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YOURSAY | Ramasamy must understand govt is fragile

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | 'Be strategic. At least you are the government.'

Loke on Ramasamy: 'Thank you allies but we'll handle it our way'

WhitePony9855: P Ramasamy must realise he is Penang deputy chief minister II by being a DAP representative and a member of Pakatan Harapan which is leading a coalition government in Putrajaya.

As deputy chief minister, it is difficult to draw a line between his personal view and that of his official position.

If he wants to continue to give his personal views regardless of the controversies such views may create among the coalition government, then he should relinquish his post as deputy chief minister. That will be the right and honourable thing to do.

Milshah: I agree with DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke. Harapan supporters should be grateful for being in government again. Kindly remember Harapan 1.0, when just a few pages of khat caused such a big issue, and you could not accept Bersatu, - being a race-based party.

When Bersatu left, you were happy, then when the Harapan government fell, you got angry. Now the same thing is happening again. Harapan has joined with Umno, an ultra-Malay nationalist party. I said from day one, it is not workable. Umno’s ideology is different from Harapan's.

And just like three pages of khat, you cannot be patient. Your timing is off. Luckily DAP has a leader like Loke to cool things down.

The main point is DAP is part of the government. Yes, you may see Malays dominating the civil service. But if this government collapses, you might see RM100 billion in the budget going to someone else or even the green wave taking over.

Be strategic. You don’t have the political power to do as you like. So be smart. At least you are the government.

P Ramlee: Thank you Loke, but please remember that Ramasamy is a DAP leader and Penang deputy chief minister II. He cannot simply throw out a controversial comment and later claim that is his personal opinion.

He needs to understand how fragile the current government is, and the opponents are waiting to exploit him as their ammunition. Perhaps it may be good for him to resign from DAP and the government so that he can continue to criticise all matters that he deemed unfair.

Franklyspeaking: The polemics of race supremacy, religious extremism, and endemic corruption must end with this government. This government with a convincing 2/3 majority support, must end such polemics. Be decisive and take concrete actions.

Be bold to change and do the right things for the sake of the majority of the people without sidelining minority rights. Give all Malaysians a chance to grow and prosper.

Break all barriers, mindsets and mentalities of ill feelings, suspicions and insecurities amongst all races, religions and regions. Reformasi and transformation must begin from the top leadership of this country.

Man on the Silver Mountain: It could not get any clearer. Polemics are counterproductive. There must be a paradigm shift amongst DAP leaders and members now that they are the ruling party. They cannot act like the opposition, which they used to be.

Controversies can only benefit the opposition and will not solve the problem. Each side would have as many things to say on controversial topics. Now that they are in the government, they can bring issues through government channels. Otherwise, what are they there for?

There is a time and place to say something. For every Ramasamy, there are probably 10 Amanah MP Mohd Sany Hamzans. It will not solve anything but create more problems.

Surely there is a better way of bringing up difficult topics especially now that they are the government.

Exhaust the proper channels first before going public. Everybody knows this issue, it is nothing new. You have to be more pragmatic to address it instead of making a public statement trying to be a hero. What difference is that from his opponents who are doing the same thing?

Cogito Ergo Sum: Ramasamy is the conscience of the DAP. He says what is in the mind of the DAP but cannot be articulated openly. He has raised several pertinent issues in the past that have caused discomfort among coalition partners as well as from within the party.

He said what had to be said, but I doubt it is enough to rock the proverbial boat too much. The reaction by PKR youth and Amanah was expected as was the reaction by Bersatu. Ramasamy has exposed the issue buried under the carpet and he is being punished for cleaning up the floor.

It would be an overkill if Ramasamy is openly disciplined. As an academic as well, he calls a spade a spade. It’s up to the government to deal with what he says rather than kill the messenger.

RZee: Ramasamy hit the sore spot which everyone wants to remain silent about. In the former days, the non-Malays in the civil service were intelligent and hard-working as they were patriotic and wished to render genuine services to the nation. They did a great job.

They left one by one as work was dumped on them due to the inaction or lethargy of others who got promoted and who were sent to overseas training, conferences, and seminars. It’s called discrimination and frustration. We know DAP is walking a thin line. But do we want them to be tip-toeing in governing?

Nuyiko: Everyone is waiting for an excuse to attack DAP because DAP is their favourite bogeyman to play the race and religion card. If they have it their way, they will also blame climate change, floods, weakened ringgit, and Malaysia's football failure to qualify for the World Cup on DAP. Sadly, you have people like Ramasamy who like to score own goals.

Not only DAP, but PKR also has the same problem with Pasir Gudang MP Hassan Karim. Hassan Karim and Ramasamy are a sabotage tag team.

KK Voter: While Ramasamy does have a point in this instance, he has been controversial for a long time attacking friends and foes alike, as can be seen by some of his frequent writings here. When a person is so prone to stirring things up, the few instances where he makes a good point will be lost in controversy and easily taken advantage of. Ramasamy only has himself to blame.

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