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YOURSAY | Can Khairy be a fair PM to all races?

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Based on his anti-Icerd stance, the answer is no.’

KJ outlines his ambition to lead Umno and then become PM

Kilimanjaro: I have my reservations. BN’s Sungai Buloh candidate Khairy Jamaluddin is a chicken when it comes to multiracial issues. How then are we to trust that he will be a fair prime minister?

The "ruckus" he created in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd) matter is enough to last a lifetime. Do we want someone like Ismail Sabri Yaakob to be a PM who talks of ‘Keluarga Malaysia’ and does the opposite?

I still believe Ismail Sabri had done a lot more damage to the chances of Umno/BN than its president, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, or former PM Najib Abdul Razak, ever could.

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim has gone through many trials and tribulations and has paid a heavy price for his beliefs and principles. He subscribed and invested in a multicultural Malaysia.

When Zahid announced BN's manifesto that the MACC and the Election Commission chiefs will be screened and selected by a parliamentary committee, that was accepting the way of Pakatan Harapan. I don't recall Khairy ever discussing or offering such proposals.

I would only consider a person of PM material if he has the will and the ability to be a fair PM to all races and bring them together. They could differ on political ideologies because that is a given in a vibrant democracy, but to divide the country along racial and religious lines, then that person cannot be my PM.

A country is as good as the leader who leads it. It is not just about becoming the head of a racial party and then drive wedges among the races.

As former Singapore PM Lee Kuan Yew had it, he knew the immense wealth of being a fair PM to all races. What we had so far since former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a disaster. Perhaps, in the future, Khairy may make his choices and preferences clearer.

One problem with that is when you are in Umno, you do what Umno wants and not what the country wants. Otherwise, they will chuck you out. How do you reconcile with that?

Gerard Lourdesamy: Khairy is still talking about his ambitions in Umno. How is that relevant to Sungai Buloh? You are not the BN chairperson or Umno president.

If the PKR candidate is tainted, you are no better. Khairy only thinks about himself and his self-interests.

He kept silent on all the huge financial scandals involving Umno leaders. And he will remain silent if elected on issues of corruption and governance. He admitted as much.

He just wants to bid his time in Umno until he can challenge the president next year or in three years’ time. But until then, he has no ideas for the nation and the people. So why must Sungai Buloh voters waste their vote on Khairy?

No matter how objectionable the PKR candidate is, Harapan needs to win the seat in order to get 112 to form the government with Anwar as the 10th PM.

Khairy can sit it out for five years. After all, he said he is still young and can wait. As for his 900-strong crowd, the vast majority of them were the Umno division members whose leader is Khairy's political secretary.

Wait for Anwar, PKR deputy chief Rafizi Ramli and Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari to go there to campaign. I predict the seat will go to Harapan on a reduced majority.

Remember, a vote for Khairy is a vote for the likes of Zahid and Najib. The reluctance of Khairy to declare his assets confirms all our doubts about him.

Maya: Khairy, your words "I am 46 and can wait" are not of your choice, but when the time comes, you sure do have the potential as PM. What irks everyone is your pretentions that all is well and clean in Umno, and that very well means that you too are an opportunist.

You dare not step out of the box, to face and speak up about the truth, clearly accepting the fact that "a vote for you is a vote for Zahid”.

Well, all said and done, as polling day is just over a week away, the people I am sure are very much of accepting and appreciative kind and may look at your performance as the only honourable minister who worked hard during the pandemic.

With 158,000 registered voters, three candidates vying for this parliamentary seat, and the incumbent kept out of the race, it is a small challenge for Khairy.

However, the Sungai Buloh voters may be in a conundrum on whether to vote for the party or the man.

GrayPigeon2115: Look at your track record, Khairy. Ask yourself this, how can you be the future PM for the people of Malaysia when you are still with a racist party?

I believe in your heart, you know you have a long way before you can be the president of Umno, let alone the PM for Malaysia. You can't even go against your own BN deputy chairperson Mohamad Hasan (Tok Mat) when you were pushed aside.

It clearly shows you are just a conformist and not a reformist. For Malaysia to progress after 61 years of toxic indoctrination by Umno racist leaders, we want a principled, courageous reformist and not a conformist as the next PM.

While I honestly prefer you over the PKR candidate R Ramanan, the Sungai Buloh people must not vote for you as you are part of a very corrupt, toxic and racist party, and you alone cannot do anything about it, period.

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