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YOURSAY | Umno should clean house and stop blaming others

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘Admit shortcomings, work along with Harapan and others.’

Umno learning to stay afloat in uncharted waters

Madani Malaysia: Instead of a Catch-22 situation, it is now an impossible situation for Umno, especially the call for an apology from DAP and to release former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak.

On a balance of probabilities, both events will not happen. These Umno die-hards are barking up the wrong tree.

Pakatan Harapan or DAP had little to do with Umno's poor performance in the 15th general election.

It had to do with the loss of traditional Malay votes that went to Perikatan Nasional.

The claim that freeing Najib would bring back the Malay votes to Umno is a figment of their imagination.

Kleptocracy was amongst the elements that drove Malay votes away from Umno.

If Umno aims to regain its leadership role amongst the Malays, it must admit its shortcomings and work along with Harapan and others in the government towards the 16th general election.

Hollering about the past and making unrealistic demands is a sure way of sliding further down the abyss.

Umno is lucky if it ends up playing third fiddle in PN, which is waiting with sharpened knives for you know who.

BobbyO: Umno should consider it very lucky that it is still a part of the current administration.

Had it joined PN, it would have certain ministerial positions, but you can be assured that Bersatu and PAS will never allow Umno to come back to its numero uno position.

With both parties having won more seats than Umno, it will want to grow into a more powerful position.

By partnering with the coalition government, they have an opportunity to rise again to take their position as the main Malay party of the peninsula.

Yet, when you read about what issues the Umno leaders are raising at their annual general meeting, it shows that Umno has not changed.

Najib is a liability. He and his wife are the cause of the downfall of Umno.

Now they allow the children to try and charm them into finding a way to get him released. By saying that with him on the loose, Umno can win the coming state elections.

What weapon would they put in the hands of the opposition if they succeeded in this ridiculous move?

Secondly, they always use DAP as their scapegoat or excuse.

How can they forget that Harapan today has the support of 95 percent of the Chinese and Indian vote due to their connections with DAP?

Smart political individuals know that they have to rely on the winning strategy to recover or win the war.

They must use all the valuable assets that are already in their hand to plan their moves. Umno not only have lost the Malay vote, but over the years, they have hardly much support from other races since 2008.

It is time for Umno to seriously get their hands and feet dirty. They have to work the ground to get back their support. Stop pointing fingers at your leaders.

The importance of your party's survival overrides the shortcomings of your leaders. You can deal with this situation later. Leaders have come and gone.

Focus on ensuring that Umno is here to stay.

Lone_star: At this juncture, it is good for all parties in the country to reflect and introspect about what is good for the country and ‘rakyat’.

The past should help to determine what has been wrong and what must be done to move the country forward for the good of all the ‘rakyat’.

For the majority of the ‘rakyat’, Malaysia is the country of birth and also the country they will die in.

No running away for the majority. So, there must be the spirit of give and take and all must try to live in the best harmonious manner possible.

There should be less if it is not possible to have race and religious rhetoric.

It is no longer possible for any single party be it PAS, Umno, PKR, DAP or a single coalition like PN, BN, Pakatan Harapan, or Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS), to dominate or control the narrative for the country.

As for Najib with his long list of cases and appeals, he has rightly been left to the judiciary to determine his future.

If he is pardoned, who can determine how this would impact the country domestically and internationally?

Has anyone thought this through? The call should be for all parties to look forward and do all that is good for the country and rakyat.

Falcon: The truth is, on the ground, Bersatu and PAS are seen to be "cleaner" than Umno.

Umno's rhetoric at the assembly cleanly showed no remorse, no ownership of not just the theft of the century, but all the other seepage and financial abuse which stood up even after the unity government took shape.

To make matters worse, the noise for apologies was unnecessary when those who ruled robbed and allegedly robbed and part of the court cluster and the current government seemed oblivious to their greed while in office.

I realise if the pied piper of reforms walks the talk, his government will collapse.

GrayPigeon2115: The recent Umno annual general assembly clearly shows they have no credible leaders to lead the country.

I won't be surprised if they will be wiped out in the state elections with their in-fighting and self-serving mentality.

Najib is more important to them than the welfare of the people.

Can't believe how short-sighted they are.

They are shooting their foot with all the bashing they are doing to their people and partners in the unity government.

MKMM: Wake up Umno members. Not only have you lost the Malay support, but you are also fast losing your coalition members' support by harping and attacking them, especially DAP.

With this big-headed attitude, former Umno MP Khairy Jamaluddin is not wrong to predict that Umno will be wiped out and drag Harapan along in the coming state elections.

V S: Why don’t you say we are with a government that wants to eradicate corruption and improve the economy of the country through prudent spending?

Institute charges against all those involved in political corruption and amassing wealth and recovering the plundered wealth from corrupt politicians.

It shows that Umno is focused on improving the financial health and quality of life of its people. This race and religious political talk is similar to PN and PAS.

Might as well vote for Bersatu, headed by former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

RZee: It’s simple really. Govern well for all Malaysians. Keep crooks and corruption out of your party.

Stop reverting them and making them heroes as they stole big time from you and Malaysians. Uphold justice, law and the judiciary.

Keep racism and bigotry out of the picture and let every race and religion have the freedom to practise their own.

Keep PAS kind of politics out. Keep people who stir up trouble out too. Do all this and all Malaysians will vote you in to govern.

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