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YOURSAY | Harapan, reject Bersatu to give voters a clear choice

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Most Harapan voters are still spiteful of the traitors…’.

Accepting Bersatu different from accepting Malacca defectors - Loke

PW Cheng: Sometimes you just wonder why ordinary people can see what politicians cannot when it can be as plain as a pikestaff. This goes for even some very seasoned politicians like PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

The defections of the two frogs to PKR and Amanah during the Malacca state election is a shining example. Pakatan Harapan, which always relied on good governance and integrity for its political survival, was given a slap after the two lost their respective seats.

Needless to say, most voters who voted for Harapan are spiteful of the traitors from Bersatu. You will only gain more spite and resentment from the same voters if you work with them again.

Stay away from them as far as possible. It’s better to fight the battle without these turncoats who will be more of a liability than an asset. Better to lose a battle with honour than to die with the stench of traitors.

Only those with flawed thinking will vote for these traitors. If they can betray the government when they are part of it, it’s not too far-fetched to think they can also betray the country.

Justice: Why doesn’t Harapan just fight the 15th general election (GE15) on their own so that voters have a very clear choice - either vote Harapan for reforms or Bersatu, BN, and Perikatan Nasional (PN) which will continue the plunder of our country and interfere with our institutions?

Working with Bersatu, Pejuang, and Warisan should be out of the question for Harapan. The two latter parties, in any case, are on the way to extinction.

PinkCougar9549: PKR and Amanah have no strategic plan to revive their party to be more acceptable to voters again, so they are looking for alliances in all directions because they themselves have lost their own direction.

It's not difficult to rebuild each party because a good post-mortem of the current situation plus knowledge of events from the past two years will definitely produce whatever action plans are required.

Either they are lazy to think or can’t think effectively.

PKR has its vice-president Rafizi Ramli, who is a thinker and planner, perhaps coming back, but what does Amanah plan to do?

Form an action plan to succeed in GE15, then execute it between now and the election. Don’t wait for the Parliament to dissolve before you start planning. It would mean you plan to fail.

Rafizi is smart. He has started campaigning for his party’s deputy president’s post and already attacking BN and PN.

If he is able to win back five percent of Malay votes to Harapan, it would turn the table again.

Malays are smarter voters now. They will support Harapan rather than the racist-robber group but Harapan must demonstrate a concrete plan to revive the country’s economy and reforms - a plan with a time frame attached.

Dummies Dhimmi: This country as a whole has failed most of the rakyat for years. We have come to terms with not expecting anything from the government except the inconvenience of their “rakyat last” methodology.

Right now, I will accept any coalition other than PAS and Umno, simply to stop the extremists from dividing the rakyat with false pretences, and put away those who have robbed us so grievously.

Let’s form a bloc that can act speedily to send them back to where they came from and stop the slippery court cluster from getting away.

Put DAP and Amanah in the mix for check and balance. The rest of what the rakyat sorely needs will be a work in progress.

Anti Racist: Harapan must work together with Bersatu no matter what it takes.

As you can see, Umno and BN are corrupted to the core. Look at Umno and what they are resorting to doing to be back in power. Unscrupulous, unprincipled, and unconcerned with the consequences of their actions to the rakyat.

Voting for the lesser devil is much better than voting in the Bossku devils.

Coward: The only way to accept Bersatu is if there is a change in its leadership and the new leadership demonstrates that it can be trusted. This is not possible before the next election.

Hello: Once Harapan had a whiff of the sweet taste in government, it can't let go of this aroma. All this talk of a "big tent" is in furtherance of it getting back in government.

It has forgotten its days as an opposition coalition and not thinking as an opposition entity. It should be pointed out that Pejuang and Bersatu were the cause of the downfall of the Harapan government.

Harapan must give assurances to its supporters and constituents that it will never be in any "big tent' talks with these two Brutus.

Anonymous_47029368: I think the whole split of Bersatu from Harapan then was partly because PKR wanted Anwar to be prime minister even though he did not have the majority support of all elected MPs within the ruling coalition.

So now, make sure any new alliance formed does not make the same old mistake, only to be exploited by the Umno court cluster again.

MS: Good one, DAP leader Anthony Loke.

And while you are considering getting into bed with former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Bersatu, do take the time from your busy schedule to warn your Indian members to ready themselves for another set of LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) charges.

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