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YOURSAY | Najib's case zero relevance to arbitrary detention

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | ‘One day he may even seek justice on Mars or even Venus’.

Najib hauls govt to UN over his alleged arbitrary detention

Newday: The mind goes back to the first day of Parliament with 100 or so former Umno leader Lokman Adam organised protesters with their 'Free Najib' and injustice signs.

For the remaining sycophants, this has been their mantra. The likening of former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak to Nelson Mandela is another angle. Both claims of injustice and Mandela are completely false.

This action today is another pathetic front to paint the convicted one in a wronged light. The only people it will gain traction with are the blinded rusted supporters and Lokman-type sidekicks.

There is zero relevance to arbitrary detention as defined by UN Human Rights Council Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD).

They have no powers of law, and can only recommend and lobby. Lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, there is no merit in what you state, just more of waste of others’ time when they could be doing the real work of highlighting real arbitrary detention issues.

Apanama is Back: Najib's unfair trial at the national level (according to him and his family who believe the definition of a fair trial is Najib should be released), suddenly becomes arbitrary detention at the international level.

I was laughing non-stop seeing his comedy court early in the year. But folks, Najib's comedy court is just started.

One day he may even seek justice on Mars or even Venus. I hope there are aliens and extra-terrestrial on these two planets who will tell us that he was wronged by the human on earth.

You know why I said aliens will tell us he was wronged. Because Najib is behaving like an alien in his own country. His denial and delusions of personality disease get over his head till he is alienated by Umno Baru and Pekan folks.

Serve you right Najib! UN will ask him, "Who are you man to talk about arbitrary detention when Malaysia is a democratic country with its constitution as its backbone?

"You had gone through the full process of law and awaiting your Federal Court reviews and pardon petition. Your application is rejected".

By the way, my conclusion is only one. Najib is an attention seeker. Remember how his daughter was an attention seeker previously? Yes, like father, like daughter.

Najib, can I advise you something? Seek justice in North Korea before going to the UN. Kim Jong Un may help you because he too follows your mantra, "I help you, you help me".

Determined Sarawakian: Come on Shafee, do you think UNWGAD is that daft? Firstly, he's been on trial with dignity and according to the rule of law.

Secondly, his detention isn't arbitrary, at all, since whenever he went to Court, he rode in an SUV and prisoners in a Black Maria.

His detention was accorded comfort, even above the conditions set by UN Standard Minimum Principles on detention and imprisonment.

Najib has the best lawyers a person can have. And authorities have given him much respect and conditions for his detention.

As compared to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who wasn't given due process, rule of law, being tortured, and was blatantly accused by Najib's then-BN administration, there'd be no case at all and a happy grin from the UN.

Ruslan Bahari: From a desperation perspective, you must be in awe of his legal team. The first move was to challenge judges that have found him guilty; then, to present "new evidence"; followed by changing the legal team; then there was the medical assistance effort; and now, take it to the UN on grounds that his detention is arbitrary.

In some dictionaries, arbitrary is defined as follows: (of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority. The convict has gone through (and continues to go through for other cases) an entire process of prosecuting and defending by a legal system of a democratic country, with lines of the best lawyers money can buy, combing through pages and pages of evidence, accusations, claims and what have you.

How is this even remotely "arbitrary"?

The convict has gone from denying he had an account in AmBank, to denying money came into his accounts, to admitting he had received monies from a middle eastern royal to denying knowing his accomplice at large, to have returned some of the money, and many more.

Now, as the dust of the 15th general election settles with BN and Pakatan Harapan forming a new government, noises from BN on freeing the shamed former PM have died.

The streets of Pekan no longer have paid weepers to do his bidding. So now with the UN, he wants to cry that he has been denied a chance for a fair trial. Wow. Bravo for both bravery and stupidity!

Leon Moch: Cases referred to UNWGAD have been overwhelmingly from human rights defenders who got beaten up, jailed for defending the human rights of others, refugees being refouled for no reason, or persons in occupied territories being beaten for no reason, or persons illegally abducted by the state apparatus.

I wonder if there had been any case before UNWGAD involving the very well-known stealing of a large amount of public funds while in power involving copious paper trails and documentary evidence and having been given proper trials with thousands of pages worth of judgment for all to scrutinise?

BOBBYO: There is no ending to the antics of these two jokers. After all the delaying tactics and years of waiting, still they want to take the case to the doorstep of the UN.

It is a slap in the direction of our honourable not one but nine honourable Judges. Also a slap in the direction of our justice department.

Najib was tried not before one judge but in three separate courts of the land. So what is he still raising an issue about? That he is innocent when all the paper evidence points directly at him?

This is because billions of haram monies are available in his tainted hands. Billions that belong to the hardworking, tax-paying Malaysians.

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