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YOURSAY | Why is PAS silent on UN’s capitulation on Uyghurs?

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘It is strange most Muslim countries either opposed or abstained.’

Malaysia abstains in UN vote on China's Muslim Uyghurs

Amanah leader: Malaysia's abstention on Uyghur vote 'shameful'

Mazilamani: It is strange to note that most Muslim-majority countries either opposed or abstained from the UN vote to debate the issue of China’s Muslims (Uyghurs). This included Malaysia which abstained.

Why are PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and his Islamic party not saying much about the plight of Uyghur Muslims, who have suffered much under the Chinese authorities? We have known it for a long time that these people were rounded up, encamped and detained so as to undergo ''re-education''.

Even stranger is the fact the motion is being supported by Christian-majority nations in the West.

MarioT: Those so-called righteous Muslim countries dare not anger China so they either voted against the motion or abstained from it. China has become so powerful that it controls and dictates the direction of third-world countries.

Western nations have their own agendas but this vote puts the Muslim nations to shame for their selective criticisms and actions in the name of religion.

Proarte: Arab Palestinian citizens in Israel have equal rights and generally never opt to emigrate to Muslim countries who are quick to attack Israel's human rights record.

Contrast this with the widespread report of over a million Uyghurs who are Chinese citizens being sent to concentration camps to be rehabilitated from the "disease" of Islam and their traditional Uighur culture. There are even allegations of torture and murder.

The hypocrisy of Muslim nations and those economically beholden to China was seen in this recent UN vote.

It has given Israel a huge boost because its treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories will now be swept under the carpet by previously vociferous Muslim nations who voted in favour of China or who abstained.

Next time there is a vote on Israel's human rights record, the votes by Muslim countries against Israel will ring hollow because they betrayed their fellow Muslims in China despite the widespread allegations of anti-Muslim human rights abuses of China's Uyghur citizens.

Headhunter: It's wise for Malaysia not to poke its nose into something that we do not know for real. The main cause of this issue is ratcheted up by the hegemonic US and its anti-China allies.

We hear so much from the Western press about the situation in Xinjiang but there is very little evidence of Uyghurs being persecuted. Where are the pictures and videos that usually accompanied such stories? If there were, the Western press would have gone to town with it.

Westerners who had visited China or are living there are even saying that their press and own governments are lying through their teeth.

This is not in defence of China but of truth-telling. Many well-informed people in the West have wised up to it.

We have been fed by their lies not only on this issue but other issues as well. The Ukraine war and Taiwan are further examples of this.

Some of their press are even egging on their government to go to war which could lead to a nuclear war - a war that nobody would come out as winner.

On the other hand, we see so many deaths and miseries caused by the US and its Western allies in countries like Afghanistan and Vietnam.

When they face defeat, they ran away, leaving the people there at the mercy of their enemies.

Frans Rozario: That is the Islamic values that they talk about. They do not want Oktoberfest because it's anti-Islamic. However, they close one eye when Muslims are killed and tortured in Xinjiang.

To Umno and PAS, are these Islamic values? Why talk so much about Palestine, why condemn Israel when you dare not say a word to at least give moral support to the Uyghurs?

Where is PAS and why has it not come out with its stringent protests as it does with liquor, and foreign bands playing in Malaysia?

MerdekaMerdekaMerdeka: Terengganu Pakatan Harapan head Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad, you are asking what is the position of the minister in charge of Islam and the special envoy to the Middle East on this issue?

It is highly unlikely that you will get a response, let alone a relevant one.

Their minds are now preoccupied with the imminent loss of all their ‘gaji buta’, perks, packages, privileges and permits to ride the gravy train again, post-GE15, and how or what needs to be devised to continue hanging on.

There cannot possibly be any other graver issues than that.

Well Thats Fantastic: Does anyone here know World War Two history?

This is like a mirror to the way many countries reacted to Nazi Germany was treating the Jews - none of our business, we had suffered too much from World War One - but the world was forced to respond because the Germans didn't just stop at persecuting the Jews.

Even the US didn't want to do anything until the threat was one step away and England looked like it was about to be invaded.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

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