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YOURSAY | Yes, there’s a dress code but make it practical

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘This is not about licentiousness; it is about inclusivity.’

PSD defends dress code, says it's in line with Rukun Negara

The Wakandan: The Public Service Department (PSD) has a skewed understanding of what Malaysia is. They are obviously basing it on their own interpretation.

Malaysia is basically still a multiracial, multi-religious country. However, the PSD is pushing their ‘values’ down everybody’s throats. The example of the dress code is one of the many instances where they do that.

As mentioned by commenters here, the requirements are so impractical. Who is going to renew one's driving licence or see a doctor at a government clinic wearing a business suit?

The guideline should be the normal attire that Malaysians wear.

The people who come out with the dress code have no clue what they really want. There is no plan, no precision. I don't mind the dress code but this is madness.

These people need to have their heads examined but probably they are left to their own element to come out with personal interpretations. They are little Napoleons.

However, this is the way they impose their power on others by controlling what others do. From dictating how one dresses to what one eats and to the language one uses.

They want all these to happen until they believe that the country becomes the Malaysia they want.

Well, dear PSD, that is not Malaysia. There is still freedom of religion, freedom in what we eat, and freedom in what we wear. You are not the sole keeper of virtue or righteousness.

PinkMarlin6024: PSD director-general Mohd Shafiq Abdullah should be addressing the deplorable services of government departments as witnessed by the recent horrendous incident at the Immigration Department.

Let us not get into insignificant issues like how your customers dress up, especially in a multiracial society. This is tantamount to moral policing.

Courtesy and morality as enshrined in the Rukun Negara is not about dressing. Rather, it basically means being polite and having the quality of being upright and honest.

Public Transit Is Better Than Highways: Why are people trying to interpret the Rukun Negara as if it is binding law applicable to everyone? Rukun Negara never has been meant to be binding upon all Malaysians.

Because if it is, corrupt politicians and government officers would be the first in line to be punished because of their lack of respect for the rule of law.

In any case, I don’t know why they’re trying to justify the dress code so much. No matter how well dressed I am, their service is still crappy and slow, with online services mediocre at best, non-functioning at worst, which necessitates a visit to a physical branch anyway.

Even as they cite examples like Japan, Australia, and the UK, do you hear of people barred from receiving government services because of the way they’re dressed in the countries mentioned? Their civil service is way more resilient, responsive, and reactive than our PSD.

If they can focus on legitimate complaints rather than be in denial about the dress code, then maybe people wouldn’t mind so much about the dress code.

OCT: The PSD must realise that the dress code notification is an advisory.

It is very different from the dress code for its staff. The dress code for PSD staff is part of the terms and conditions for employment which the staff has signed on before joining.

Staff can be dismissed for non-compliance. However, there is no contract between the PSD and the rakyat that following the dress code is a must before service can be rendered.

Yes, all countries do have dress codes but for their staff, not for counter services.

MerdekaMerdekaMerdeka: PSD, doesn't ‘courtesy and morality’ encompass respecting the rights of others and keeping away from infringing on their freedom of expression?

By virtue of that, are you not in contradiction with the Rukun Negara yourself by imposing your “dress code for visitors to government offices”?

Set more productive priorities. Try selecting any 10 published general line, hotline, customer service, helpline, or customer support contact lines of random government departments.

Call the numbers during off-peak hours, never mind about peak hours, and see how many are answered within the first few rings or if the call is answered at all.

GrayPanda9123: So, you want to wear shorts to government offices? Like going to pasar malam (night market) or wet market? Are you ladies going to the offices to get things done or show off your thighs?

Please, be reasonable and respect others too. I fully support the dress code. It is about time.

Koel: This is a classic example of virtue signalling. According to their logic, people are clamouring to strut around naked. This is not about licentiousness; it is about inclusivity.

It is easier to make all who criticise the dress code into some perverted, anarchic rebels, out to disrupt society. So, you have to create a "them vs us" scenario where "them" represents forces of chaos and "us" represents kesopanan (virtuosity).

Let go of your need to create enemies of the people and you will find that people are asking you not to dictate unreasonable and stifling forms of dress.

Start to understand that Malaysians are asking for dignity and respect. You are not the only one with some special knowledge of what good behaviour means.

And don’t talk down to people. That only shows your limited understanding of human beings. You come across as the ignorant one.

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