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YOURSAY | PM throws red meat to the base

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | 'Ismail Sabri, stop this endless unproductive political witch-hunting.'

COMMENT | Committee formation reflects govt's inability to make wise decisions

OrangePanther1466: Former de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim is spot on with his comments.

All the three committees announced by Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob to look into the unsolved death of firefighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim, allegations made by former attorney-general Tommy Thomas and also the Pulau Batu Puteh dispute, among others, are just a deflection of the problems the government refuses to or is unwilling to address.

Ismail Sabri is being squeezed from many sides and his solution is to form committees after committees to "kick the can down the road".

Mr PM, show your mantle and stop this endless unproductive political witch-hunting. We should look forward and not dwell in trivia of the past.

The one worthwhile pursuit is perhaps Thomas’ revelation of judicial interference, something which was supposed to be investigated by a royal commission of inquiry (RCI). The civil society and the international community, I’m sure, will welcome this.

Kim Quek: I agree. Zaid is right. This Ismail Sabri’s move on the committees reflects the shallowness of his intellect, prone to be manipulated by puppet masters.

Indeed, the only issue worth considering is the judicial reforms that may arise from probes into allegations in Thomas’ book ‘My Story: Justice in the Wilderness’.

But then, countless RCIs and committee reports which could have led to major reforms have all been left gathering dust with no follow-ups, and we don’t expect there will be any this time.

The crux of the matter is that there is zero political will for meaningful reforms, as long as the country is under an incorrigible racist and corrupt government.

So, treat this move on the committees, as well as the ‘Keluarga Malaysia’ mantra, as just political hypes to enhance the prime minister’s political leadership.

Hello Brader: Setting up committees has been the political course of action to ultimately lead to nowhere, a way out and away from the hard decisions, and a safety valve for the incumbents in the corridors of power to buy time.

Has it not been so in the past, and being embraced in the present and will be projected into the future as an inheritance from the political culture the country is enmeshed in? Why should anyone be surprised?

BobbyO: The problem lies in wanting to win political support by announcing such committees.

They are not interested in reaching the conclusion which is already investigated and reported back to them. At the same time, the truth is staring directly at their face.

All they are interested in is playing politics to try and regain support that they have lost in the last one-and-a-half years due to their mismanagement of the nation.

It may cost millions - monies that we sadly are in need of and can be used for the betterment of the nation. Yet, these politicians are more concerned about protecting their own interests.

MS: This Umno government propped up by its Bersatu and PAS handlers has to do something big and bold to prove its ‘ketuanan’ bona fides to its supporters.

It knows it cannot alleviate poverty among Malays (leave aside poverty among non-Malays).

It knows it cannot do anything to stop Malay graduates from ending up in the fast-growing food delivery brigade.

It knows nothing can be done to stop the leaks exposing Malay multi-billionaires whose exploits and unexplained wealth go against the "Malays are all poor" narrative, and it knows that unless some red meat is thrown at its base, there will be trouble in the voting booths.

So, these committees, which give the semblance of action, are really designed to serve their politics of appeasement, revenge and scapegoating.

With the Malay vote likely to be split eight ways or more, there is a dire need for branding as the only party for Malays - never mind that the only party for Malays has successfully positioned the country internationally as Southeast Asia's first and only kleptocracy.

6th Generation Immigrant: Yes, this is just Ismail Sabri posturing - etching his mark and time as PM into the history of nothing, when it actually and truly portrays instead that the PM and his government do not have a clue of how to manage this nation.

The Pulau Batu Puteh issue is just thrown in to add that international flavour.

In short, it's a personal and conceited exercise.

Oriole: Ismail Sabri is proving to be exactly what his detractors thought he would be. Clearly, he is easily led and does little to seek wisdom in his decision-making.

He does not know what questions to ask, nor does he know who the right people are for dealing intelligently with issues.

Worst of all, he does not realise that he is lighting a match to a destructive fire and one that may consume the country. For starters, he needs to stop taking advice from his Umno colleagues.

GanMU: Zaid has pointed out very clearly the futility of these findings. Not only it’s a waste of time and money, but it’s also a clear diversion from the current problems facing us.

Zaid has clearly stated that these decisions should be handled by the prime minister. Why have a bloated cabinet when he can’t seek their views?

If Ismail Sabri wants to go back to past issues, he should also look at M Indira Gandhi's case of her missing daughter and former husband, which has been outstanding for more than seven years, and also Altantuya Shaariibuu's murder case, to name a few.

Doc: All these committee formations are Ismail Sabri's way of showing the public that he is doing something to address the nation's problems but in actuality, the common man knows these committees’ findings will lead to a blind end.

Can we have a pothole committee as well?

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