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YOURSAY | Hadi's son-in-law may prompt Najib fans to back PAS

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘Silly thing is, Hadi has been boasting about PAS credentials against corruption.’

‘Islamic’ to grant Najib royal pardon, Hadi son-in-law says

Kilimanjaro: Subang PAS chief Zaharuddin Muhammad is trying to create trouble. Perhaps he thinks that this may prompt jailed ex-prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s supporters to react in favour of PAS.

The silly thing is, his party president Abdul Hadi Awang who happens to be his father-in-law had been boasting about the credentials of PAS against corruption.

But that is the twist - he is not talking about corruption per se but that Najib, who is serving his 12-year jail sentence in Kajang, Selangor, has been denied a fair trial because it was not tried or based on Islamic/Syariah laws.

This is somewhat of an indication that PAS may replace the existing civil and criminal law system with Syariah law if it comes to power seeing as this guy is no ordinary person but the son-in-law of the leader of PAS.

In every breath of his comment, he is emphasising Syariah law that he believes should be applied in Najib’s case as opposed to the criminal law under which Najib was charged.

He is simply stirring the pot and maybe he thinks there would be no consequences. That may be true. Such people have become so bold they may have started to believe that talking under the pretext of Islam gives them a free ride.

Well, PAS got this far and maybe that is what Malaysians must brace for, as not only PAS but even the authorities make us believe such people are untouchable.

Mazilamani: If Zaharuddin (above) becomes the next PM, with the stroke of a pen will he open the steel gates of all our prisons, to free every long- and short-term serving prisoner, including those on death row and encourage serious and petty criminals to steal, rob, loot, and other range of criminal activities to be conducted liberally and unchecked?

If that’s the case, we won’t need a justice system or enforcement divisions to judge or arrest anybody. What a wonderful place we will become overnight. This is the meaning of true freedom.

This is the kind of misguided politicians we are churning out.

This fellow is smart. By encouraging Najib to be released, it could only mean Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin and his cohorts including Zaharuddin’s father-in-law need not be answerable for the RM600 billion being investigated by MACC as alleged misappropriation under the Emergency during Muhyiddin’s term as PM.

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former finance minister Daim Zainuddin will also feel relieved. They can go on their last trip contented and in peace.

Orange Panther1466: What a mockery of PAS and insulting the intelligence of all good Muslims. They are all about using Islam by interpreting it at their whim and fancies to further their political agenda.

I pray all our fellow Muslim citizens are rational and intelligent to see through the warped logic being spewed. I am sure many Muslims are tired of the kind of edicts that PAS and its leaders have been spewing and are longing for more credible Islamic leaders in the mould of say, the late PAS presidents Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat and Fadzil Noor.

One-third of Malaysia’s population are non-Muslims who will never accept PAS’ brand of politics and ideology. Further, PAS has demonstrated they are totally like a fish out of water when it comes to governance as can be seen in their performance in the past two previous backdoor administrations.

Further proof is the dismal state of Kelantan and Terengganu which has been ruled by PAS for decades.

Apanama is back: Zaharuddin, what same Islamic guidelines mentioned about corruption and public money embezzlement? How about the public trust placed in a leader?

It is stated, “Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock. The Amir (ruler) who is over the people is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock.”

Moreover, it is mentioned, “We offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant.”

Trustworthiness is about having the capabilities that match with the responsibility that one carries, and not having trustworthiness, it could mean a disaster to the ummah and society.

A disaster in the community ruins individuals in general. A leadership post needs trustworthiness; a person is required to choose the person for and to have ownership of the post based on a person’s capabilities. If he or she does not do that, he or she is considered a traitor.

Zaharuddin, Najib betrayed the trust of the public office. This is very basic and fundamental, according to the Islamic guidelines I mentioned above.

Therefore, there should be no pardon for Najib according to real Islamic guidelines. What you mentioned is the PAS version of Islamic guidelines.

Madani Malaysia: PAS, if it is so concerned about Islamic law’s precedence over common law should apply it fairly and appropriately. What happened to this concern when parents stealing bread, milk, and Milo for their starving children were sentenced to prison?

What about the thousands in our prisons who were denied this Islamic aspect of our secular laws - if there is such a thing?

Why out of the blue tout Islamic laws on a worst-case scenario on a most undeserving and most recent case? Does pardon under Islamic law comes into play only on a selective basis?

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