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YOURSAY | Kit Siang does not need a RM100m mansion

This article is 3 years old

YOURSAY | ‘For Lim, his good name well-earned is rather to be chosen than great riches.’

Rais: Kit Siang deserves respect and recognition

Vijay47: First of all, Dewan Negara president Rais Yatim, let me salute and compliment you on your suggestion that Lim Kit Siang be given some recognition for this warrior's long service to the nation.

I am sure you mean well, that you see Lim as a worthy opponent to be honoured even if you and countless others had crossed swords with him on the floor of the august House or anywhere else where he had to fight the good fight.

Sincere as the gesture is, Lim will graciously turn it down. What would the value of being a ‘Tun’ or a RM100 million mansion be to him? Trinkets that only the cheapest politicians would lust for.

For 56 of 81 years, Lim managed happily without being burdened with such a yoke, even when he was incarcerated in Kamunting. I can think of numerous others fully qualified for such an award – no, I don't mean the Tun title or the RM100 million palace, I am referring to that stay at Kamunting.

Lim has everything an honourable man can yearn for, his head is anointed, truly his cup runneth over – a loving family by his side, respect and affection from an entire grateful Malaysia. Anything else would pale in comparison.

For Lim, his good name well-earned is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

The Wakandan: It is touching to hear this tribute for Lim from an Umno man, Rais. They are at the opposite ends of the spectrum, but it is good to hear Rais' magnanimity in acknowledging Lim's role in Malaysian politics.

For all of their adversarial political stance, they are still colleagues in the Parliament. After all are said and done, they still can see the friendship that exists between them.

I agree that Lim should deserve honour and recognition for his role and service in Malaysian politics.

P Dev Anand Pillai: What a change of tune when one announces retirement from politics.

Perhaps Rais should tell this to his beloved (Umno) party members who had always termed ‘saudara’ Lim as a 'communist' to the Malay masses when they were on their ceramah circuits and canvassing for votes during elections.

Rewards and awards had never been the goal of the stalwarts of DAP. Lim has done the right thing.

It is now up to the younger members of the DAP to lead the way for an equal Malaysia, not a nation that is content in treating its citizens as premier citizens and lesser citizens based on race and religion.

Anonymous9483: Rais made a good point. The opposition has a very important role to play in any democratic politics. It is a huge dishonour to the nature of our democracy if long-serving opposition leaders are not recognised simply because they are from the other camp.

Lim is not perfect. No one is. But this man has devoted more than 50 years of his life to working for the betterment of the country.

Say what you may about Rais or Lim, but I think in this instance one has made a valid point and another deserves his due recognition.

BusinessFirst: Lim will not be offered any honours and if offered, will be given minor ones except maybe from Selangor, Penang and Negeri Sembilan, which at present are still controlled by the opposition.

Why? Because the DAP has been demonised for decades by the power apparatus as being anti-Malay, anti-Islam, communists and racists. To honour him with a ‘Tun’ will undermine this narrative.

Apa Ini: Tun Lim? It won't happen, and no need to happen. Leaders like Lim and the late Karpal Singh know they have dedicated their lives to Malaysians, and their legacy is in the continued fight for a better Malaysia.

Why join all those with Tun and Tan Sri titles when so many of them are corrupt and dishonourable? Just look at the present and undeniable examples in the 'court cluster' in BN. Thanks but no thanks, Rais.

Sanakyan: People like Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh who value integrity, principles and honesty worked for the people and the country without any thought of being awarded honorifics or even a golden handshake on retiring from politics.

This is unlike the court cluster politicians with grand honorifics such as Najib Abdul Razak and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who have amassed millions under the guise of serving the nation and the rakyat.

Some of these shameless politicians even demand to be given a property to the amount of RM100 million regardless of how much they had allegedly looted. Would Lim want to be associated with such scums of society?

ScarletViper9930: What Rais said is true, the opposition is also part of the government institution in Malaysia.

Opposition MPs perform a very important function as check and balance in the democratic process, and deserving ones should be honoured. For too long, they have been viewed as the enemies of the ruling government, and that concept should be done away with.

I am afraid titles in Malaysia have come to mean something else other than honour and service above self. And you do a disservice to Lim to lump him together with the likes of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Najib, etc, with their super-long titles.

Lim has survived so long and well without them, and I want to remember him as one who serves Malaysia honestly and wholeheartedly without the motivation of recognition or reward. His name is enough to command respect.

WhiteIguana0272: Indeed, if there is any politician in Malaysia who deserves recognition, it is Lim Kit Siang. He is selfless and humble and the only thing that mattered to him is the make Malaysia a great country.

Contrast this with our political oligarchs who are always on the lookout to make a buck (more like millions) with their fancy cars and designer suits and watches, with no regard for the office that they hold.

MS: The commendations from Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz and now Rais are welcome. If only they had spoken up when Lim was unfairly attacked and smeared by the lies propagated by ‘Tanda Putera’ - a third-rate film by a third-rate director

I guess this is a case of better late than never.

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