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YOURSAY | It’s only public interest when convenient for Muhyiddin

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Was it public interest when you helped bring down the Harapan govt?’

Quit govt? Muhyiddin says Bersatu acting in public, national interest

Jam: Former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin, if you and your cohorts have allowed Pakatan Harapan to govern for five years without sabotaging the coalition and let the rakyat decide whether to kick out or retain Harapan after its five-year term, we would not be in this mess.

We would have stability, investor confidence, and we would have better people in charge.

We would have shown to the world how the rakyat got rid of the kleptocrats through democratic means and earned the respect of the foreign investors and the world community.

But Dr Mahathir Mohamad and you, and the rest of the Malay rights groups, could not accept eight non-Malay ministers among the 25-plus ministers, even though they were there to serve the nation. And only for five years.

Malaysia and the Malays deserve today all the pain of ineffective government and the ravages of Covid-19. This resulted in the loss of foreign investors and jobs and high inflation.

Please don't try to sound noble, you are just another scum working in the pursuit of power, personal glory and wealth.

MalaysianSatay: “At the same time, he (Muhyiddin) said the Johor elections would be an opportunity for voters in the state to consider whether they want to continue being associated with corrupt leaders from BN, including from the ‘court cluster’.”

Muhyiddin, you always say this. Yet you are associated with them. How to take you seriously when you do the exact opposite of what you say?

What public interest? Was it public interest when you helped bring down the elected government?

Dr Raman Letchumanan: Muhyiddin, I see your dilemma in not quitting the government as it may trigger a general election.

But if you read the Constitution, the prime minister will only be forced to advise the Agong to dissolve Parliament and make way for a general election if he loses majority support from MPs.

However, quitting government posts will not result in a GE. In fact, with fewer ministers/deputies, the government will be more efficient. Just quit all government positions but pledge support for the PM as MPs.

Then we will truly believe you are a principled man who cares for the rakyat and not government positions and money.

Heck, you may even beat Umno in Johor for placing the rakyat first. Let's see how principled you are.

Clever Voter: Muhyiddin is so out of touch. Either he is insensitive or not advised accordingly.

He ‘stole’ the people's choice, used taxpayers' money to fill up his bloated cabinet, deprived Parliament of transparency, failed massively in the handling of the Covid pandemic, misled the Agong, joined with undesirable parties to do unthinkable things, and the list goes on.

If these actions are for national interest, then the public must be dumb, deaf or blind.

FairMalaysian: Muhyiddin probably thought that his Bersatu could gobble up Umno, which was at its weakest then.

According to his "scheme of things", his dream was to "buy" over elected representatives, mainly from Umno. Maybe he forgot that "man proposes, God disposes".

Despite being out in the cold after being sacked by the then government and Umno, Harapan graciously gave him and his party a platform and received the support of non-Malays.

What kind of man would forget that and despise them by saying he wanted to be with those who wanted a Malay government?

All for what? To be the PM?

Although his party won fewer seats than PKR and DAP, he still got the plum home minister's post. PKR and DAP even allowed a "flying minister" to be part of the cabinet despite his continuous attacks on non-Malays.

Well, Muhyiddin has now been relegated by non-Malays to Mahathir's isolation club. This is a warning to Umno. Clean up the party and institute reforms, not the phoney ones.

It may be able to form a government, but it will be haunted if it treats non-Malays shabbily, like it used to do those days. This country belongs to all Malaysians.

This talk of ‘ketuanan Melayu’ (Malay supremacy) and being greedy and selfish will destroy Umno. As much as the undoing of Muhyiddin has been PAS, hopefully, Umno does not tread that same path.

DjaromMas: Indeed, Muhyiddin's Sheraton Move, his betrayal of Harapan, marrying BN-Umno and PAS (GE14 losers), the unelected government with its bloated half-past-six cabinet, the many DNAAs (discharged not amounting to acquittal court cases, mainly corruption-related), the unwarranted emergency declaration, the suspension of the Parliament and more, and yet they were all for the public and national interest?

You are a triple traitor to the rakyat and the nation!

Emperor Nasi Goreng: Excellent spin, kawan (friend). You were the man who brought on the Sabah elections right in the middle of the Delta variant outbreak, which triggered many clusters just for your greed for power.

If you are so concerned about this Omicron wave in Johor, just sit out of the elections and let Harapan and BN fight it out. You jokers are unbelievable.

WhiteMoose0037: Muhyiddin, you and Azmin Ali caused the situation we are in with your Malay and Islamic policies to win the Malay votes. It serves you right. It does not make any difference if you trigger (GE15) as it will only speed your downfall.

You formed the mega cabinet and dished out positions to whoever was willing to support you at the cost of taxpayers’ money. You caused the emergency and the near-collapse of the economy.

We have no regard for you and Azmin. Now you are pinning the blame on DAP, PKR and perhaps Israel, too, if that is convenient for you.

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