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YOURSAY | Playing fair in field of politics

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | 'How is it acceptable when Harapan does the same thing previously criticised?'

S'gor PN cries foul after permit to book venue denied

Vijay47: Like most reasonably sane persons, I am waiting to see the end of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and his forces, I hope that PAS gets wiped out in the next elections - state, federal, or whatever. Not that my hope will bear fruit as abundantly as wished for.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, where does it say in the rules that “political campaigns” can be held only after elections are announced? Every function held by a political party is a form of selling its credentials, either for the distant or immediate future.

What was Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim doing when he courageously set sail on his six states odyssey? Distributing manna to the poor and hungry?

Perhaps Selangor Perikatan Nasional (PN) would have met with better success had it described its proposed event in the Tanjung Karang field as a “meeting the rakyat” function. Yes? Sorry, what’s that you say, fields can be used only for sports? Bukit Jalil? Oops, that would be pouring cold water on Coldplay’s forthcoming concert!

For sure, Hadi and his forces, including former PMs Muhyiddin Yassin, Ismail Sabri Yaakob and the rest of the boys seriously need a taste of their own medicine. But how does the same thing done by Pakatan Harapan suddenly become acceptable? Fair is fair, wrong is wrong, and never the twain shall meet.

Yeah, right. If tomorrow some Pakatan Harapan leader makes off with a couple of billion, so what? After all, the other guys also did it.

Citizen_zero: I see Selangor PAS communications secretary Roslan Shahir Mohd Shahir’s comment as fair, and he said it in a good way. I can respect that.

All is fair in love and war. But that said, everyone should get equal and fair opportunity as well. However, we also know what PAS is like. The possibility for them to use the space they intended to book to scream racist and religious hatred and lies is high.

If the decision not to allow the use of the venue is due to this reason, then it is considered done. But dangerous things, these grey areas, and slippery slopes. Better know what you are doing and have yourself firmly tied to the pole of your principles.

I wish we don’t have to worry more than what is necessary about PAS. But we do. I personally would like PAS to have the space. But can we trust you, PAS?

Angin Lintang: When they submitted the application, they were told it was not a problem. Why doesn't this Perikatan Nasional fella say who told him no problem? Who was it? The security guard?

Children's activities are recreational. Bringing in Kedah MB Muhammad Sanusi Md Noor for toxic political ceramah is definitely not recreational. The field can only be used for recreational purposes. Isn't it obvious that their intention was only to create trouble?

For example, the Kedah government never sent an application to the ministry on its plans to develop the aviation hub Kedah Aerotropolis, however, they say the plan was rejected but the Transport Ministery disputed this.

Now, they book a field that cannot be used for their intended purpose, knowing it will be rejected. Same old tactic. It is outdated.

IndigoKancil5615:Selangor is a progressive and advanced state’. Roslan, you are right that Selangorians are progressive, and we do not want toxic and regressive politicians like Sanusi on Selangor soil.

Please keep all that racist toxicity in Kedah. Sanusi's reputation already stinks in all non-PAS-controlled states and his intention is only to instigate trouble at the grassroots.

Your party's intention is also to play the sandiwara (theaterics) of ‘we have been victimised’ to garner sympathy votes. Selangorians are advanced enough to know your nefarious schemes and you will not get any sympathy votes from us.

Mano: Agreed. Reformasi is reformasi. Time to set the rules equal so that next when Harapan is in the opposition, Harapan does not get treated as such.

The only thing here is can the police wake up and nab all those spewing racist and divisive remarks? Enforcement bodies must set strict conditions for all parties. But it seems to be insufficient. There is no end to the spewing of racist and divisive speeches.

The words and sentences used under cover of privilege and ketuanan (supremacy) do not follow the Rukun Negara which espouses ‘Kedaulatan undang-undang, kesopanan dan kesusilaan’ (The rule of law, good behaviour and morality).

SalvageMalaysia: One observation we should all make is that when one is in opposition, he or she will complain of kleptocracy, theft, corruption, oppression, unfair treatment, and reformasi.

Eventually, when the opposition becomes the government, reformasi suddenly sounds eerily silent. They in turn oppress the other opposition members.

This vicious cycle goes on and on. Will Malaysia ever get a PM the likes of rare a breed like Indonesian President Jokowi Widodo?

PierceBrosnanJr: Can't say you are really surprised, can you? There is a certain risk that Selangor might fall to the opposition in the coming state elections, and of course 'obstacles' might be put in place to delay as long as possible the 'inevitable' conclusion.

YellowRusa5552: That's what we call politics, do unto others what others have done unto you. It's also called tit for tat. An eye for an eye thing! So, stop whining, you can see it coming even before you submit your application.

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