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YOURSAY | PKR torn over the fabric of ‘big tent’

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Wan Azizah, are you sure you want the big tent?’

'Big tent': Wan Azizah non-committal while Akmal opposes

GreenHawk6489: Forget about ‘big tent’ concept, just focus and plan what you can do that benefits the rakyat.

If you don't have enough MPs after GE15, then only start to negotiate with other parties to form the government. Don't worry about other political parties winning before GE15.

Do not be held ransom by other political parties for the ‘big tent’ concept before GE15. After GE15, they may change their mind and leave you stranded. Once is enough for Pakatan Harapan.

WhitePony9855: Having a ‘big tent’ to stop Umno from marching to Putrajaya is good but not when the tent is filled with people without dignity, integrity or credibility.

With Bersatu, Pejuang and even Warisan, there is a chance for the big-tent proponents to win Putrajaya, but who is to say Bersatu and Pejuang won't repeat what they did in February 2020?

It is clear that Bersatu and Pejuang want to rid Umno of the court cluster and then merge their parties into a new Umno. If that is the case, it might as well that Harapan remain a strong and relevant opposition.

OrangePanther1466: The term ‘big tent’ is just terminology. PKR is arguably the biggest party in the opposition bench and its president is the "opposition leader". Isn't his job to corral or align the opposing forces to challenge the incumbent government come GE15?

PKR adviser Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was right when she said no need to "take down" the big tent.

Evaluate the situation first, then come up with a strategy on how to engage and harness the other opposition forces against the incumbent.

In other words, the ‘big tent’ will be your creation and you make it what you want it to be. Just remember, the PKR president is also the opposition leader. So please "lead" the opposition, Sir.

BlueFish0451: No big tent, please. Wan Azizah is too nice and too forgiving. That's why she could even work with someone who had thrown her husband into jail and put her family through years of traumatising hardship.

Now, she is willing to work with traitors under the big tent? No way. We, the rakyat, have a say. We will burn your big tent down as we are not as forgiving as you are.

Coward: The ‘big tent’ concept as it is today stinks of patronage, undeserved government positions and politicians reaping the spoils of being in government at the expense of the electorate. It cannot continue in its current form.

Neither can PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli's supposed ‘no tent’ approach is the correct one.

Some sort of tent is needed, one based on shared principles and objectives that the electorate can accept and look up to. Whatever it is called is up to the ‘tent’ participants to decide.

Undecided: We have to teach those politicians who betray our trust a lesson. This country cannot progress with top politicians who are so morally corrupt.

Burying differences to unite against Umno/BN in GE14 was a laudable act as it was to prevent kleptocracy at its worst.

Forgiving those politicians who helped to defeat BN but who betrayed the rakyat subsequently is not a good move as it does give the impression that all politicians are the same - they just want power but not the responsibility that comes with it.

The rakyat are tired of self-serving and greedy politicians who have lost their moral compass.

GE15: PKR to contest all seats it won, negotiate for more with Harapan allies

Hmmmmmmmm: If Harapan's aim is to win the next GE, then PKR should not be allowed to contest more seats than what they won the last GE.

Some seats which they lost marginally (say by less than 10%) can be considered to be given to them but no more than that.

Give some seats to other parties who have good chances of winning and want to join Harapan. PKR should not spread their resources too thinly and end up losing most of the seats.

Forget about wanting to be the biggest party. Your aim should be about winning and nothing else. It's just like a game of football. There's no point putting many of your mates in the team if they can't play.

Better to put in only your best players and get the rest from outside your group to strengthen your team. When the team wins, you also win.

IndigoTrout2522: It is fair that each component party will contest in seats that they won in the 14th general election (GE14).

After that, each must earnestly evaluate the chances of winning in other seats. If the chances of winning are low, give those seats to other opposition parties to contest. This is especially so for PKR.

In past elections, they showed their greed to contest more seats than the others even though they were weak and likely to lose.

Hopefully, they will stop being greedy and arrogant and start looking at the bigger picture. Losing more seats only weaken the opposition. You must avoid competing against each other.

Anonymousl: Negotiating for more seats? PKR will probably lose many seats currently held. Its most important and immediate task is to clean up its own house. Stop all the infightings.

If the dismal performance of PKR in the recent state elections is of any indication, talking about getting more seats is not going to help PKR in this coming GE.

In fact, it is going to waste seats which otherwise could be won by other coalition members.

Drngsc: Politics and general elections are not about how many seats you can win and how strong you are.

Please think about what is good for the country. Let us all work for Malaysia.

Please grow up, PKR. It is not about PKR or its president Anwar Ibrahim. It is for the progress of Malaysia, away from corruption and towards a high-income country.

Fed Up 3583: Kaki bodek-ing (brown-nosing) and overconfidence will be the downfall of PKR. Go to the ground and tell the rakyat that our country is gravely ill economically due to corrupt, self-serving and greedy politicians.

Tell the rakyat that they should be responsible for the betterment of the country and its people, and in the coming GE15 choose wisely.

The future of the country and their descendants depends on them. Tell them it's serious and we are on the brink of bankruptcy.

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