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YOURSAY | The motley crew who runs the govt

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Is there no one better than Ahmad Maslan?’

Ahmad Maslan nominated as Dewan Rakyat deputy speaker

OCT: Malaysia has a motley crew of colourful politicians running the government.

Firstly, Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob was a failure with his many SOPs (standard operating procedures) and MCOs (movement control orders) in the previous government.

Secondly, ousted premier Muhyiddin Yassin failed to manage the country and the pandemic even with the emergency, but he now chairs the National Recovery Council with ministerial status.

In the previous government, the foreign minister and the economic affairs minister went overseas during the lockdown, and the minister in charge of Parliament went against Agong’s directive.

Now, a kleptocrat and convicted felon (under appeal) has been invited by the PM to “help out”, while a person of interest in a money laundering case is nominated as deputy speaker.

There seem to be no better people than these politicians and it is crystal clear that the selection process for cabinet ministers and important posts is not based on meritocracy but as a reward for supporting the PM.

The PM can pick whoever he likes and there’s nothing the rakyat can do about it. The rakyat can shout, condemn and stress themselves out, but the government doesn’t care.

Save your strength and anger. Come GE15, make them suffer. The government has no shame and isn’t bother about its image, reputation, and good governance anymore.

Anonymous_19514: So, let me get this straight. A man who at the moment is in court charged with money laundering and lying to the MACC is the best choice for the deputy speaker post?

Another day, another new low for Malaysia. It is difficult not to be despondent these days with these people running the show.

Vent: So, we are going to have a Parliament of allegedly corrupt clowns with House speakers providing the freak shows. The circus has come to town and we have front row seats.

IndigoHorse9495: Our standing as a respected nation has gone down the drain with questionable characters in the cabinet and as speaker and deputy speakers of Dewan Rakyat.

I am just dumbfounded and speechless. How low down the ladder are we going? Only God can save us now.

Redmann: Dregs of the political barrel smile, grin and laugh their way to a top parliamentary position, unfazed by the fact that he is standing trial.

Strong signals are being sent by the prime minister that his time is running out, too. The confidence vote will be the game-changer to confirm if the prime minister has majority support.

And if these wayang kulit are played out, the House speaker will not allow the vote to be tabled, citing some misapplied and misinterpreted Standing Orders.

This will make the rakyat grit their teeth even more, and the writing is on the wall that GE15 will be politically incendiary.

BohKongBohSong: Isn’t this man charged in court for corruption? So, a person accused of corruption can be appointed as deputy speaker, while a person convicted for corruption can help rescue the economy?

What’s next?

Anonymous_15897: This news and the recent news about former PM Najib Abdul Razak shows that DAP leader Tony Pua was right all along.

But Pakatan Harapan supporters, blinded by their hatred of Muhyiddin, refused to listen to Pua and ran him down.

Well, now Muhyiddin is back. And so is the court cluster.

One by one, the court cluster is being normalised and is returning to the political mainstream. This is a precursor to charges being dropped.

A Little Bit Crazy: Muhyiddin said in tears before he stepped down that he would not work with kleptocrats and the court cluster.

Ahmad Maslan is among the court cluster. So, how can Muhyiddin and Bersatu support him to be the deputy speaker?

The battle of Parliament has begun.

The Wakandan: There’s nothing surprising here. Muhyiddin’s fall was due to the withdrawal of support from Umno’s court cluster. The Ismail Sabri government is essentially the same, which is made up of the same people, same MPs.

There was no opposite movement of those MPs. It comes to reason that Ismail Sabri has to accommodate his colleagues in the court cluster, otherwise he will suffer the same fate as Muhyiddin.

So, what else to expect? Already Ismail Sabri is saying good things about Najib. Your guess is as good as mine.

Business First: So much for the Yang di-Pertuan Agong stating that winners do not win all and losers do not lose all, and the need to work together.

For that matter, we should have a vote of confidence, if that is even happening.

Cogito Ergo Sum: First, a convicted criminal (under appeal) advising the new prime minister on the National Recovery Plan, and now a person facing multiple criminal charges is nominated deputy speaker of Dewan Rakyat.

It seems that there are bigger crooks in Parliament than there are in Sungai Buloh. Is this the end game of the Sheraton Move? If it is, then it’s been very successful.

Thanks to Azmin Ali and Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the last GE had been nullified by the shenanigans of unscrupulous politicians who don’t give two hoots for the rakyat’s will or wishes.

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