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YOURSAY| MACC’s Invoke raid a free promotion for Harapan

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘By raiding Invoke, BN has signed its own death warrant.’

Rafizi: Second raid on Invoke by MACC today, Customs Dept later

IndigoSwan6963: If anyone can just file a report to the authorities without doing a background check and the authorities raid the said company, then such action is highly questionable.

It begs more questions when PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli is the founder of Invoke. And a raid by the MACC and Customs Department three days before polling day raises even more troubling questions.

Granted, given that Rafizi has publicly declared his assets, MACC has the right to know how he acquired the assets. But it does not mean that they cannot call before they visit.

The action taken not only tarnished the image of MACC but also the caretaker government. Unknowingly, MACC is providing more bullets for the government to shoot itself.

All Malaysians, young and old, will be shocked to see how high-handed MACC was. All these little Napoleons must be nipped off when Harapan rules. The country requires Harapan to drain the swamp, and expose all the hidden anacondas and alligators.

Let us all give Harapan a two-thirds majority to make drastic changes to all failed policies that are detrimental to nation-building. Let Malaysia now rise to the occasion.

We need all Malaysians to unite to bring change. Change we must, to protect the future generations of the country.

Newday: Two raids in two days are nothing but plain harassment and intimidation. Why is Customs calling? A bottle of duty-free in a bottom drawer?

It gets more bizarre and ridiculous, especially considering there was no valid reason to raid Invoke apart from a dubious police report from a just as dubious Umno-linked NGO.

The whole rotten corrupted system needs to be torn apart and rebuilt. But it will not happen unless those that desire a clean government get out and vote on Saturday. We must.

Max Fury: What the PM says and what he does is very different.

Umno is desperate now knowing their chance of winning is starting to slip away. That’s why they have resorted to their usual trick again of bullying or threatening their opponents.

They did that in the last election and were kicked out, and they are doing it again in this election. They just don’t learn.

Good luck to Umno. What they did to Invoke is simply not acceptable to the young people and the fence-sitters.

JazliSalleh: Reform of national institutions should be the top priority for Malaysia. Heads of these institutions should roll for their blatant misuse of power.

We can't have politicians directing heads of departments to conduct investigations at their whims and fancies.

Vijay47: Rafizi, be grateful to MACC that you have come under their crosshairs via the two-pronged attack with Customs. BN and PN want to get some low-down on you and Invoke? Sure, why not!

They forget that the very same action with which they wanted to weaken the Harapan front is the same weapon you can use against them. And with even more devastating effect.

Just two more days, highlight the raids at every ceramah, and tell the people about the shameful tactics used by your opponents.

I can understand caretaker prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaacob, in his desperation, using howitzers against you. But why use boomerangs? Maybe because Ismail Sabri is Ismail Sabri.

Kabir Das Slaves of Slaves: Rafizi, I see this as a good omen. By doing so, BN has signed its own death warrant and shot itself in the foot. The fence-sitters will now cast their votes for Harapan.

I have personally witnessed a massive groundswell taking place on a working day (10am, Wednesday, Nov 16), where there was a massive crowd of Malays, Chinese and Indians gathered to hear PKR president Anwar Ibrahim deliver his speech on the excesses of the BN and PN regimes, and why the silent majority must wisely cast their votes.

I was overwhelmed and humbled to see the magnitude of support. The universe is on the side of the downtrodden rakyat to ensure Harapan scores a resounding victory this Saturday.

The rakyat will not be intimidated. We will resoundingly vote for Harapan. Enough is enough. BN has misread the rakyat and will pay a very dear price on Saturday.

Apanama is Back: Indeed, this raid is a free promotion for Harapan. The voters should see this raid as an intimidation of PKR at the last minute before voting takes place. This is a desperate attempt by Umno Baru-BN's little Napoleons.

The voters should vote in a Harapan government because we need to show these Little Napoleons that we are the boss and MACC is not a state apparatus to be used at Umno Baru-BN’s whims and fancies.

This is a deliberate raid hiding behind the NGO’s police report.

Cogito Ergo Sum: The MACC should be neutral. But we all know better.

By intimidating Invoke and Rafizi, we will come out more strongly and vote Harapan. After that, when Harapan wins, suspend MACC chief Azam Baki and get his own officers whom he had demoted and bypassed to investigate him and his brother.

That will be just desert for this so-called graft buster.

Jesbon: Rafizi, I don’t quite agree with you that this issue will reverberate just among the youth. It is making my 65-plus-year skeleton shake with great intensity, as I am sure it does among many in my age group and beyond.

We will make our feelings known at the ballot box.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Thank you MACC and the Customs Department. Now Harapan is guaranteed to cross 112 seats to get a simple majority. The more BN and PN use government agencies to attack Rafizi and Harapan, the angrier the rakyat become.

Billions ‘stolen’ by BN and PN leaders but the MACC sleeps - all reports classified as ‘No Further Action’.

Harapan after GE15, place MACC under Parliament and form a royal commission of inquiry to investigate this anti-corruption agency and its chief commissioner.

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