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YOURSAY | Perhaps the 'ghosts' made him do it

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | 'Nobody should mistreat a fellow human being the way Ningrat was mistreated.'

Domestic worker cries abuse, ex-boss claims ‘ghosts’ involved

Envoy will seek justice for domestic worker accused of being possessed

Vijay47: An Indonesian maid alleges that her employer abused and ill-treated her, and has not paid her salary for four years.

Her employer denies the allegations and claims that the maid is possessed – this from a person who apparently described himself as ‘Prof Dato Sri Dr’.

The employer adds that bruises on the maid were the products of make-up. It is not known whether, like the boy in ‘The Sixth Sense’, the employer sees dead people.

The Indonesian ambassador immediately picks up the case and interviews the maid. He is seen in a T-shirt and sandals, sitting on the steps of a house, listening to the maid. He does not mince his words, warning that he “will fight the case until justice prevails”.

Meanwhile, Malaysian Human Resources Minister M Saravanan is nowhere to be seen. It is also not known whether he sees dead people.

A flashback, like in the movies, will reveal that until recently, Malaysia would strut about as an international force, sneering at Indonesia, a poor nation reduced to exporting maids and labourers. Cut to the present, it shows Indonesia surging forward while Malaysia has taken to exporting corruption.

A certain local university produces about 400 PhDs a year, an undisputed world record. Only in Malaysia, folks, only in Malaysia.

GreenMoose6943: Indonesian ambassador to Malaysia Hermono is doing a fantastic job protecting Indonesian foreign workers.

I agree with his action to provide support to the victims and take legal action against the abusive employers.

Perhaps Indonesia should completely stop sending their domestic workers to Malaysia. Let’s see who needs who more?

Koel: These monster employers need to be blacklisted and authorities must ensure that a database is maintained so that they cannot carry on abusing domestic workers.

The embassy now has 393 abuse cases involving Indonesian workers. How many more victims are there involving workers from other countries and why are their embassies keeping silent and not doing their part?

It looks like the more titles and education, the more low-class their behaviour.

Anonymous_15897060865429524: The treatment of one’s maid is a litmus test of a person's character.

Many people might appear upstanding and nice outwardly. They are well-educated. Some are even from high society. They portray a gentle demeanour within their social circle.

But when they have power and control over another human being in the privacy of their home, their true demented nature is revealed.

No one is watching, so they show their true colours. These demented creatures should be exposed and held to account.

I don't only blame the abuser. I also blame the recruitment agency. They ‘sold’ the workers off and washed their hands off it.

Mazilamani: Abused maid Ningrat was treated no better than a slave. Anyone treated less than a human being will show signs of aggressiveness and unintelligible blabbering.

Nobody has the right to mistreat a fellow human being the way Ningrat was mistreated.

PW Cheng: I can only conclude that the ‘Prof Dato Sri Dr’, fake titles or otherwise, is spinning to save his skin.

When a person is inflicted with anguish, mental torture and physical abuse, that person can react strangely and become hysterical. She was not possessed by ‘hantu’, as claimed by her employer.

Many of these Datuks, Datuk Seris and Tan Sris are making use of such titles, hoping to beget immunity against all these heinous crimes.

In Singapore, an Indonesian maid Parti Liyani brought down the rich and powerful in a court of law. When she was acquitted of a crime cooked up by her ex-employer, Liew Mun Leong, he had to resign as chairperson of Changi Airport Group.

Here, the Tan Sris and Datuk Seris appear to be well-protected from their acts of malfeasance.

Mishmash37: This is a classic case of modern-day slavery. If indeed his titles are legitimate, then those institutions need to re-examine their values for bestowing such titles on this sorry excuse of a human being.

Friends and relatives of this person should speak up. This kind of behaviour rarely goes unnoticed, but everyone's just too 'polite' to speak up for the abused maid.

To the journalists covering this, please continue to highlight such abuses so they don't get swept under the rug. Keep up the good (and brave) work that you do.

BobbyO: She worked for a decade in the Middle East, which is closer to the holy land, and there is no news about so-called ghosts.

Here is a learned professor who complains about the maid possessed by so many spirits. It looks like they only emerge in this country.

Are there former employers who raised this issue about this maid being possessed? If not, then it raises a serious issue about the integrity of this so-called professor and his accusations.

Harimau1: It's outright shameful. It looks like it's the employer who is possessed, not the maid. No one in their right mind would treat another human being like that.

People who abuse their maids should be given exemplary punishment. Back wages must be 10 times more than what is owed, just like overdue taxes.

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