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YOURSAY | LCS scandal: So much for zero tolerance for corruption

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘Rakyat demands transparency, why is LCS classified as not urgent for Parliament?’

Speaker rejects LCS debate for 'not being a public interest matter' - Muar MP

Speaker: Syed Saddiq being unfair to me for rejecting LCS motion

Proarte: See how those in power mock us now by declaring the littoral combat ships (LCS) issue as not urgent and not of public interest.

Clearly, individuals in government are being protected. The LCS issue was a major election issue, and the crosshairs were directed at Umno. But now Umno is in government, corruption is no longer of public interest.

So much for "zero tolerance" for corruption. This is the result when politicians lie to the public to achieve high office and then do a summersault without even blinking.

I am really wondering if the non-Malays who voted overwhelmingly for PKR, Amanah, and DAP are feeling cheated and hugely disappointed with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

I think the rejection of the LCS debate will be fodder for Perikatan Nasional in the upcoming state elections to show the hypocrisy and cover-up of corruption by the Madani government.

Many Pakatan Harapan supporters are thinking of not voting in the upcoming state elections as a protest vote, but now I think they will seriously consider voting for PN.

If former Umno member Khairy Jamaluddin joins Bersatu, I feel he would be able to rehabilitate Bersatu by attracting younger and newer talent.

In this scenario, many non-Malays will desert the Madani government because it has shown itself to be two-faced, soft on corruption by not allowing the LCS scandal debate in Parliament, an extremist by persecuting the LGBT and promoting unconstitutional actions like endorsing the banning of the term Allah for non-Muslims.

Apanama is back: Dewan Rakyat Speaker Johari Abdul, you are wrong and hiding behind a standing order like what previous speaker Azhar Azizan Harun used to do.

A Public Accounts Committee (PAC) visit is one thing but the people through their representative in the Lower House need to know what happens to their tax money. There are alleged criminal acts in this LCS case.

The Defence Ministry report is about the work progress, not the wrongdoings.

I suspect you are trying to stop Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman from asking difficult questions which may put this unity government in an awkward situation.

Previously there were forensic reports on this LCS case. So far, only one person, I will call him a 'kambing hitam' (scapegoat), is being charged while the 'big shark' seems to be roaming free and enjoying life.

Johari, you are the one being unfair to Syed. You are actually blocking him to do his job as an MP. I am now suspecting your independence as a speaker of Dewan Rakyat.

Anonymous: Why are you behaving like Umno's politician, rejecting all urgent motions of public interest? The rakyat is demanding justice and crying out for answers over the allegations of hideous corruption on this critical matter.

The rakyat demands that this matter involving multi-billions of taxpayers' money, be allowed to be debated in Parliament and to ensure transparency.

Those involved in sweeping the matter under the carpet must be held accountable/prosecuted, regardless of whether they are the deputy prime minister, the PM, or any ministers as justice must be seen to be done at all costs, to save the country.

Please don't be another Azhar. Meanwhile, great Job, Syed Saddiq, for raising the matter in Parliament.

The good rakyat is 100 percent with you and we demand immediate answers and actions on this most hideous act of corruption involving multi-billions that must be exposed and the criminals plundering the country's coffers must be incarcerated to save our country!

Chokestone: Perhaps the only answer that the government could give to Syed Saddiq is ‘don't rock the boat’.

Most people have sensed that the unity government has kept mum on facing reality, or else it would shake the government’s stability and shame the country.

With this RM11 billion, most probably, we could buy 10 combat ships of the same quality from China; no small country will try to make their own combat ships with elevated cost and worse still, without confirmed expertise.

Turnedback: Rakyat demands transparency and accountability, why the case is classified as not urgently concerned? When exposed, it could be another mega corruption that would be worse than 1MDB.

Is Johari or the government trying to protect someone in the ministry? If that is the case, this government must be removed before our country goes bankrupt.

Salvage Malaysia: This Madani government has to be very careful. The rakyat is watching all the U-turns happening and they are disappointed and upset.

If this carries on, there is a risk that Harapan will be rejected in the next election. Keep your words and promises.

Just learn how to manage those issues as a government and no longer the opposition. But don’t try to sweep things under the carpet.

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