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YOURSAY | Amateur hour in Najib, Rosmah forfeiture suit

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘We all knew this would happen.’

Court dismisses 1MDB-linked forfeiture suit against Najib, family

IndigoJaguar7545: Even during Pakatan Harapan’s time, these suits were getting dismissed. Don’t just blame the corrupt, sometimes the corruption busters are unable to do their job.

Dec 13, 2019: ‘High Court boots out MACC case against Kedah Umno, Habib Jewels’

Jan 3, 2020: ‘High Court dismisses MACC’s 1MDB asset forfeiture action on K&Z Enterprise’

Feb 7, 2020: ‘Forfeiture action to recover money from Umno, Wanita MCA dismissed as it is spent’

God, we all knew this would happen. Everyone told former MACC chief Latheefa Koya to stop wasting time with idiotic civil suits as our civil laws are too weak. The courts will not demand forfeiture as such an early juncture.

She should have focused on convictions and then civil forfeiture can apply for the criminal evidence afterwards. Almost every one of her suits have failed and it’s proven to be a waste of time.

Latheefa said in 2019: “They could say that the accounts do not belong to them or that they had sold something in exchange for the money or that they have verified that the source of the money is proper. As far as MACC is concerned, we are clear that the team has done a good job in tracing the money.”

Every half-competent lawyer was shocked at MACC’s amateur hour. Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLA) was a very poorly-written law by Umno.

If MACC wanted such forfeiture suits to win, she should’ve first fought for a systemic overhaul of whistleblower protection which many NGOs have demanded.

Vent: Barring political interference, this highlights the level of incompetence in the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC).

This is symptomatic of the rot in the entire civil service where incompetent, poorly qualified officers doubly dumbed down by obsequiousness to their equally incompetent bosses have rendered this nation incapable of proper governance.

Former AG Tommy Thomas was spot on when he spoke about the incompetence in the AGC. It’s no mystery why we lost the Pulau Batu Puteh case, and no wonder the old man is silent on it.

The country is now ready for easy picking at any international dispute. Does anyone think China is oblivious to this? And as many have said previously here, thanks to the education system, we can be brought to our knees.

Malaysia Bharu: Going by the reason that there must be irrefutable proof that the heap of loot allegedly seized from MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) and others were from the 1MDB scam, it is almost impossible to prosecute any of the crooks involved.

The 1MDB scam was well planned and executed by master crooks and the crime scenes were mostly centred in foreign jurisdictions. In fact, the US DOJ (Department of Justice) was one of the first to probe and prosecute 1MDB crooks followed by other European jurisdictions.

Back home, everything was “above board” and the only 1MDB-related crime was wearing yellow T-shirts and releasing yellow balloons.

Probably only Jho Low can connect the dots but is he under our police’s “wanted” list, like Clare Rewcastle-Brown?

Newbie SC: Thomas had already stated in his memoir of the sub-standard quality of public prosecutors.

While the DOJ in the US has managed to retrieve all monies illegally used from 1MDB funds overseas, we in Malaysia can’t even recover the funds illegally obtained in our own backyard.

This is the state of affairs in our country. The elites have a free hand in the country’s coffers and will never be truly brought to justice. Kleptocracy in all its glory. Yet we still vote for these people over and over again.

They are still worshipped by fools and those who can easily be bought. To say that I feel disgusted is putting it mildly.

Kim Quek: Indeed, if the US could confiscate billions in assets bought by the 1MDB thieves, why can’t Malaysia do the same?

When a foreign country like the US could return the seized assets to Malaysia, does the host country Malaysia feel no shame that it can’t even seize the huge assets of these 1MDB robbers in its home terrain?

Isn’t there a law under the Malaysian sun to deal properly with fabulous assets the worth of which is beyond the wildest imagination of the owner’s meagre income?

What’s wrong with the Malaysian justice system?

BobbyO: What good are our own investigators? Why are they wasting taxpayers’ money collecting salaries when they cannot even collect enough evidence to show that all the assets seized are linked to the 1MDB heist?

Or is there more to it that the public is not informed about?

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