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YOURSAY | Do not underestimate PN

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Pakatan Harapan and its coalition partners need to go to the ground in Kedah.’

Analyst: Hard to dismiss 'PN tsunami' effect in short term

OceanMasterII: PAS had gamed the system, taking advantage of the quagmires in Malaysian politics and used disinformation and afterlife alarmist narratives focused on the most vulnerable. Perikatan Nasional is just a rent seeker in the outcome. Yet what PAS has been good at is betting on the right horses and hiding behind them to gain more political ground.

It’s emotional and personal for the majority of Malay Muslims of their political affiliations. A very hard stance against the massive disinformation tactics used by PAS and PN and holding individuals and parties accountable with severe consequences should be undertaken.

That will buy a bit of time but the greater action would be to dismantle the ideology of extremist and medieval mindset Hadi and his half-baked, so-called religious righteous have been able to dig in.

That is the reason I am saying Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim may not have the time on his side. He has to build the political willpower, strong successors, and a unified team who can carry this on for a generation at least to save the country.

BobbyO: Pakatan Harapan and its coalition partners need to go to the ground in Kedah. Now is not the time to rest on your laurels, just because you have formed the government.

In the next five to six months, there should be only good news or policies implemented that will help the poor or those average-earning Malaysians. What can the government do to help them? What can the government do to reduce the cost of necessities?

If those in the rural areas only vote along religious lines, then Harapan and its allies are in for a bumpy ride. But it is common knowledge that providing necessities or making them affordable for the people is always a plus point. The answer is action, action and more action. Less talk. PN is only talk but no action.

Race and religion will be one angle that the voters of Kelantan, Terengganu, and Kedah will look at before making their decisions. The same could be said for the Malay voters from Negeri Sembilan, Penang, and Selangor.

The truth is, race and religion are not going to provide you with the necessities or put food on the table for your family. Jobs and a regular income will take care of this. It is time for Harapan and its coalition partners, especially those involved directly in these state elections, to buck up. Work, work, and work.

Action speaks louder than mere words. Fulfil their needs. Fulfil the promises of looking after those average and below average income earners. Learn from the success of the United Arab Emirates. The people are happy when the establishment takes care of all their basic needs.

Sun: The “green wave” is a media-created phenomenon! As with these terms, other commentators latch on to the buzzword to appear current. With repetition, the label gains a life of its own.  

There is no “green wave” because PAS cannot win, even in Muslim-dominated urban areas, if voters can identify them with their moon logo. Muslim voters in urban areas reject the backward version of religion and lifestyle they profess. Had PAS stood under its own logo it would have lost - as was evident in several by-elections?

Frustrated Malay voters who rejected Umno voted for the PN symbol, not realising that PAS candidates were being camouflaged by that symbol. When voters wake up to find PAS MPs who have not gone beyond their districts representing them in Parliament, they will come to their senses.  

In 2018, Muslim voters voted for DAP candidates because they were all hidden behind the PKR symbol. They have wizened up since. But when voters, Muslims and non-Muslims, begin to vote for sincere hardworking MPs, PAS will die a natural death. Harapan MPs, both Muslims and non-Muslims, have a golden opportunity to prove their worth. Please don’t blow it.

ScarletPanda9731: Anybody can spin a story. All are story-tellers. Remember, BN won convincingly in the Malacca, Sabah, and Johor state elections? What did the soothsayer, astrologers, professors, and analysts say? A clean sweep in the 15th general election! Umno leaders shouted, “Strike while the iron is hot!”

The party’s 936 candidates bet RM10,000 each that they would strike gold. Pejuang took part in the gold rush with 121 candidates. Harapan and PN were not keen because the general election would be held in the middle of the rainy season and many areas will be hit by floods.

The result? BN scored the worst general election results in its history with 30 seats. The late US president John F Kennedy once said, “Forgive your enemies but never forget their names.”

The voters remembered the traitors and frogs. Anwar is now sitting in Putrajaya. That is the narrative.

Heartbreaker: Many of those who had voted for BN/Umno at the 15th general election felt cheated by the party. They were hoping for BN, Umno in particular, to collaborate with PN to form the government.

Now that they have been cheated by Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and the gang, these voters will back PN in the state elections. Not only in Kedah, keep an eye on Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, and Penang as well.

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