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YOURSAY | Let there be fixed parliamentary term

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘This is to avoid backdoor coups.’

Bring numbers to Parliament if you have them, Anwar challenges

Azmin: Changing govt is allowed by law, constitution

OrangePanther1466: It is good for democracy in our country if Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim actually meant that he would support the tabling of confidence motion by the opposition.

Yes, Parliament is the venue to test the level of support a person enjoys. This burden of proof and determination of support should not be imposed on the Agong as politicians of late have been fond of doing.

I propose that the Parliamentary Standing Order be duly revised to allow for and prioritising the tabling of confidence motions.

The Constitution too ought to be amended to provide for fixed parliamentary terms. In other words, the next general election is pre-determined and a ‘backdoor coup’ cannot happen.

However, government administrations can still fall but as in the British system, the new PM will then be selected by members of the governing coalition from eligible members within their ranks.

This will immediately put a stop to the ‘numbers game’ and backdoor scheming.

Shadows: Parliament Speaker Johari Abdul, be prepared for a chaotic opening session or when the opposition starts tabling votes of no confidence or statutory declarations to support their claims that they have the numbers for a new government.

Be prepared to adjourn Parliament earlier if the traitors surface. Be prepared to expel dissident MPs if they refuse to abide by your rulings.

As for MPs in the unity government, there should be full attendance, no one should be absent. Leaders of the unity government coalition, you know what to do.

Remember, if the opposition or any traitor decides to play dirty, have no compunction to play dirtier and defeat them at their own game.

BluePanther4725: This is clear evidence that Perikatan Nasional is only interested in a political power play to benefit themselves and they don't care about the people at all.

They are willing to topple a legitimate government voted by the people to install another backdoor government and have a second round of Kerajaan Gagal (failed government) causing more suffering to the people and destroying the country. The people should eliminate PN in GE16.

Pink: If you live in a glass house, it is wise not to throw stones and challenge people.

In any case, it might not be people from outside that will cause your house to shatter but your wife setting up a fire on the gas tank in the kitchen. Anwar says best when he says nothing at all.

Abba: In poker, you don't show your cards until your opponent does, not call but follows or closes his. So, Anwar says he got 148 MPs, like saying he got 'straights'. But does he? We don't know, do we?

So, Anwar wants PN to show theirs in Parliament, then only Anwar will show what exactly he got. For now, Anwar has 'up' PN to 'follow' and show or close.

Unspin: The opposition from PN must be the worst since Merdeka. Their leaders are too lazy to attend Parliament to debate issues that concern the rakyat.

Even if they do attend, they bring out trivial issues that do not justify taxpayers paying them a salary. They agonise day and night to find ways to topple the incumbent government by hook or by crook.

They don't care whether their actions will drive away domestic and foreign investors which can cause a downward spiral for our economy.

Cogito Ergo Sum: This is becoming a bad habit - every duly elected legitimate government faces collapse because of the greed of the losers.

The losers cannot accept the results of the elections and want to thwart both the rakyat and the king. They don’t deserve our attention or even recognition as MPs.

Cyclonus: Selangor PN chief Azmin Ali and his followers are the disgruntled ones who want to be in power.

The rakyat is fed up with government instability that disrupts policy execution and the momentum of government administration.

There will never be a perfect government, but an ever-changing government administration is damaging to national development that directly affects the rakyat.

The current unity government has its issues but in the bigger picture, it is moving Malaysia in the right direction.

Any party that wants to change this is purely for selfish reasons and should be treated as against public interest and therefore treasonous.

Another talent wasted: When pressed further, Azmin said that the current coalition government would be toppled or changed soon, but that he would leave it to the people.

Yes, changing a government is allowed as long as it does not go against the law and the Federal Constitution.

The rakyat has decided, so, let the present government continue with their good work. For those opposition MPs please let Anwar do his work for the next four or five years.

In just five months, you expect a miracle to happen to this poorly managed country. For your information, we are still waiting for a neglected 50-year-old road to be repaired.

GoldenHorse6871: The outside world just looks at Malaysia and shakes their heads, and is just going to avoid this quagmire.

One day you have this law, and then six months later you have another law. And of course, the elephant in the room, the 1MDB scandal where Malaysia jailed only one person after all these years.

Those politicians think that Malaysia does not depend on other countries. Good luck when you can't even produce your own food to support your own citizens.

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