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YOURSAY | Dr M and Hadi - two leaders trapped in time

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘60 years of ego for power main reason nation divided.’

Khalid muses if PAS met Dr M to woo new benefactor

BobbyO: After 60 years, some of the Malays can still be misled by Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Abdul Hadi Awang. We are a small nation. Today, we need support from other nations to survive.

The biggest economies today are China and India. They have enough room to grow even bigger as the years pass.

These two leaders are reluctant to accept that times have moved on. The situation in the world has changed. Our neighbours have all risen and today, they compete for a portion of the cake that is available.

Yet, these two still are living in the past, using race and religion not to defend the Malays, but to protect their own interests.

As far as these two are concerned, their personal finance is in a very satisfactory mode.

One has enough to feed his future generations. The other collects enough pensions and salaries to feed a few generations of his. While the Malays today, after years of being under their rule, struggle to make ends meet.

Not one or two years, but 60 years of Umno and PAS rule. They have failed in uniting the Malays. In these 60 years, their ego for power is the main reason the Malays are divided.

GalaxyM: I witnessed the birth of this country when I was 10 years old. I think Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim can achieve what his predecessors failed to do - to make the country loved by all races.

The corrupted self-serving greedy incompetent racists are trying to destabilise the unity government headed by Anwar.

All good citizens of the country should wholeheartedly support him to thwart the evil forces led by the ugly inhuman racists aimed to derail his government. We hope Anwar will prevail.

Steven Ong: Hadi is using Mahathir's remaining supporters for PAS' Islamic agenda and Mahathir is using Hadi to save his, children and cronies’ wealth.

The Malays had been deceived. Time for Pakatan Harapan to reveal this truth about PAS' leaders. It’s a lie that PAS and Mahathir care about the Malays.

Their Malay Proclamation, which both leaders signed on May 3, shows the facts and truth. Only the Malaysians can help the Malays - this is the truth. Ask and one shall receive.

Hoyohoyo: Malay politics are like a drama focused on a power play. The stage is full of plots, deceptions, and treacheries. Leaders pretend to be guardians of the Malays creating fear to keep themselves in power.

They kept the Malays in a dark silo using their favourite slogan: Protecting Malays and Islam.

The simple and easy Malay mindsets reinforced their elite's power play. They were denied good education to uplift their income. To remain laidback, uncompetitive, and dependent on government jobs.

Some Malays ignore corruption and bad governance. They vote back fake guardians with stale slogans after receiving small handouts during elections.

The non-Malays are the collateral damage in their power play.

Hmmmmmmmm: With the lawsuit hanging over him (Mahathir) as well as everybody's eyes trained on his wealth, I doubt very much that the former Langkawi MP would even dare to fork out a single sen to fund PAS.

That would be foolhardy, to say the least, especially as the money trail can be so easily traced nowadays.

On a different note, I notice that a lot of people always say that the Malays hold all the positions in the civil service, and political power, to placate them that they are in fact in control of this country.

That they are in control is undoubtedly true, but I would just like to know why it is that they must be in control. We are all Malaysians, born and bred in this country. Our love for this country would not be less than that of other Malaysians.

What do you think will happen if other races also get an equal opportunity to administrate or rule the country? Do you think it will suddenly go down the drain?

If anything, I believe that the country can only improve by leaps and bounds if everybody is given an equal opportunity to rule this country, based on merit.

Something like the Malay Proclamation is, in my opinion, the antithesis of nation-building.

GrayPuma2711: I really don’t know what an average Malay thinks about himself, his community, and his country. The informed Malays know the truth. The uninformed Malays and non-Malays can pose a problem.

They care only for themselves; handouts guide their actions. Incompetent governments come and go. Any government that stops the gravy train gets into difficulties.

However, the former prime minister had been, has been and is exploiting the uninformed Malay leaders by creating false narratives of the demise of Malay pre-eminence.

History has shown this to be false. Government and military positions are filled to the brim by Malays. So, the current situation also shows their claims to be untrue.

So, what is the solution? Appealing to their intellect that we must evolve out of self, and community to the nation first may fall on stone deaf ears.

But plotting to overthrow an elected government is treason. Let Malaysia grow and prosper. Let the citizens live happily and peacefully. No more poverty and no more handouts. No more racial distinction.

Hidup Malaysia!

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