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YOURSAY | 12 years of hard work with no pay – let the truth be known

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘It’s cases like this that makes me ashamed to be a Malaysian.’

Indonesian domestic worker to sue 'Tan Sri' for 12 years' unpaid wages

John YC Toh: It’s cases like this that makes me ashamed to be a Malaysian. Why do many of these cases involve titled individuals who are obviously educated and must appear at least to be God-fearing?

And the worst part is that our so-called legal system is so screwed up it usually favours the rich and famous.

But Malaysia beware. It’s predicted that within the next one or two generations, Indonesia will overtake Malaysia economically, and we may have to send our people over to work as maids or other such jobs.

When that happens, it’s payback time.

Steven Ong: That is why it’s good that the government abolish conferring honorary titles as it only encourages abuse of power or privileges.

It serves no purpose other than to lift up the social status of those in power and a few of their friends, while the rest of the population suffer under them due to mismanagement of the country and have to struggle to prosper.

I would like to highlight again here where all these forced labour, human trafficking, and enforced disappearances came from. Many are still not aware of it because they support the law against hate speech.

Everything has a root source, whether good or bad. In this case, many of the abuses came from the officially accepted discrimination against some and the special rights of some that cannot be questioned.

Anak Kelantan: Shouldn’t we question our own fixation with all the honorifics? Is an “encik” or “tuan” not good enough?

Where does it say that a person with honorifics of some kind is a better human being than an ordinary pak cik?

Maya: For work permit renewal, all migrant workers have to do a Fomema medical screening every year, which means they or the agent takes them to a clinic to do the needful.

Once the renewal is ready, MyEG comes to the house to put the sticker on the passport. In this case, it appears that renewal was not done.

She has been with the employer for 12 years. Definitely, the passport must have needed renewal and for that, one has to go to the Indonesian Embassy. Unless that too was not done.

All these cost money too and is the onus of the employer. If he has not done it, he has been harbouring an undocumented migrant.

It is rather strange that for 12 years this has been going on, and she was helpless. Again, the family in Indonesia could have contacted the right people to find out the whereabouts of their family member, knowing something might be amiss.

Ada Harapan: This is modern slavery and those abused are often victimised, beaten and are fearful of the employer. Prosecution and jail for such abuses is the only deterrent for such human rights violations.

I feel so sorry for the woman who allegedly suffered for so many years at the hand of this person and his family.

IndigoCat9464: All these are happening because of the incompetents who are running the government. They are too busy making money for themselves, family members and cronies.

The relevant agencies and workforce are also busy making money for themselves. Where is there time to work and go around to check?

By right, every three or six months, the enforcement agencies have to go knocking on each door where registered migrants, especially maids, are working to check if everything is fine.

But even when this is done, a bribe might be sufficient for wrongdoings not to be reported. This is Malaysia. Really sick indeed.

Blueshark1548: Thank goodness the Indonesian Embassy is involved, otherwise, this matter might be swept under the carpet.

The claim of RM500 from the maid for failing to give her termination notice is clear evidence of the character of her employer.

The embassy should press on and get justice for her. Let the truth be known at the hearing in the labour court, which should give priority to this case.

Malaysier: If I am not mistaken, the Human Resources Ministry mandated that the maid's monthly salary be credited into her bank account every month. It’s simple to ascertain payment whenever there is a dispute.

However, if there is no such law, legislate it now. If the maid is right, charge the employer. There is no smoke without fire. I would rather believe the maid than the Tan Sri.

David Dass: This is ridiculous. How hard is it to prove that a person was employed for a certain period of time? The enforcement authorities should be more vigilant and enforce the law.

Protect the more vulnerable members of our society. Foreign maids, too, must be protected.

Can you imagine the anger in Indonesia at this story and so many other stories of abuse? We are allowing - hopefully, a minority - to give this country a bad name.

Stand For Truth: Why is this family not blacklisted after so many of their maids complained of no wages and terrible work conditions?

Tan Sri or no Tan Sri, this family has brought shame to Malaysia in the eyes of Indonesians.

Headhunter: The employer’s Tan Sri title should be stripped away if he's guilty, not forgetting a substantial compensation, plus interest based on back wages.

The maid can happily agree to pay the RM500 upon receiving her back pay.

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