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YOURSAY | Is Muhyiddin the best man to lead NRC?

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘If he is that good, he should have been retained as PM.’

NRC chief post right for Muhyiddin's experience - Hadi

OCT: If former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin is the best candidate for the National Recovery Council (NRC), the National Recovery Plan (NRP) will not achieve its objectives.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s praises for Muhyiddin’s experience is nothing as Hadi had not mentioned any of the former PM’s successes. If Muhyiddin is that good, he should have been retained as PM.

However, a month ago, Umno and everyone were condemning Muhyiddin that all his movement control orders (MCOs), standard operating procedures (SOPs) and the emergency were failures.

This NRC position is definitely a sweetener for PM Ismail Sabri Yaakob to appease Muhyiddin so that Bersatu won't create the same trouble as what Umno had done.

The rakyat can see that Muhyiddin cannot handle the pandemic even with the emergency. It is stupid to expect Muhyiddin be able to fight the pandemic and kick start the economy as NRC chief.

Just A Malaysian: Of all functions, the most critical area for the PM to focus on is the fight against Covid-19 and the post-Covid-19 economic recovery.

This will decide if Malaysia will regain confidence of both internal and external investors. It will also decide if our country will slide into recession and unemployment. A lot is at stake in the NRC.

Indeed, Ismail Sabri should put the best brain in this area like what he did with Khairy. But instead, he put Muhyiddin as NRC chairperson - the very man who led us into this situation in the first place.

Now we know where our PM’s priority is, and it scares us.

Bluemountains: The NRC must be chaired by Ismail Sabri because of its importance to the people and the nation.

However, Ismail Sabri has probably decided to pass the hot potato to Muhyiddin just in case the NRC fails to contain the pandemic and revive the economy.

But will Muhyiddin be able to contain the pandemic and fix the economy when he failed to do so while he was PM?

Bobbyo: After experiencing nearly two million Covid-19 cases and over 16,000 deaths under Muhyiddin's watch, how can Hadi classify him as the most suitable candidate to lead the NRC?

Has he forgotten the Sabah fiasco? How greed for more power led to the spreading of this never-ending virus? Has Hadi forgotten about the declaration of emergency to protect Muhyiddin’s position? What about the seven months wasted on politicking rather than finding effective strategies to fight the virus?

We know Muhyiddin wants to try and regain some of his lost reputation. He knows that most Malaysians have been vaccinated and this should see the number of cases dropping soon.

He wants to capitalise on it by claiming success. Has he forgotten that even after vaccination, breakthrough infections can still occur?

Akmal Ariffin: To be the leader of the NRC, one needs to be knowledgeable in the field of medical science or at least someone who knows what to do in such a crisis. It is obvious that Muhyiddin should be rested from all posts as he is incompetent.

Why him? Is it because Ismail Sabri is indebted to him for his promotion to the highest office in the country? And why is the need for deadwood like Hadi?

Obviously, the political elites do not read Malaysiakini on the views of Malaysians. They know that election is not going to happen so they just do what they want to do.

The only positive thing about the new cabinet is Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin. But he is not really popular within the cabinet.

One of my former students died of Covid-19 today and it's not going to be better in the near future. They are opening up restaurants and boundaries without taking any consideration of what is going to happen. God helps us.

EyeInTheSky2021: "This appointment is a continuity of the job that he started, in line with his experience in managing the Covid-19 pandemic," Hadi said.

That’s the job he screwed up big time. Muhyiddin has no experience in managing a pandemic which requires at least some medical knowledge, and last but not least, not doing anything until the very last minute, and when the decision is announced, it would be followed by a U-turn.

This is the kind of 'experience' Muhyiddin has in handling the task.

Cogito Ergo Sum: By heaping praise on rubbish, rubbish does not turn into gold. Hadi, you can’t change the fact that Muhyiddin was an utter failure in his first itinerant as PM.

By supporting his appointment as NRC head, you are equally culpable of leading this nation down the path of no return. You do not have the nation at heart but only your own rice bowl and future, however short that may be.

We need a new set of leaders with fresh and radical ideas. We can’t afford to even support ourselves, how can we afford to support you lot?

Apollos: No doubt, birds of the same feather flock together, all of them are people who have failed. They make exceedingly good company.

Ismail Sabri could not possibly appoint someone who would shine and, in the process, make him look like a dullard.

VS: The new government under Ismail Sabri is proud to inform they have unanimously appointed Muhyiddin, who was declared a failure in the management of the country and Covid-19, to be in charge of the nation’s recovery plan.

Can all Malaysians see the appeasement in politics and shameful hypocrisy? Does it make sense?

A person who is asked to step down for poor performance would be too embarrassed and would resign in shame. But in Malaysian politics, they still hang around.

MarioT: If this person, who is so shamefully appointed, has any self-respect and dignity left in him, he would have declined it.

It goes to show a desperate leech sticking to the inglorious presence. It is certainly a great insult and embarrassment to human dignity and good principles.

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