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YOURSAY | Karma hits Ismail Sabri’s '90pct govt' hard

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | It has failed twice – haphazard response to the pandemic and now this.

Frustration over govt's rescue response, 'publicity' visits boils over online

Anonymous 79: On Friday, Dec 17, the rain was really unusual. The rain started about 6pm-7pm, and it was like normal rain. But something weird happened. The rain kept on pouring until 10pm.

By 12am, my whole house was already flooded with sewage because the sewers had overflowed. That night, I couldn't sleep. I prayed to God, "Please stop the rain."

Because the incident happened so quickly, I couldn't save anything except for three raisin buns which were meant for breakfast. The next day, the rain continued. By this time, I began to panic and fear for the safety of my family.

During the night, the water level rose so high that I had to cut off the power supply for fear of short circuit. So, there was no power, no food and no water.

I called 999 at least three times and explained my situation, hoping I could get some help. To my surprise, the person on the phone told me: "Encik sudah banyak orang buat aduan" (Mister, many people have already made complaints).

I asked: "Encik, bolehkah awak beri saya cara penyelesaian?" (Mister, can you provide me with any solutions?). The person on the line didn’t seem to feel my pain and dread. And then, he put down the phone.

On that day, not a single police or Bomba personnel came to my area. Even if you have a four-wheel drive, the water level was so high that the vehicle wouldn’t be able to drive through.

Luckily, NGOs came and neighbours in my area helped one another. If not, my whole family would have died. On that Saturday morning, I didn't eat anything. I gave the three raisin buns to my children and wife.

It took two days for the water to recede. All my precious items and memories that came together with them are now full of mud.

Where was the government? You said you got 90 percent marks for your first 100 days. This is what you call a 90 percent performance?

I can't put my anger into words because my hate and resentment towards this government are very deep.

Those in the government only know how to put their face on social media and promote themselves. They never cared about us. Never.

Even foreigners and migrant workers are better than our government. At least, they gave the help that we needed.

Now all I wish is for Malaysians to get through this difficult time. For this government, I wish you will get the karma you deserve.

OCT: The government’s oversized cabinet, special envoys and advisors are living in a different world.

They watch the rakyat suffer on the live stream. Yet they did not raise a finger to help those suffering. Most of them have no empathy for the suffering rakyat.

There are lives lost due to the floods. Furniture, cars, books, TVs and household items, cooking utensils, to name a few, can be replaced but a life lost will not come back.

It is almost a week after the great flood. There still are rakyat waiting to be rescued and food to be delivered. How unprepared is the backdoor government?

From the Covid-19 pandemic to the present flood mess, the rakyat were unfortunate to have the same person manage both crises. He is none other than Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

He has no crisis management skills after seeing the mess he created with the many movement control orders (MCOs) and standard operating procedures (SOPs) during the Covid-19 pandemic. He made another mess in this flood crisis.

Unfortunately, the prime minister cannot be sacked for non-performance. What a pity.

Betul Malu Bukan Maluapa: Malaysia has 72 ministers and deputy ministers and the PM has three special advisors. And this is what the Sri Muda flood victims get?

This is not Keluarga Malaysia but Keluarga Perikatan Nasional... a bunch of rogue politicians headed by a PM who is best known for the failure of the Mara Digital Mall.

Karnak: You get what you voted for, I guess. Ismail sitting in a car like a boss and the finance minister in a boat.

What's sweeter? Having cameramen in tow to take PR shots of you or the public taking photos of you that went viral?

My picture of a politician that cares about the people? That photo of Hannah Yeoh in her get-down-to-work clothes, a backpack, her picture taken from the back and her hands on her hips. Very captionable. I bet she was thinking, "Where do we even start?!"

Newday: What is more repulsive? Seventeen vehicles in a convoy - most with dark tint windows together with traffic police, the PM waving out the window, or the PN propaganda boxes at the end?

My vote - the PN propaganda boxes, as the time it took to print the ugly mugshot on the boxes meant late supplies. What repulses me most is that in times of crisis, some advisors have decided that this is a great idea.

Where are the morals or ethics in any of those governing us or working behind the scenes? They are totally bereft of them.

Burn the boxes and make sure the flames are very hot. We need to exorcise these demons from our nation's soul.

Pak Pandir: The Malaysian government became a laughing stock for the world, judging by how they responded to natural disasters.

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Rina Harun wearing high heels to help flood victims was another comedian to cheer up the victims.

DoNotKnow: There are so many complaints now, but come election day, all of them will still vote the same government back into office. So, please stop wasting time complaining.

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