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YOURSAY | Serious consequences needed for those hurling racist slurs

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Seeds of racism sowed in Parliament are sprouting everywhere.’

Bersatu leader resigns after using racial slur against national shuttler

Bersatu man apologises over racial slur, deputy minister urges forgiveness

Vijay47: The surprise verges on shock. That a Malay politician would actually admit to making a racist statement and then offer an apology for it.

The apology by Pasir Puteh Bersatu vice-chief Borhanudin Che Rahim is an act unheard-of in Malaysia and I admire him for it. He did not qualify his regret and he made no excuse for it.

Yet the fact remains that the word used is indeed offensive to national shuttler Kisona Selvaduray in particular and the Indian community generally.

I will readily agree with Deputy Youth and Sports Minister Ti Lian Ker that the politician’s apology be accepted and his offence forgiven - after appropriate action has been taken.

Many reports have been lodged against the Bersatu leader and I am surprised that the police, usually far more alert and given to immediate response, has not yet arrested and dragged him into police custody where unknown consequences await.

I hope the police and Attorney-General’s Chambers do not come out with the usual:

“We note an apology has been made. And in keeping with the new national policy where crimes can be disregarded when money stolen has been returned even partially, the matter can be considered closed. The public is warned not to speculate on the issue.”

For your part, MCA’s Ti Lian Ker, I hope you are equally tolerant when your Chinese community is insulted by your political masters.

Dr Raman Letchumanan: Why is MCA suddenly so forgiving and gracious? Are you trying to gain brownie points? At most, you can only talk on behalf of your party, not all Malaysians.

Borhanudin is a politician from a ruling party. What does the name Bersatu even mean - to divide and rule based on racism?

And who does Borhanudin pick as the target of his racial slur? An upcoming sportswoman who is sacrificing for the good name of the country internationally. And he only sees race in her.

He has brought down any modicum of respect Malaysia had from the international community.

Only thing we can thank him for is the confirmation of widespread racism and religious bigotry in the country. Even sports, a unifying endeavour that brings the best in people, is not spared.

Ti Lian Ker, we can only accept such calls from you if, in the same breath, you assured such racism will not recur. Could you get that assurance for us? Reflect on this in your 100-day scorecard, or resign.

PW Cheng: That’s the problem with some MCA politicians who want to exhibit benevolence, but at the wrong thing and at the wrong time.

Benevolence is definitely a good trait. In this case, however, it sends the wrong message to the wrongdoer that an apology will absolve his racist remarks, which are becoming more common by the day.

Seeds of racism sowed in Parliament are now sprouting everywhere, especially towards the non-Malays.

Before things get out of hand, rightfully the racist must be chastised to show we are serious in combatting racism but what is the MCA man doing?

He thinks by trying to be benevolent towards this racist, he can harvest some political benefits because he knows who he will be working with in the next general election.

Would the deputy minister dare say the same if the racial slurs are from non-Malays towards the Malays?

Mazilamani: When a politician speaks, he publicly broadcasts the intention of his party, good or bad. While his private views should not reach beyond his private life, this man shared his true inner feelings on social media.

He was divisive in its truest sense and he deserves no human forgiveness. Let him seek it from his Creator. The error is also with his party for enlisting such moronic members and appointing them in leadership positions.

I am hoping that Kisona is a strong and determined girl. Surely she would be, otherwise she will not be bearing the national flag or the national jersey, the pride of Malaysians, chosen to represent the nation.

But Borhanudin must not be allowed to go free without being answerable to the law. The same must apply to any racial bigot belittling another race or religion.

Lepak: Until individuals like this repulsive Bersatu man are removed from positions of power, how are we to be an enlightened, modern society?

It’s shameful that after more than 60 years of independence, these village bullies continue to thrive and prosper. Why not? They feel protected.

Calling people derogatory racist names – indeed, how are we to become a developed society?

PurpleMacaw4829: Yes, there should be more than an apology. There should be consequences so that he would not make any sort of racist slur in the future.

It may be a lot to ask, considering the current political climate. But no, we should never tolerate such behaviour.

And Borhanudin should consider funding and supporting Kisona since he has done some damage. Athletes always have our support and encouragement.

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