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YOURSAY | Mahathir won’t let us ignore him

This article is a year old

YOURSAY |’ He is trying so hard to be relevant and be heard.’

'Dr M's multiracial remark his last desperate attempt to be relevant'

Mazilamani : After losing his stronghold of the Langkawi parliamentary seat and leading his fellow Pejuang members to lose their deposits, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has become really desperate.

Mahathir's anti-multiracialism is a last-minute instigation hoping that the opposition will win the state elections.

Whether the opposition wins or not, he already has a pre-prepared answer "When did I ever say the non-Malays have no rightful place in this country? How could I have said it after being the prime minister for 24 years? Where is the proof?"

His regular self-publicity reminds Malays that he is still around and no other Malay leader can replace him.

All the leaders after him were good, but he also taught them things he should not have practised.

They took up from where he left off and continued with his habits. All got into legal traps. Bad teacher, good followers.

Siva1967: It is a wise move, and as I have commented several times, Any statement coming from Mahathir should not be given any space.

A media blockade of sorts. Granted, it might be difficult in the day and age, but maybe Malaysiakini should be the first to do so.

Yes, some news can bring in additional readership, but Mahathir is news of yesteryear, so it's irrelevant.

Journalism should also be responsible and not publish news that could be detrimental to the stability of the government and the nation.

The more you ignore a barking dog, the sooner it will realise that its barking is going nowhere.

apanama is back: “Of course, (this) is his last attempt to be seen as relevant. I am going to make him irrelevant," Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said in the article.

Good for your Anwar. You are the right person to make him irrelevant, once and for all. Do it as soon as possible.

Enough of this menace and nuisance fellow creating havoc in our multiracial society with his crooked, nonsensical, warped logical narratives.

He is irrelevant, but some people do listen to him. Stop it once and for all. If there is a need to arrest him and strip him of his Tunship, do so.

Be quick! Mahathir must be taught a lesson.

OrangeBeetle0775: Totally agreed with the prime minister. Mahathir is desperate to show he is relevant, but this is a candidate who lost his deposit at the last election!

This is enough to show that he is a person that everyone loves to hate.

It follows that no one, especially the media or any other political party, should pay attention to what he says.

He is now desperate, and all he can do is be a "trouble-maker", create conflict and divide/destroy the nation just to get attention and create his own news.

He is a real danger. However, if he crosses the line, he should be punished.

GanMu: Irrelevance is not in Mahathir’s vocabulary. Anything and everything he says must be taken seriously.

After all, he was prime minister twice over and has only contributed so much to Malaysia's development.

In his mind, he was, is and will be the best Malaysia can ever produce. His ego is so inflated that nothing can stop him from going after anyone who speaks against him.

His only weapon now is to stir anger amongst the races to divide them.

He has become so desperate and selfish in his vendetta that he has become immune to his family's feelings, especially his son Pejuang president Mukhriz, who is still trying to find his way into politics.

It's such a pity his daughter Marina Mahathir chooses to remain silent when he is going after the very principles that she so strongly upholds in her "Musings".

IndigoTrout2522: It is even harder for Mahathir to be ignored as he is such an egotistical person.

He is trying so hard to be relevant and be heard. So just ignore him. Focus on the election.

If Perikatan Nasional loses badly, Mahathir will be irrelevant and in oblivion. Do not give him space in Malaysiakini, as he is no longer newsworthy.

AnotherKomentar: Mahathir's latest ramblings have degenerated into cringeworthy and deplorable territory.

It’s equally worrisome as one now senses desperation in his choice of diatribe and provocative pronouncements in concert with PN/PAS.

Some of us are old enough to recall the political tensions of Ops Lalang of 1987.

Jaded: Racist ideology is nothing new and will be used by reckless politicians for their own gain or their children's gain.

The old fox has used this over and over again in his long history of politics.

By abandoning whatever principles he once had and teaming up with PN, regurgitating the same old ideology, it shows how desperate Mahathir is.

Hopefully, younger Malaysians have seen through it and will move forward.

LimeDove3658: I think his cronies' heirs are losing their privilege in this new political landscape.

That's why he is thumping his chest now, making all sorts of noise just to drum up sentiments. Then again, he might just be living in his own world when the nation wants to move on.

Fair Play: There is a saying – “Old soldiers never die. They just fade away.”

In Malaysia, we have this instead – “Washed-out politicians never learn. They refuse to leave.”

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