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YOURSAY | Looks like opposition not part of PM’s ‘M’sian family’

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘A leopard will never change its spots, so is the new govt.’

PM rules out unity govt with opposition, prepared to meet on suitable role

OCT: The new premier is fast changing the rules of engagement. Ismail Sabri Yaakob will not allow the opposition in the cabinet.

When there is no equality in selecting the best team, it will be a bad team in the fight against the pandemic.

The opposition has been invited to be fall guys who will eventually do the dirty work while those in power reap the rewards.

A leopard will never change its spots; so is the new government. That's why it's very important and crucial that the opposition must study the proposals first before committing to be part of the task force on Covid-19.

JazliSalleh: "There is no cooperation with the opposition that will involve the cabinet. Cooperation does not necessarily mean in the cabinet,” Ismail Sabri said.

All within 24 hours, the 'Malaysian Family' philosophy which was promised by the PM in his inaugural speech is thrown out of the window.

Mat M Din: It is good to hear that Ismail Sabri has invited the opposition to sit on the special committee on Covid-19 and the National Recovery Council.

In doing so, it enables the newly-minted government to tap the expertise of the opposition to jointly fight the pandemic and to seek ways to hasten the country's economic recovery.

To ensure the effectiveness of the initiative, the government has to show its sincerity and seriousness in accepting the recommendation and the advice of the council, if it finds that its advice is reasonable and practical.

It will obviate the perception that the cooperation offer is a token one, a mere public relation exercise of the government.

It has to be seen as a truly mutual cooperation to develop the country for the benefit of all and sundry.

Sabri: The opposition would be stupid to even take up the offer by the government. They were not sincere before. They just want to use their ideas and later take credit for themselves.

If they knew what they were doing, they would have been successful in fighting Covid-19 and revive the economy already.

Yet they failed. Now they are depending on the vaccination process. But the Delta variant cases are on the rise even in nations that have more than 50 percent of the population vaccinated.

So how long can this nation survive with businesses suffering and borders closed? How many more thousands will die in the near future due to the virus? Will it be 20,000 lives lost?

So, to the opposition, keep away from these selfish leaders. They will make use of you and discard you when they do not need your services. Like what Umno did to opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

God Save Us: It was all about securing positions and to have Umno back at the helm. That has been achieved.

Now Ismail Sabri is magnanimous and graciously offers the opposition the opportunity to provide their services ex gratia in helping to solve the real problems, while the Umno bigwigs work hard to consolidate power, free criminals, muzzle the media, enslave the judiciary and get enforcement agencies to do their bidding and entice more frogs to support their cause.

Surprisingly, the only person who has come out of this sorry episode with a semblance of dignity is Azalina Othman Said, the deputy speaker of the House, who tendered her resignation.

MarioT: Well, this is expected. Ismail Sabri’s offer was for fighting the virus only and not for any other tasks within the framework of administering the country.

The offer he makes is a sly one that works to his own advantage. I think the opposition should reconsider this offer if it is only confined to attending to the virus crisis. This lot is never sincere.

VioletPanda7423: Here’s your brief: Do the minion’s job of fighting the pandemic with no extra pay. If you are successful, well done. If not, the fault is all yours.

In other words, here’s your bread crumbs, take it or leave it (though I would love that you leave it). The opposition, on the other hand, would love to see you rot in your own cesspool mess.

Fair&Unbiased: Let this "excellent" government comprising Umno, PN, PAS and the loose cannons sort out the mess which was created by them in the first place.

They want to recruit the brains of the opposition and yet, they have arrogantly confirmed they will not be given any cabinet posts.

Such a raw deal, so please say, no thanks and good luck.

Iphonezours: A unity government with the opposition in the cabinet is wishful thinking as Umno and PN will be appointing their MPs to cabinet positions.

The opposition should stay out of it and provide collective check and balance through their own shadow cabinet or from their own individual portfolio committees.

Casper C: I'm of the opinion that the setback for the opposition is only temporary and those who chose the Bera MP as PM have inevitably contributed to this problem of finding suitable candidates to hold various portfolios in yet another interim administration.

We can right the course to have Malaysia back at its best in the next polls. I have high hopes - the many who helped push Pakatan Harapan across the line will once again do the same, with a bigger margin.

We need the best minds to lead Malaysia and that day will come. For now, I can only pray that the Bera MP inflicts onto us the least possible damage.

Clearwater: I guess Ismail Sabri views the opposition as “outsiders” to his “Malaysian family” - can contribute to the family business but without any equity or managerial position.

Let's see who in his “real” family gets into the cabinet and whether it is a record-breaker. Many are surely lining up for their reward.

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