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YOURSAY | If hand caught in the till, prepare to dance

This article is 2 years old

YOURSAY | 'Cries of selective prosecution won't wash.'

Muhyiddin released on MACC bail, to present himself in court tomorrow

Vijay47: Taking your bitter complaint literally, Perak PAS commissioner Razman Zakaria, I would agree with you all the way that it is certainly uncivilised politics to arrest opposition leaders.

In fact, I will go a notch higher to describe such action against political opponents as obscene, crude, dishonourable, and unjust.

The problem, dear Brutus, is not an onslaught upon a member of the other side.

MACC’s actions today and earlier this week were against individuals who had allegedly embarked on massive schemes to defraud the nation not of insignificant millions but the now-more fashionable billions.

Their status as politicians of particular shade is of no concern in their present woes. When the hand is suspected to have dipped into till, the feet must prepare to dance to the music.

And it would be of no benefit if, in their desperation, these sorry gentlemen offered the defence that they were merely following the path others before them had adopted.

Cries of “selective prosecution” will not wash. I need not remind you that past or present, the same outcome is written in the stars.

The only comfort to them is that others are expected to soon join in the festivities. The satay is reputedly delectable.

Of course, your son may next claim that you did not mean what you said. When the noose is generously removed from the neck, unrepentant defiance may creep in.

Apanama is back: Former premier and Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin was arrested and will be charged this morning in KL court.

Now my only concern is the competency of the prosecuting officers in the Attorney-General's Chambers, judging from what had happened to former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak and former 1MDB CEO Arul Kanda Kandasamy in their alleged audit tampering case.

Remember, Bersatu and PAS have a lot of money and they could hire the best defence lawyers in town. Due to technicality, he could be acquitted, which I hope will not happen.

Oxymoron Tendencies: If Muhyiddin is guilty, then he should be prosecuted. He should certainly have been smarter than to get caught.

Bersatu supreme council leader Azmin Ali should stay mum in case his mutterings attract the attention of the wrong people.

After all, he was a minister and a leading frog, and made a lot of enemies over that I’m sure.

He shoulders a lot of the responsibility for some of the political chaos and shenanigans of the past few years.

Is he that squeaky clean? I somehow doubt any Malaysian politician is, but perhaps he has been smarter than Muhyiddin.

Azmin is a slippery customer. He’s had his electoral comeuppance. Is he now about to get another comeuppance?

Magnanimous46: A proud day for the party of frogs. What they did to Pakatan Harapan and its voters during the 14th general election has slowly but surely caught up with those that defrauded the electorate.

As for the 'Malay first' Muhyiddin and those who schemed the Sheraton power grab to deprive PKR president Anwar Ibrahim of his promised takeover, it is retribution time.

Never underestimate karma. It comes at the most opportune moment when Anwar is vindicated and rewarded, his main detractor is licking his wounds and his erstwhile sidekick that executed the treachery is staring at possible prison time.

RR: I really cannot understand these top politicians who appear to be so religious can allegedly commit such serious crimes against the nation.

As a senior citizen, I am extremely disgusted by their character and conduct, especially when in the past, these politicians had lectured the youth on honourable values for good nation-building.

Under the present circumstances of numerous corruption cases, we should now pray that both the young and the old realise such blatant crimes and see that justice is done in the interests of the rakyat and nation.

'It's a political ploy by Harapan, BN to destroy PN' - Muhyiddin

BrownCheetah9736: Politics is all about ruthlessly staying in power and bringing down your opponents using any means possible.

Muhyiddin should know this very well having used betrayal (Sheraton), shamelessly declaring an emergency to stay in power and even begging the opposition then to support him via a confidence and supply agreement (CSA).

Now, if Muhyiddin didn’t do anything wrong, the courts will exonerate him.

If Muhyiddin expected friendship and kindness, then he should have joined the Rotary or Lion Club and stayed out of politics.

Mazilamani: Who is to be believed, Muhyiddin who keeps denying the MACC charge sheet against him or MACC following an in-depth investigation?

All will come to light before the court when MACC delivers its charges against Muhyiddin.

Didn't Muhyiddin say earlier he was only called in for questioning but what happened yesterday? What has he to say about appearing in court today?

Yesterday, a mammoth crowd gathered in Gombak to give him moral support, but as the charges get confirmed as acts of crime, corruption and abuse of power, the supporters will start dwindling only leaving his family members and a sprinkling of die-hard supporters.

It would be interesting to see how long PAS will stand by Muhyiddin, its main financial supporter.

Man on the Silver Mountain: Saying it is a political ploy is gross exaggeration though it can affect your party and politics. This government has made it clear that it wanted to deal with corruption that has infected our nation and way of governance.

You, Muhyiddin, did not walk the talk, despite the vehemence of your criticism against Najib. Why accept political donations (which you admitted) knowing very well this was also Najib’s reason for receiving billions? You should have learned from that, or rather, you should not do the very thing that you yourself had condemned.

It is not a political ploy, it is the government's political objective to rid of corrupt politicians.

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