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YOURSAY | Hadi is in full panic mode

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | 'He is a toxic and desperate politician.'

Hadi: Many Harapan leaders are non-believers, immoral

Apanama is Back: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, you made a mistake here when you called Pakatan Harapan leaders "non-believers and immoral".

As a so-called Tuan Guru (religious teacher), you should know what was mentioned in the Quran. Let me remind you of one of the verses:

Surah Al-Hujurat 11: "O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them.

“And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one’s] faith. And whoever does not repent – then it is those who are the wrongdoers.”

Hadi, go and read these verses.

Dark Mars: It is true, Hadi. I am a non-believer in that I do not believe or have faith in your twisted words, but I do believe that there is the existence of the Almighty.

Many other true believers, including myself, are guided on the true path by His Wisdom.

If you truly are a believer, you will not twist the words of the Almighty because there is a reckoning in the afterlife.

Vijay47: I presume, Hadi, that you are not a Catholic. If you were, considering the piety and good morals you humbly profess to follow, I would have appealed to Pope Francis and I am sure he would not have hesitated in canonising you.

Since it is hardly likely that you understand the word, “canonising” is the admission of a holy person into sainthood. But alas, to you your religion, to me mine.

You have avowed, without taking any oath like other pious persons are wont to, that PAS will not form any partnership with Harapan.

Oh dear, I suppose this means that marriage is no more on the cards. You have supported your aversion to Harapan by quoting a litany of their sins and ill-ways; in fact, they seem to run afoul of almost every article in the Federal Constitution. It’s a miracle that they are not in Kajang Prison.

I must imagine that these failings by Harapan are of recent genesis, oops, because you did not display any such allergy while frolicking with them during a previous election.

You say that some people should be chased out because they do not appreciate what PAS has done. If I dare ask, what indeed has PAS done? Going by Kelantan’s miserable lot, not much, obviously.

Two last questions, sir. When you write articles of this nature, how do you manage to keep a straight face? And your disciples, are they able to keep from bursting into loud laughter? Assuming, of course, that laughter is not prohibited.

OCT: Religion is about the vision of the next world. Politics is about a vision for our children and grandchildren.

Malaysia is facing lots of real challenges, such as food security, ringgit depreciation, high living cost, human capital underdevelopment, corruption and last but not least, religious intolerance.

Now is the time to select the best party with the right, honest politicians with a clear vision to try to mitigate the problems that Malaysia faces.

It is a tall mountain to climb, but climb we must.

JusticeNow!: Hadi sounds like a broken record. Malaysians are trying to put three meals on the table and send their children to school, and what do this man and his party want to do?

Please enlighten us on how your "moral" leadership will help us. We have not heard anything useful from your party.

If you are so concerned for the hereafter, what improvement have you achieved in relation to the granting of quota for the millions of people waiting to perform their haj?

I remembered you were supposed to be the Middle East envoy, so please tell us. If you as a "moral" leader have not improved the people's livelihood now, and hereafter, then what are you talking about?

Iphonezours: Hadi, this is clearly a sign of great desperation. After tasting power at the federal level and the dismal performance of PAS ministers, which even the Malays have come to realise, Hadi knows too well that PAS has lost a lot of support.

To cling onto power, he is trying all means and ways - using religion, courting Umno by using the big ummah tent, degrading non-Muslims as the root cause of corruption, and now, this dumb statement about Harapan.

Malaysians are not dumb and can see your desperation. PAS is a threat to multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysia. It’s time to give them the boot.

Kawak: Hadi, it is so obvious that you and your PAS are in panic mode. Hadi knows the support for his party is waning. He and his MPs in the government are useless and contribute nothing to the nation. He could not get Umno to support his party.

Bersatu is shaky. So, to get Malay support he just has to play the racial card. In addition, he accused non-Muslims in the opposition as corrupt, having bad behaviour, being anti-Malay, anti-Muslim, anti-monarchy and anti the Constitution.

Hadi is really a toxic and desperate politician.

Cogito Ergo Sum: For how long will the authorities keep silent while this provocation goes on unabated? At best, he is only called in for a chat with curry puffs and teh tarik.

It’s quite obvious that he is being encouraged to covertly carry on his ranting to divide the rakyat before GE15. It will backfire because, to any reasonable person, his statements are seditious.

Koel: So, Hadi, is lying, deflection, hypocrisy and causing hatred against other believers considered moral and virtuous in your understanding?

The moment you show contempt, arrogance and disdain against another person's creed is also the moment you show weakness as a human and a believer of any faith.

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