a month, the results had been better.

Our PM and ministers do not carry out vaccinations themselves. It is done by doctors and nurses. With a change of government, there will still be the same doctors and nurses doing the job.

Since this government has failed miserably, the new government can only do better, not worse.

GreenBear2835: The house is on fire while the fireman is busy telling everyone what a good fireman he is. He is merely waiting for the fire to burn itself out.

Yet, he is warning that the house will burn even more if another fireman is called in.

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