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YOURSAY | Proclamation admission of failure to uplift Malays

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘It is Mahathir’s biggest dilemma.’

PAS top brass signs Dr M's 'Malay proclamation'

Cogito Ergo Sum: For six decades, policies ranging from economic and social empowerment to outright affirmative action have been planned, implemented, and failed to not just improve the Malays, but also Malaysia’s economic competitiveness in the region and Asia.

Everyone in the picture in the news article has been responsible for the colossal failure of domestic policies for the uplifting of the poor of which the majority are Malays. If Malays never controlled the economy and have lost political control, I wonder who has been running the government these last 60 years? The Jews? The commies?

For the better part of 60 years, it has been former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his cronies. In reality, the Malay Proclamation is a direct admission of his and other Malay administrations’ failure in uplifting the plight of all Malaysians, especially the Malay plight. It is Mahathir’s biggest dilemma.

Lightontheway: They are using race and religion (in this case, using Malay Proclamation) as a disguise to hide their (this group of people) own shortcomings. Anyway, these people must be blind like a bat if they cannot see that the Malays are in charge of Malaysia.

The prime minister is a Malay. The deputy prime ministers are Malays. The majority of the ministers in charge of their ministries are Malays. Also, the deputy ministers to various departments are Malays.

Hence, this group of people are all up to good for nothing but to cause a shift and try to drive a wedge to break the Malays so that they can take advantage to cause ‘chaos’ to our current unity government. That's all, they are all for their own self-interests and to hide their shortcomings.

Ocean MasterII: There is no truth at all in Mahathir and PAS' claim that Malays are facing an existential threat in Malaysia. It’s demeaning the non-Malays, and, by construct, humiliating the Malays and the great religion of Islam.

This is ugly racism in its purest form and the pinnacle of bigotry. I am sure readers, including most Malays, are aghast at such reckless flame-throwing by the politically bankrupt Mahathir who continues to pursue his racist philosophy rejected outright in his own backyard in Langkawi by voters.

I believe the law, if read for its intent and in letters, has space for Mahathir to be arrested under Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma).

Real Truth: Since independence (1957), Malaysia has had a Malay dominant party, Umno was the party in power under the BN flagship with MCA and MIC playing fiddle. Today's political parties are a splinter from BN.

Only in 2018, BN lost political power to Pakatan Harapan, that too under Mahathir, who resigned for reasons best known to him. Subsequently, we had a Bersatu PM (Muhyiddin Yassin), and then an Umno PM (Ismail Sabri Yaacob).

Now we have a Malay PM under a unity government. To say that within a space of five months, the Malays have lost all power is hoodwinking and a political ploy to destabilise a legitimate government and to cause ill feelings among Malaysians.

GreyPigeon2115: If these racist Malay leaders can convince the Malay citizens of Malaysia that their Malay Proclamation is true, that Malays never controlled the economy and have lost political control, there is not much to say anymore.

What more do they want before all these Malay racists feel they have economic and political control?

They are just pure self-serving, greedy, and power-crazy racists using the race card to support their selfish cause. This is beyond belief, their kind of racist and toxic leadership mindset poisons the diversity of Malaysian society.

YellowImpla3311: As a foreigner who has been in this wonderful country for more than 25 years, the current trend of these bigots is horrifying. If they were to get their way, the economy would collapse, and international investment would run a mile, sending the country into a backward spiral.

One can only pray that most people see common sense and in no circumstances will follow this way. If anything, what they are doing and proclaiming must be the most unIslamic way. Frightening is the word.

BlueSHark1548: Everyone wants to be the leader, that's why there are so many parties, all for themselves but use race and religion as their vehicle to achieve their objectives. What did Mahathir do for the Malays during his 22 years as PM? Did he give Petronas royalties to the Kelantan government to benefit the Malays?

Why is this old man at 98 years old so vindictive against Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim? He did not honour his promise to pass the PM-ship after two years to Anwar after GE14. Now he is trying his best to unseat Anwar.

Mahathir and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang are challenging the government to arrest them to ignite their cause. The document they signed appears to be seditious. Nonetheless, let these two old men enjoy their remaining days, let them be free and let right-thinking Malays see and ask themselves whether Mahathir is telling the truth.

Mahathir was PM for 22 years plus, and today he realised that Malays had lost control of the economy and political control. Best leave it to the Malays to decide whether Mahathir is a liar, or hypocrite and should be ignored.

Anon25: The coming state elections are a sideshow. The big one is the next general election (the 16th). Harapan together with former Umno youth leaders - Khairy Jamaluddin and Shahril Hamdan - their supporters and Borneo parties should be able to win a simple majority in GE16. Don't forget Muda, a dark horse. There is time.

In the meantime, the Malay parties should be quietly encouraged to fight among themselves.

Register another one or two more Malay parties to join Mahathir's numbers. Anwar will be too old for PM by the time GE16 comes around.

He should let Khairy go for the No 1 post. PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli is a practical politician. He does not fight for lofty positions. DAP and Amanah are also practical partners.

Get the Borneo parties on your side by giving them what they want.

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