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YOURSAY | Time to move on, Hadi

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Eventually, I see PAS being left out in the cold’.

COMMENT | Hadi stoops to new low, attacks DAP with 'McCarthyism'

BOBBYO: Hadi is just a sore loser; his ambition to be the first deputy prime minister from PAS had not materialised, and he had lost his minister's perks and position.

So, he is like a parrot repeating his battle cry against DAP. He stops short of saying that the Chinese are in control, as now he realises that to reach Putrajaya, one needs non-Malays support as well.

Well, it is time to move on. The cabinet is in place and the nation is on the move forward. It is slowly moving forward, as there are many obstacles to be removed yet. So, Hadi does not be one of the obstacles by creating division among the people.

He was rejected and today lowered to the level of being one of the most despised. Hadi, you are also definitely on your way, with your illogical outburst and accusations.

Three years of PN rule have moved this nation into a rejected stage, rejected by foreign investors, while our currency also reached a level of rejection.

At the same time do not be proud of your victory. As prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim and his gang now know, who the real enemy is, and it is not DAP. In the next few months, they will take the right steps to stop PN’s surge.

With Harapan, Umno, Amanah, GPS, and all the other parties working hand in hand, they can stop the “Green Wave”.

So, Hadi, DAP is not your only competitor anymore; you have a handful on your hands. Stop your ridiculous attacks; communism is dead. The Israelis are too busy protecting their own land to concentrate on a small nation that is not a threat to them.

The recession is on the way as the Economist has predicted. It is either you are part of the solution, or you are part of the problem, Hadi.

Normally, problems must be removed if we want to move forward; solution providers are welcomed. So, Hadi, decide whether you want to continue with your false rhetoric and accusations, or work together to rebuild this nation.

Kilimanjaro: Former prime minister and Bersatu chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin is a pragmatic person. In the aftermath of the 2008 general elections when the BN lost its two-thirds majority, he was quick to admit that the non-Malays were the kingmakers.

Well, he changed his tune later, and looking back at the journey of the Johorean, his swings sway like the pendulum.

When he was left in the cold after being sacked by his boss, then PM Najib Abdul Razak from the government and Umno, he joined hands with Pakatan Harapan, despite his often-vacillating concerns.

When he was presented with the opportunity to be PM, he simply grabbed it. It must be noted that he invited the MCA and MIC elected reps to be part of his government.

When his fall was imminent, he didn't have any problem negotiating with DAP's Tony Pua and Ong Kian Ming, offering a slew of reforms that almost resembled one coming from Harapan.

Having lost the opportunity to become PM again, I wouldn't bet for Muhyiddin to last with PAS. We just heard that the GRS of Sabah had abandoned Bersatu. In the same way, he abandoned Harapan, the likelihood that Muhyiddin may abandon PAS is strong.

Politicians like Perikatan Nasional (PN) secretary-general Hamzah Zainuddin may not wish to sit it out for long in the opposition. The allure of being a minister before and one that has slipped through his fingers would continue to haunt him.

The party may fizzle out if there is no new "scheme of things" to continue keeping them in the party.

Eventually, I see PAS being left out in the cold. PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and his party have burnt the bridges with most parties in the Peninsula. In Sabah and Sarawak, it is almost dead even before taking a deep breath over there.

Just like Pauline Hanson whose initial euphoria shook the Australian polity, the politics and influence of PAS will wither away over time. Those who believe that Hadi and the character of his politics had earned them accolades and numbers will see one day the very thing collapse.

Man on the Silver Mountain: I don’t share the view that DAP and Harapan will be finished in GE16. PAS and DAP have their own hardcore, or loyal members, if you may. They cannot prevail on their own, even PAS.

As long as their followers stick with them, they will be around for a very long while since they cannot form a government on their own, they have to find partners to do that.

What about PN in Sabah? Bersatu collapsed, leaving PAS, which means less than five MPs for PN. PAS’ 49 MPs are nothing, they will always be the opposition in the country especially if Sarawak and Sabah do not want to align with them.

It is not like in the state situation, where the population is more homogeneous, for example, in Kelantan. Even though DAP is small and PKR getting an even smaller amount of Malay voters, with other partners, they still can form a majority, and thus become the government.

So, how is that Harapan and DAP will be finished? The most, status quo will prevail, meaning PAS or PN will be still on the opposition bench, a bitter prospect for Hadi, who seems to be addicted to the benefits that a government post provides.

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