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YOURSAY | When did we suddenly become afraid of colours?

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘A rainbow is nature’s way of showing us the beauty of diversity.’

COMMENT | After the cross, it's time for colours to create waves

OCT: It’s getting tough to do business in Malaysia where laws and regulations can be imposed anytime, anywhere, and on anything.

There is no warning and/or guidelines for the investors beforehand so that corrective actions can be taken before imposition.

Investors are not sure what is allowed today that might be offensive tomorrow.

There is no hue and cry of the rainbow, cross, selective words or the Chinese zodiac caricature that are offensive for so many generations in Malaysia, but all of a sudden, they become offensive to one majority race and religion.

Confiscation is not the solution. The sales of these watches can be bought online.

There is no way the government can stop the rakyat and tourists from wearing them. Is the government going to arrest them?

Firstly, the government has not given notice that it is against any laws to be associated with the rainbow. Now, all of a sudden, it has become law that the government can confiscate anything that has the rainbow image on it.

This shows the Malaysian government is doing things based on emotions and catering to a certain religion. This is bad for the business community and investors. Religious edicts and feelings are overriding common criminal and constitutional laws.

Just a Malaysian: A rainbow is nature’s way of showing us the beauty of diversity. White light consists of many beautiful colours coming together.

Similarly, humanity is made up of very diverse types of people and should not be taken as a threat but as a celebration of the diversity of humanity.

History has shown that human conflicts and suffering arise when one tribe tries to impose its way of life on the other.

Many lives were lost and immense suffering arose out of this narrow “I’m the best” attitude.

The Madani government should not perpetuate this philosophy and should expose our population to the diversity of this big global environment.

Encasing the minds and celebrating singularity versus diversity will cocoon our population further. Afghanistan is an example of total cocooning of the mind.

See how the population suffers as a result.

Knucklehead: In recent times, it seems that common sense has become increasingly uncommon in Malaysia.  

This trend is exemplified by the questionable ban and confiscation of items featuring rainbow colours.

It raises concerns about the state of affairs in the country and prompts the need for clarification from authoritative sources regarding the specific law behind such actions.  

It would be highly beneficial for someone in a position of authority to provide an official citation or reference to the actual law that justifies the ban and confiscation.

BlueShark1548: Not healthy for Anwar to play the race and religion card to placate the Malays.

Anwar has shown himself to be a pious man and is associated with world-renowned Muslim scholars and experts. He has the stature to hold the flood of irrational decisions made in our country.

There is no basis for the decision about the Swatch watches. Where does it end?

When there are no more rainbows colours anywhere and the LGBT are openly discriminated against?

They are born that way and we should accept them, but they should behave in public knowing the majority's attitude towards them.

Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has no leadership and is allowing his staff to run the Home Ministry!

Falcon: In short, Malaysia is today not truly Asia!  She must decide whether she is an emerging economy, part of Asean or a crackhouse, where everyday attempts are made to traumatise minorities and those who do not share the religious ideology and venom of the deep state!  

Sadly, inexplicably, we don’t see that same “zeal, dedication, or commitment” in addressing corruption, racism, and extreme polarisation!  

Seriously, is there a special deep-state task force which meets regularly to see how far they can hurt, annoy, bleed, break, damage, and destroy the last grasp of goodwill that still exists in the country?

This is sheer madness!

PW Cheng: Sometimes, after a heavy shower, a rainbow is formed.

What is the Home Ministry going to do about it? Send missiles to destroy it?  What about those townships called Pelangi?

Johor Bahru had one called Taman Pelangi. There's a Pelangi condo on Jalan Pelangi in Sentul. And many more in this country that carry the word “pelangi”, which means rainbow.

The connotation brings a hue of beauty, signifying cheerfulness, optimism, and aspirations. When we were kids, many of us were joyous at seeing a rainbow.

Today, the infantile reactions of the Home Ministry to the colour of the rainbow are again making the country a laughing stock to the world.

The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is only wishful thinking under the Madani government.

Existential Turd: When some people start to claim that other people being LGBT is an affront to their fragile sensitivity, it will not be the last of it.

Other people using their own language will be banned or policed.

Other people wearing their brand of clothing will be banned or policed.

Other people’s food will be banned or policed.

Other people’s festivities will be banned or policed.

Other people’s music will be banned or policed.

Other people’s religions or houses of worship will be banned or policed.

Other people’s participation in the public sector will be banned or policed.

Finally, they find it easier by simply banning people.

This has happened before.

BrownCheetah9736: This issue was handled very poorly.

The Home Ministry could just have communicated and written to Swatch in Malaysia, asking them to remove these watches from display/sales.

It seems that this current government is out to score religious political points by not handling this matter quietly and instead, wanting to make a headline out of this.

All these very public raids on orientation colours and even religious items are bordering on hysteria and stupidity, if nothing else.

Hrrmph: We may soon be mandated to cover our eyes anytime a rainbow appears in the sky.  

How can we ever reach developed nation status when so many in our society are unable to understand the most basic knowledge and are so easily confused, they are liable to make lifelong decisions that impact their soul and sexuality at the least provocation?

Are we a nation of unthinking idiots? The way the authorities treat us, we must be!

HOYOHOYO: Malaysia is multiracial and multicultural. We have the festivities of different races and enjoy public holidays.

Cultural diversity thrives on understanding and tolerance. In brief, we are also a rainbow nation.  Little Napoleans often rub the wrong way to the anger of some.

Likewise, their actions were deemed trivial to many. Their absurdities include the pig zodiac, Christian crosses, LGBT colours etc.

The media may implode but we are too diverse and distracted in a multiracial world with cultural differences. Nothing will change.

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