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YOURSAY | Umno, MCA have no justification for demanding apology

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘All are guilty of slandering one another at one time.’

After Umno Youth, now MCA Youth wants DAP to apologise too

Madani Malaysia: Umno and MCA’s demand for DAP to apologise has no justification whatsoever as all are guilty of slandering one another at one time or another. None of them are angels.

An apology is due when one party had defamed the other. Not when all parties have been slandering one another all their lives. None of these parties are innocent nor justified in demanding an apology.

Typical of Umno's and MCA's true colours of fishing in troubled waters, exerting pressure on Pakatan Harapan ahead of the state elections. They fail to realise that beggars can't be choosers.

Both Harapan and BN need each other unless BN wants to be in the opposition along with Perikatan Nasional.

The apology made to the Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Openg should not be a yardstick for MCA or Umno to demand an apology. It was made under entirely different circumstances when Harapan needed GPS's support to form a unity government.

But in Umno and MCA's case, whatever differences in the past cancelled out when both Harapan and Umno/BN needed each other to form the government, bearing in mind it was at the behest of the Agong to break the deadlock when PN rejected the Agong's proposal.

It is in this spirit that both Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke took the stand that instead of dwelling on the past, the government must move on.

If Umno/BN feels that an apology is due to them let it start with Umno/BN apologising to Malaysians for the 50 years of abuses and misgovernance that resulted in Malaysia being on the verge of a failed state.

Vijay47: The objective cannot be clearer. When a party totally devoid of self-respect and any known contribution to the nation responds eagerly to its master’s tug on the leash, it can only mean that Umno and its allies are working feverishly to destroy any remnants of the ties that may hold the unity government together.

It is no coincidence that the bizarre demands for an apology are repeatedly being launched just on the eve of six state elections.

That it is now MCA making the calls for a DAP apology removes any doubt as to the intentions of Zahid and his accomplices – to weaken DAP, and work towards it performing poorly in the state elections.

When that is accomplished, the long knives can be drawn out against Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim leading to the collapse of the federal government.

Fresh elections must then be called for, in the hope and expectation that PAS and the green wave will surge into power in coalition with Zahid, the deputy prime minister’s forces and with that success, remove the threat of Umno leaders seeing the inside of prison cells.

The icing will be that a present resident will be released back into the ample bosom of his admirers.

From the very start of the unity government, Zahid has been carrying himself as though he were the prime minister and not Anwar. Of course, the premier’s desperate supporters will plead that in view of his precarious position, compromises have to be made to ensure the survival of the government.

Compromises? Where are the even rare occasions when Anwar asserted his leadership and authority? He has sold out on almost every principle and promises he once assured us. Even on that relatively minor but shameful issue of the LCS project, he unbelievably extended the Boustead contract.

Zahid or his underlings do not have to make a single move, Anwar despite his flair for Arabic and quotations from the Quran is doing a great job at self-destruction. MCA has made some feeble yelps. What’s holding you back, MIC?

Apanama is back: “Their previous negative remarks, including describing MCA as traitors to the Chinese community, have led to voters abandoning MCA. That is why MCA Youth believes that DAP should not only apologise to Umno but also to MCA,” said MCA Youth deputy chairperson Tan Chee Hiong.

What an excellent reason for DAP to apologise to MCA. Tan, let me ask a simple question to you. If DAP apologises to MCA, will the Chinese community suddenly run to MCA and give support to MCA? Would this magic happen overnight?

I am very interested to know about this ‘apology magic’. Maybe Umno Baru will get back its lost Malay support once DAP apologises.

Not to forget, DAP also needs to apologise to MIC so that suddenly Indians will run to MIC. What an excellent land of endless possibilities I am living in.

Kilimanjaro: How much does he understand about democracy and the people? Because it is the people who ultimately decide whom they want to vote for.

MCA was given umpteen chances to "represent" the people and protect the interest of the minority. It miserably failed to do this.

For all the corruption scandals, MCA and the other coalition partners should accept equal blame. They were also part of the government, weren't they?

BobbyO: It is all fair in love and war. While the DAP was in the opposition camp, Umno and MCA were both guilty of insulting and throwing false accusations. So, did the DAP do the same? It was the people who decided what accusation was true or not.

Umno should look deep inside as to why the Malays left them, instead of asking your own coalition partner for an apology. Together, MCA should do an in-depth study of their own party.

The people or voters today can or have many avenues to assess the truth. This is not the 60's or even 80's.

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a good example to look at. A 22-year-old reigned PM can be rejected. That was also until he lost his deposit.

So, improve yourself if you want to regain your position. Otherwise, both Umno and MCA will become history.

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