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YOURSAY | Blind obedience never turns out well, even for PAS

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Don’t ask questions even when money is missing.’

Trust PAS leaders and don't ask too many questions, Perak chief tells members

OCT: The statement from Perak PAS chief Razman Zakaria is the most stupid statement that I have ever read.

Not to question any leadership decision is akin to letting the leader have the key to your safe and if money is missing, not to ask questions.

This is not democracy anymore. PAS seems to be looking forward to having no more elections whereby PAS leaders will govern the country as they see fit.

The rakyat are not as foolish as PAS leaders. No one believes that there is no corruption among PAS leaders.

Some PAS leaders seem to be living beyond their pay grade and no democratic country in the world would disallow questions about their leaders.

The rakyat are smarter in these modern times, unlike when high priests held supreme and non-negotiable power.

Mazilamani: How very distantly right is Razman for asking Malaysians or supporters to trust PAS leaders.

We have already been doing it successfully and effectively with desirable results for the last two generations, producing a well-shepherded society rather than a thinking one.

Using God’s name, we have radicalised many to be just grateful, trustful, obedient and explicitly follow what is said without questioning or doubting. Can such a society survive against an ever progressive and advancing world?

We were once colonised by the Dutch, Portuguese and English, where we lost our freedom to think, speak and act, and that still continues under our elected leaders.

Where once the rulers were beneficiaries to a life of abundance of what the colonial masters gave them, the same is being insidiously offered to a particular sector of ‘charmed’ Malaysians. But for how long?

Frankly, our politicians, ruling or opposition, have no good intentions for Malaysians. We need Jokowi-type of leaders to take us forward by their selfless attitude, sacrifices and examples.

Clever Voter: PAS has a misplaced notion that they cannot be wrong and they should not be questioned. Indeed, if they have done everything right, they would not be questioned but applauded.

But PAS, despite its poor appeal to the constituents in the more advanced states, have returned with strong majorities in Kelantan and Terengganu.

PAS is no fool, they have cleverly positioned themselves to win a few privileges and material gains. They are no different from any of the self-serving and dishonest politicians that have swamped Parliament in recent years.

Noor M: Dear PAS supporters, just be cows and buffaloes. Please don’t ever think, you are not entitled to do so.

Your brain is for safekeeping. The mullah, the god-sent, will think of everything for you. Don’t question their hidayah (guidance).

The remaining Malays who use their brains will be finished if it were up to PAS.

JazliSalleh: We are neither blind nor deaf, Razman. Nobody should be given a blank cheque of trust. Especially if you're asking us to trust politicians.

Because of this blind trust towards all you politicians, we in Malaysia are in a total mess today. Corruption, abuse of power, rampant destruction of all the national institutions and agencies, deceiving the rakyat under the guise of religion.

Enough of this blind trust.

GrayPuffin9604: On the contrary, quite the opposite should be the norm. We don't know many things, so the best way to learn or discover is to ask many questions.

One question that should be asked, for example, is how a silly person becomes a leader. The answer is probably because the followers never questioned the leader’s actions and motives.

Blueshark1548: Pardon those of us who may not understand PAS. You are a party headed by clerics, your followers are not to question you and just follow instructions issued by your leaders?

PAS is a party that aspires to lead the nation. So, are the rest of us to follow without questioning too? So when you are in power, would the constitution and our laws be changed so that your actions cannot be questioned?

Sealthedeal: PAS is an outstanding example of dangerous autocratic idiocy. Dumbing down the masses might work in the states where PAS has dominated due to the lack of real education and stimulus but it won't work anywhere else.

Their whole philosophy is corrupt. They are a real danger to ethnic and religious harmony in Malaysia and must be defeated, and their constituents educated that there is a much better way to pull themselves out of poverty than to listen to this religious autocratic rubbish.

YourCannotBeSerious: Don't ask questions, just trust your leaders while they take bribes, steal Tabung Haji money, take all senior positions in government-linked companies even if they are incompetent, use religion to keep you from progressing, give you sub-standard education to stifle your future.

Yes, do trust your leaders completely.

My Brother Did It: This is a common stand of deluded dictators and megalomaniacs hungry with power and money. Ten people cannot decide for a country of 30 million. That’s what Taliban and the caliphate clowns wanted. How did that go?

The party belongs to the grassroots. Party leaders should not get too big-headed after being elected.

Citizen: This reminds me of the song from ‘Jungle Book’ where the snake Kaa sings a lullaby to Mowgli “trust in me" while planning to gobble up Mowgli.

Anyone who trusts these people needs their heads examined. Trust them indeed.

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