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YOURSAY | The Omicron threat – this time, we have the weapons

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | 'Mutations will continue to occur, but our weapons remain the same.'

MOH: Omicron has reached Malaysia

Maya: Omicron may have been circulating in the global community for some time. South Africa was able to detect it first and unfortunately got hammered by the media and other countries for it.

The issue is the spread in South Africa is fast because of its low vaccination rate - that is why most cases seen are that of young adults.

There are now cases popping up in other countries, where people infected have had no contact with these cases from South Africa or have a travel history.

That is why this student (the first case of Omicron in Malaysia) was here very much before South Africa even detected it.

We need to continue to be cautious and follow SOPs (standard operation procedures).

YellowLion9117: Apparently, no Omicron positive patient has so far ended up in the hospital, let alone died.

Anecdotal evidence from doctors treating it in Africa, Europe and Asia is that patients are either asymptomatic or the symptoms are much milder than the Delta variant.

If that is the case (a big IF), Omicron may paradoxically start the end of the pandemic by replacing Delta with a strain, yes, more contagious but way less lethal. In that, its alleged higher transmission rate would be an advantage.

Either way, the hysterical and panicked reactions that we see everywhere are completely misplaced and unwarranted. One has to be cautious while remaining rational.

Needless to say, the press coverage worldwide has been shameless. Don't let them take you for a ride - stay calm, get information from trusted sources and carry on with your life.

Velarooks: Whether this proves to be the mutation that ends the pandemic, I still feel it is right to be proactive and stay cautious till more data is known, which should be evident in the next couple of weeks.

Scientists only believe it is more contagious but not as deadly. However, they are in the midst of doing all the testing and data collecting so nothing is concrete yet.

Western countries, in my opinion, are worried because this coincides with their winter months and thus always a major upward trend in viral respiratory cases.

However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be proactive now and we need to play it safe till more is known.

This might be the mutation that gives us an all-natural immunity without severe symptoms, or it might be a mutation that has long-term repercussions. We shall see.

MarioT: Yes, at this stage, the new variant is seen to be less severe than its predecessors.

Nevertheless, let us continue to use face masks and observe social distancing to keep the virus at bay as much as we can.

Mutations will continue to occur but our weapons to fight Covid remain the same.

FellowMalaysian: It's wise for the Health Ministry to call up the eight close contacts of the student again and subject them to PCR tests.

It's rather unfortunate that the South African student in Ipoh has contracted the virus. The ministry will hopefully pay extra care and attention in handling foreigners and visitors.

Hmmmmmmmm: I don't know what the panic is all about. Just get the PM to announce a day in December as Omicron Day. To ensure it protects all Malaysians, just name it Keluarga Micron Day.

There, problem solved. No need to pay me for the advice.

Ex-PM Muhyiddin 'misspoke' on vaccine pricing, PAC hears

OCT: There is no need to go after former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin as it is futile. ‘Misspoke’ or ‘mismanaged’ are of no concern to our PMs. They know they will not be punished.

What is Muhyiddin's misspoke cost compared to the other former PM, Najib Abdul Razak? The PM can do no wrong.

Freethinker: If Muhyiddin had misspoken, why he did not clarify later on?

Banana Republic: It's time to have one law for all Malaysians, be it prime minister, ministers and the rakyat, when it comes to committing criminal acts.

What we see here in our beloved country are two sets of laws - one for the rakyat and one for high-ranking government officers.

Muhyiddin should be dragged and tried in the court of law for lying and misusing people's money in our fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Najib also gets special treatment from the courts. What damage to the society would it be for possession of 100gm of cannabis for one’s own use when compared to stealing billions of rakyat's money?

BrownCheetah9736: Let’s be clear about the numbers. RM82 ringgit is the cost of the vaccine per vial, or US$20. This figure is widely quoted worldwide, so there’s no hiding anything there.

But, the balance of cost, apparently amounting to 83 percent of the cost, or RM380 per vial, could perhaps be logistics/importation cost, plus the all-important “service” fee.

Focusapp: There is no such thing as 'corruption' in the vocabulary of our leaders. Only ‘gift’, ‘donation’, ‘premium’, ‘misspoke’. What's next?

MS: Misspoke, misquoted, misunderstood, misinformed, mistaken... there is always a "mis" hiding at the back, waiting to be yanked out and held aloft like a shield to cover a lie.

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