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YOURSAY | It’s time PN behave like the opposition

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘They could get some tips from Anwar as he had been one for 24 years…’

Start behaving like PM, not opposition leader - Muhyiddin's ex-aide tells Anwar

BOBBYO: How does a prime minister behave, Marzuki Mohamad? Misappropriate billions of ringgit like former premier Najib Abdul Razak? Become a backdoor PM like Bersatu chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin and declare an emergency when he could not prove his support?

Or should he be a lalang like the Ismail Sabri Yaacob, blowing left and right like the wind, following whichever side that will help protect his position?

Or should he stand up and defend the nation and its people like Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim? What Anwar had achieved within his first week in power, not one PM after Dr Mahathir Mohamad has achieved.

They all came and warmed the chair, made themselves, their families, and cronies rich beyond words, while the poor Malaysians became poorer by the day.

Fisherfolk, padi planters, and crop cultivators were all taken advantage of by those connected. They controlled the monopolies of every item that these poor Malaysians had to slog for daily.

So, Marzuki, how is the PM supposed to behave, protect the people or protect these corrupt individuals?

You do not have to worry if your boss had done nothing wrong. If he is clean as he says, there will be nothing to disclose or uncover.

Siva1967: Yes, it is time Anwar start behaving like a PM, said Marzuki, but does he mean he wants Anwar to start the culture of “stealing” funds like some before him?

There are now allegedly unaccountable funds to the tune of RM600 billion. Some reports say it is RM530 billion, which were used during the emergency (to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic) while others say it is RM600 billion used during Ismail Sabri’s period.

No one really knows which is which. Are they no checks and balances in our system? Is our system really that bad that funds can just be taken or transferred out without proper scrutiny and approval?

Are senior government officers who are entrusted to take care of these public funds really yes-men and women who are not able to carry out their duties in a Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah (clean, efficient, and trustworthy) way?

What does Marzuki mean when he says, “Behave like a PM”? What standard is he referring to? Here is my advice: It is time PN and its cohorts stop the politicking and let the new government do its job in putting Malaysia back on the track of recovery.

There has been no real work carried out by the government except politicking since the Sheraton Move. It is a good blessing that Pakatan Harapan did not win enough seats to get a simple majority and BN had joined the unity government, because the situation could be worse if BN was in the opposition.

The time has come for PN to start being a responsible opposition, and maybe you could get some advice from Anwar since he has 24 years of experience in the matter, as claimed by Marzuki.

In the two weeks or so, there have been some steps in the positive direction taken by the new PM. Allow him to do his job and stop distracting him and his cabinet.

Coward: I also suggest your boss act like the opposition and not a sulking child; and please extend the same advice to PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

After the new government was formed without you, your boss and your friend Hadi have just been hurling insults at the government. Anwar just found something to shut you both up.

If he were to really probe the RM600 billion claims, he will find something seriously wrong with the way the money is handled, ditto the RM7 billion for flood mitigation and the allegation that Perikatan Nasional used money from gambling companies for the recent election campaign.

(used money from gambling companies)

More importantly, the first thing you will know is when authorities come knocking at your door, not via airwaves. Anwar is just passing a message to say, stop all this nonsense or I give you something to talk about.

Righteousness4All: Marzuki, you were once a pawn, always a pawn for Muhyiddin. The former PM is now feeling the heat from all the postings and questions, while the insinuations are getting unbearable and getting to him.

What Anwar is doing is exactly the basic requirements for someone taking over an office. In this instant, taking over a government. A composed person will take stock of the set-up he is taking over.

What Anwar is doing now is something too close for comfort for the possible wrongdoers who did not expect to relinquish power.

Nash: It is wonderful if such advice were given to Muhyiddin during the movement control order (Covid-19 pandemic) era. You (Marzuki) sewed your lips shut when Parliament was halted when Muhyiddin claimed those who died from Covid were a mere “36,000 only”. But no, you feel the need to open your mouth now, it’s probably due to loyalty (to Muhyiddin).

In case you missed it, Anwar had been talking about living costs and economic issues since his first day, in fact, even during his maiden press conference as PM10.

He was already seeking advice from former Petronas president and chief executive officer Hassan Merican on Tuesday. Boy, have you got a lot to learn before you start to criticise. Makes you look petty and bitter, just like your boss. Just look at how he behaved yesterday in a PN ceramah in Padang Serai.

One thing I do agree with you about was Communications and Digital minister Fahmi Fadzil’s immature behaviour during a press conference. He shouldn’t have taken those calls, or he should have told the persons on the line, to call later as he was then having a press conference, and just hang up.

IndigoCat9464: RM600 billion of the rakyat’s money is no small amount. Let’s say, a few billion were siphoned off by companies of cronies and family members, although they were legal when awarded, it is still the rakyat’s money.

If the extra billions were not siphoned out in the name of business, then it could have been used to help the cost of living for many poor people (from all races).

Now, the question is: (1) were the contracts inflated? (2) Did any of the cronies or family members receive the contracts?

Yes. Let MACC investigate; let the PM open and talk about it so that investigation can be initiated; once that's ongoing, he can at the same time focus on national matters.

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