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YOURSAY | 'The moral decrepitude in Umno is beyond belief'

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | 'Zahid is clearly fighting to save himself from imprisonment.'

In special address, Zahid pushes for immediate GE and Najib’s pardon

Zahid: Hold GE15 soon or BN may lose election

YellowRusa5552: It’s pretty obvious. Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi knows this is the only window of opportunity left to reach the zenith of power in Putrajaya or to rot in the abyss of hell called Bamboo River; and to him, this is a do-or-die mission.

He is now fighting for former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak's pardon and freedom as a proxy for his own freedom and route to power.

His speech on Saturday was nothing but to try to instigate all Umno warlords to stand by him and Najib, and when he becomes PM, Umno will be the law and will dispense the rule of law as it sees fit.

Needless to say, promises of positions of power and wealth to the rest of them will be the order of the day.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Zahid, I beg your pardon. Are you saying that a man, who has been found guilty and sentenced for one of the worst heists in the world, should get a pardon?

As president of the party ruling a democratic country, you are undermining the very foundations upon which Malaysia was founded and built.

You, who are facing 47 criminal charges, are in no position to make any demands of an impeccable judiciary that is now the only hope the rakyat has against excesses by your ilk.

It reflects the base thinking and lack of a proper education in your lot. If you are re-elected to power, it’s shame on every voter that ticked Umno/BN on the ballot paper.

To call you, Mr President, “a national disgrace” would be an understatement. You are a danger and a serious threat to “bangsa, agama dan negara” (race, religion and country).

Vent: The moral decrepitude in Umno is beyond belief.

Let's leave Zahid alone. He's clearly fighting to save himself from imprisonment, which seems unlikely as his charges stand and as long as the judiciary continues to be independent.

But just imagine a thousand-odd Malay Malaysians are actually calling for the pardon of a leader who has betrayed the trust of other Malays by amassing phenomenal wealth at their expense, stolen our future and besmirched the name of a country known for better things.

If this is not immorality, what is?

Kawak: All this cock and bull story of having an early election is for the benefit of all races is full of deceit.

The trio of Umno-Bersatu-PAS with the help of the treacherous Azmin Ali's gang toppled the Pakatan Harapan government and stole the rakyat's mandate.

These rogues used race and religion to justify the infamous Sheraton Move. Umno then played out Bersatu to grab the PM post.

With such devious and unscrupulous behaviour, whatever justifications to have an early general election is a big bluff.

The ‘court cluster’ is in a panic state after Najib was jailed. Zahid knows he is next to go in.

Hrrmph: There are very few persons in this world who can match the greed of some of our ministers. They take and they take, not one million, not 10 million, but hundreds of million, billions, and they want some more.

How much can one person spend in their lifetime? Yet they take some more.

A poor person may steal to live another day. What excuse do these men have? They have many big houses, cars, jewellery by the bucket’s loads and money they cannot even begin to count, yet they want more.

Remember the stash of gold trinkets and cash found in Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor's residence? Why would anyone want so much?

Is that greed? Maybe not. At that level, it can only be described as a sickness. Like that of the hoarders who have no use for the rubbish they collect but cannot stop themselves from collecting it.

Whether greed or sickness, why do these Umno members support it? What standards of morality, secular or otherwise, approve of such behaviour?

Dr Raman Letchumanan: Zahid, if you sincerely want Umno to win, you should immediately step down as Umno president. Your reputation is being smeared through the courts daily.

In fact, I am even amazed you can show your face in public and issue public statements after all that Umno has done to the country. This is not a compliment.

And whoever inherits the government next is not going to have a walk in the park.

Under BN's rule, the country has been cleaned out. The retirement funds have been raided, and our national security system has been raped and made defenceless. So, it's not just the economy that is suffering.

If BN rules, we are sure to be the next Sri Lanka. If the opposition comes in, they may barely stop the rot, but it is going to be an uphill task.

But Umno's narrative is only they can protect the Malays, and PAS' narrative is just to pray, pray and pray while their leaders swim in the material wealth Umno offers.

Unfortunately, the majority believe them. Only when we are in the pits, they will realise. But then, it is too late.

Multi Racial: This shows Umno and its leadership have no respect for the nation’s law. They just want it their way.

Najib has been found guilty by our nation’s judiciary. He has to pay the price for his crime. He must serve his full 12-year sentence and pay his RM210 million fine. And if he is found guilty later on for the 1MDB and other crimes, he has to serve time for those as well.

I hope our nation’s rulers will be wise enough not to pardon Najib. Otherwise, we will be sending the wrong message to the world that Malaysia condones crimes by Umno politicians.

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