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YOURSAY | Don’t expect Hadi to be nabbed for racist comments

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘What if people had reacted and taken matters into their hands?’

Take action against Hadi, TI-M urges authorities

Ipohcrite: Whenever the non-Malays, non-Muslims and opposition parties like DAP say something critical of the government, Muslims or the ruling party, immediately police reports are lodged and the authorities would jump into action even though there isn't a fig leaf of evidence.

In this case, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang had clearly said something unfair, insulting and derogatory about non-Malays and non-Muslims.

Maybe it's time to charge Hadi for sedition or under the very same laws that others were charged with. So, please go after him. Do not discriminate.

ScarletTrout6684: Siti Nuramira Abdullah was charged under Section 298A(1)(a) of the Penal Code for causing disharmony, disunity, or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill-will, or prejudicing the maintenance of harmony or unity, on the grounds of religion.

If found guilty, she can be sentenced to a jail term of two to five years.

Dear PDRM (Royal Malaysia Police), please exercise your powers against Hadi, just like what you had done with the woman who was at the centre of the Crackhouse Comedy Club case.

Let's not practise double standards.

MS: If one were to say Muslims and bumiputera are “roots for corruption”, PDRM and MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission) would have jumped into action faster than you can say ‘Keluarga Malaysia’.

Police reports would be lodged by ‘NGOs’ across the country and all Malay parties would have started stirring the pot and call for a jihad.

Since it was Hadi, and he has a licence to incite because of his ‘ketuanan’, no such action will be taken because only non-Muslims and non-bumiputeras are offended.

Mazilamani: It is the poor response or inaction of the relevant enforcement departments that is causing racial tension and rift in this country.

Hadi, as a national leader of a political party, in particular an Islamic party, should have refrained from making such divisive comments. What if people had reacted to the comment and taken matters into their hands?

Please stop all this cheap politics just because the general election is around the corner. This is a very fragile and sensitive time for the economic and political scenario in our country and things can easily get out of hand.

Politicians must be careful about what they say and not play to the gallery.

There was another unprovoked and unfounded statement by a senior member of Umno that hurt a particular community.

Why the sudden focus on racial politics? Have these got anything to do with the ongoing case of a particular politician?

Apanama Is Back: Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) president Muhammad Mohan, PAS’ days are numbered.

Therefore, do not waste your time and our time making all these reports to the police and the MCMC.

Yes, what Hadi uttered is wrong and racist, but we know he will be a nobody once the PAS is wiped out in the 15th general election, perhaps except in Kelantan.

Muhammad Mohan, if not for this backdoor maneuverer, Hadi would not be talking all this nonsense. So, save your statement for better things. Do not waste time on these types of people.

He is an attention seeker. Ignoring him is the best thing we can do.

GreenCheetah0027: I may have missed it, but I don't seem to have read about iconic Muslim leaders from the "opposition" coming out to comment on Hadi's remarks, such as the likes of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli, Amanah president Mohamad Sabu or PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar.

A "political nobody" like Muhammad Mohan has stolen the thunder from these "opposition" leaders.

This is one of those golden opportunities for aspiring leaders of the country to come out to publicly show their calibre, to show that they will not tolerate irresponsible comments from any politicians that pit the rakyat against one another.

If they are still drafting their public statements, better be quick. If they want people to vote for them, they should show courage in dealing with such issues.

Moontime: I dare the government to take action against Hadi. Charge and put him in the dock. We’ll see how he will stumble, blabber and contradict himself over and over again trying to defend his malicious statement.

I think it’s time for him to retire from politics and leave it to the younger generation. He’s done enough damage already.

RR: This is election time. So Hadi, as usual, is playing his political game using minority races and non-Muslims to secure votes from the majority Malay race.

I hope all voters will be aware of his game plan this time. Arresting or charging Hadi would be to his advantage to secure sympathy votes.

BlueZebra9479: I wholly agree that Hadi's statement is racist and potentially seditious.

This is how disharmony begins. An influential leader says something which is then picked up blindly by his unthinking followers.

Such people will always play the race and religion cards because there are many who will give blind allegiance whenever these two cards are used.

JazliSalleh: Hadi is not a good Muslim. He hasn't got any traits of a good Muslim. Whatever comes out of his mouth is often hurtful and shameful.

I apologise to all non-Muslims on behalf of Muslims for his hurtful comments.

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