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YOURSAY | Najib, stop your intimidation of the judiciary

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | 'He may as well approach the Privy Council and Vatican'.

Najib to file second bid in apex court to nullify SRC conviction

Vijay47: What farce is this? Were it a television series, it would by now have reached Season 7, in the process taking the Emmy for Best Comedy in every one of those seven years, assisted no doubt by Finas “for his efforts towards enhancing ‘ketuanan’ (supremacist) culture in the face of gross injustice and selective prosecution, emulating the ‘kerismatic’ heroism of Mat Kilau”.

Unlike Andy Williams’ query of “Where do I begin?”, (the theme song of ‘Love Story’, if you must know), we should ask, “When will it end?” Maybe on the 12th of Never? (sung by Johnny Mathis in 1956, if you must also know).

Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak has explored every avenue known to mankind and a few that have yet to be invented. He has appealed to the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court, again and again.

And again. At every stage of his ventures, he has been treated with extreme patience and generosity which some might say borders on excessive care, and yet the man claims he has been denied justice. Ahh well, whom the gods would destroy and all that.

He has even taken his lament most piteous to the United Nations whose opinion has not yet been delivered – maybe as soon as António Guterres stops laughing. In the meantime, I, ever the kind soul, would suggest he attempt two other paths.

He could try the Privy Council, on the grounds that Malaya was a British colony and England who once fought on the beaches, the fields, and the hills, owes a perpetual duty of justice to all her subjects present and previous.

The second somewhat more delicate option is that Najib could try the Vatican. Dominus vobiscum (The Lord be with you).

Cogito Ergo Sum: Najib has exhausted all his avenues to quash his conviction and sentence and he knows it. This final bid may be his last throw of the dice involving the Malaysian judiciary.

It is rare for one Federal Court to review the decision of another, especially since it was led by none other than the chief justice. Common sense will dictate that in a such a high-profile case, involving the highest office, the judges would have taken all steps to ensure that justice was served.

His grounds of appeal appear to border on the contemptuous, implying that the courts were biased and impartial. The move seems to be done more to inflict damage to the judiciary rather than praying for a review/retrial. That is his strategy.

It won’t work because Najib has now been identified as the main culprit for the dismal showing by BN in the 15th general election (GE15). In other words, the rakyat are convinced he did it.

He hopes to “remind” his supporters that he is still in the picture. This is a public relations tactic probably planned by a very highly paid PR consultant or team. After this review is done and dusted, they will think up another creative way of keeping up Najib’s “public appearance” to ensure he is still “current”.

Unfortunately, apart from his dwindling supporters, the rest of the nation wants him to give it a rest. By the way, I wonder if he is sleeping on the hard cement floor like Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim had to while he was incarcerated. Just wondering.

GanMu: Why has MACC or the attorney-general not decided on judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali's case? This should have been treated as very urgent in light of Najib using his judgment to nullify his case.

Insofar as judge Nazlan is concerned, he seems above board and all accusations by a fugitive are frivolous. As such, his case should be dismissed immediately by both the MACC and AG and not left hanging in the air. If MACC says NFA (no further action) and has passed it to AG, then AG should come up with a decision.

The question is why the delay? The government should take this as a priority case and get both MACC and AG to decide immediately. In fact, this should have been one of the first steps it should have taken when Parliament was convened.

It is absolutely unfair to judge Nazlan who is now elevated to the Court of Appeals. The government should ensure that the judiciary is not harassed in any way and protect its independence at all costs. The public demands that judge Nazlan's matter is resolved immediately.

When you have money, you can commit all sorts of serious crimes and all you say is you are not guilty. Just leave it to the lawyers to defend you. So far, they have gone on the international stage. If there was an illusory court in space, they would have gone there too.

They will even go to God if that was possible.

What stands out in Najib's case is that the Federal Court is not the highest court in Malaysia for him and he refuses to accept that verdict. He is special, he is right that he committed no offence, and therefore everyone is wrong except him. His money will do the talking.

I wonder what those Umno ladies who contributed their money and jewellery to him at his house when he was first charged, are thinking right now.

Newday: Common sense is not something that can be applied to Najib, his lawyers, Deputy Prime Minister and Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and others who spoke about this at the Umno AGM, and lastly the sycophants grimly hanging on to their last breath. This ongoing intimidation of the judiciary must be stopped once and for all.

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