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YOURSAY | Review seat delineation to stop 'green wave'

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Best to do it now with a two-thirds majority’

COMMENT | To be 18 and green

BlackDeer5421: The northern and eastern green lands do not represent the whole of Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak.

Due to delineation and previous gerrymandering for donkey years, we can see a disproportionate number of Parliament seats in the Malay hinterland which BN could have manipulated to retain power for over 60 years.

This seat manipulation not in accordance with the relative size of the population (notwithstanding the argument to give more presentation to rural areas) has come to bite BN as they now have lost the support of rural Malays due to their excesses and corruption among the top Umno leaders.

So, is it fair to other Malaysians who are non-Muslims to be subjected to a future regime headed by PAS with Islamic laws and policies which surely will be their objective?

It’s high time something is done to review the seat delineation by the federal government with a fairer seat allocation among the rural, semi-urban, and urban areas.

Now is the best time to do it when you have a two-thirds majority in Parliament as it’s needed to make changes in this critical and far-reaching seat distribution issue.

OrangePanther1466: This green wave was not predicted by any of the mainstream political parties except Perikatan Nasional (PN) itself and I dare say, by former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

I think he saw a lacuna in the rural Malay vote bank left by Umno which has been discredited, derided, and demonised by the (former) opposition.

That's why he hurriedly cobbled together Gerakan Tanah Air (GTA) to present an alternative all-Malay party for the rural heartland Malay who would otherwise pivot to PN by default.

Be that as it may, GTA never had the chance to take root. It was not even registered as a political entity when the 15th general election (GE15) was called. As the polls panned out, GTA lost all seats it contested as well as all deposits.

In this, we cannot fault Mahathir for the effort to court the rural Malay voters away from PN. It's rather unfortunate that those who previously voted for BN-Umno pivoted to PN and not Pejuang-GTA.

Mahathir's efforts all these years championing the Malays, in the end, came to nought.

COMMENT | What the pundits are forgetting in the 'green wave' mania

Steven Ong: I beg to differ on the green wave mania. Yes, it’s in the minds that are easily influenced by promises and propaganda.

The unstable confused minds that were formed by promises that cannot be seen or tangible, repeated often into their ears.

What we cannot see or know but just a belief tends to change through powerful effective speeches of those who want to control the people. Hence, advertising was invented to sway the fickle mind of man.

As the saying goes, 'Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya.' Or shape the mind while it’s still young.

If the new government wants to save Malaysia from being ruined, it’s time to reverse the brainwashed minds of many before another theocracy is established on earth. Know that it cannot be reversed once it’s established.

The proof and evidence are so clear for all to see, and the defenders of theocracy would use this view as fodder to fight back. What we are seeing is published in the news. It’s a spiritual war and the smart and shrewd win.

These youths are flocking to Penang and Selangor to work while their own states had nothing to offer them and yet they couldn't see the fact and truth of what their idols and heroes did to their states. Their eyes were veiled by lies and songs.

Many were deceived and do not know that we humans are placed here to create a heavenly place on earth. It’s the liars and deceivers who lied and created destruction on earth.

Ask yourself, why not create and enjoy a heaven here instead of a heaven that no one has seen? How sure are you that the promised heaven is true or a lie to teach humans to be good on earth so they can go to this promised heaven?

Dummies Dhimmi: The bulk of the green wave is the Undi18 voters, a bunch of youths nourished entirely on a poor education system, especially in rural states. There is a notion of privilege and entitlement amplified by teachers installed in schools under the same scheme.

The promotion of religious education as an easier way out to high government employment and pay over the pursuit of productive and tougher professional courses created a generation more inclined to vote along religiously extreme lines.

When we have youths who shun work for long robes and fast mopeds and are told to look down on hardworking taxpayers, we are heading towards a point of no return. Unless we find the proper medicine.

Quigonbond: I'm more concerned with news reports that talk about BN preferring PN if the latter’s prime minister candidate Muhyiddin Yassin is out of the way, which would be a matter of time.

If so, what's the value of having a coalition agreement? The coalition agreement should bind the coalition and not subject it to vicissitudes of change of top leadership of any party/coalition.

It also raises the interesting question, and urgency, of giving the government a name and whether coalition members want to register it as a political entity to show commitment.

Presumably, if the government is registered and if any coalition leaves the party, it'll trigger an election.

Of course, the current math may not be ideal for Pakatan Harapan, but the thought of having to go through an election becomes a real point of deliberation.

The other side of the equation is whether BN/GPS/GRS will always be together, or whether Harapan can win over GPS/GRS, in which case BN-PN alone won't be able to form the government.

Seems like Harapan has work cut out for them to win GPS/GRS over.

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