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YOURSAY | Sanusi's apology further insults sultan

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘Any apology, if sincere, must not put blame on others.’

Sanusi apologises to S’gor ruler, claims speech twisted by rivals

LimPanther5220: Not only did caretaker Kedah menteri besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor insult the Selangor sultan with his speech.

His apology is also a further insult to the sultan and amounts to rubbing salt on His Royal Highness’ wounds. How? Two ways:

Firstly, he is saying the sultan could not interpret the real meaning of the speech. What insolence!

As if the sultan lacks understanding of a speech that has been recorded and broadcasted to all and sundry online and heard by hundreds present at the ceramah (political talk).

Secondly, he claimed his speech was spun by agents of Pakatan Harapan/BN. This is further insolence. This is as if the sultan has no independent mind and can be influenced by the narratives of others.

PAS as a party have elevated themselves above the level of royalty. This is one of many times they have slighted the Agong and sultans.

In time to come, will they usurp the position of the Agong and sultans as heads of Islam in the various states? They are a great threat to royalty in Malaysia today.

In the current case, the Selangor sultan’s honour must be defended. Sanusi’s (above) words belittling the sultan have gone far and wide and cannot be properly retracted or redeemed.

Any apology, if sincere, must not put the blame on others and must be carried in all major newspapers and news channels, including PAS’ own media organ Harakah.

Steven Ong: The country’s systems, agencies, and bodies are infested with corrupt people hindering the progress and prosperity in Malaysia as more and more money is needed to appease selected citizens.

Elites at the top are happy as they take advantage of certain policies to enrich themselves and exercise their power to enjoy them.

If they made any mistake, all they have to do is to just apologise and it’s no further action - NFA - or later a DNAA - discharge not amounting to an acquittal.

The leaders of this country Malaysia are busy competing for positions of power and the reward that comes with it that they are not aware of the country being on the verge of total collapse and political instability.

These are all due to unfair and discriminating behaviours that were accepted through lies and more lies. Most are lies because the promises are always reversed when they are elected to power.

They use cruel laws which they promised to reform during the elections. They use lies to put fear in their supporters so they would vote for them once again.

All these will come to an end as holiness and righteousness do not allow evil and wickedness to prevail for too long.

Vijay47: We all had our suspicions, but Sanusi has now confirmed that he has completely taken leave of his sparse senses.

Unbelievably, in making what he assumes is an apology to the Selangor sultan, he feels so compelled to include that inevitable line, that his remarks were twisted by political rivals.

Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah

Does he not know that an apology, especially to a ruler, should be absolute and unqualified, admitting to his crude, misguided words and seeking forgiveness for his trespass?

Isn’t there a single politician among us with some honour, however dubious, to make a sincere, straightforward expression of intense regret?

Again, unbelievably, this man has the temerity to instruct His Highness that his “wrath would not arise on the issues raised in the speech”. Perhaps this is remotely understandable.

After all, many believe that spiritual leaders, like PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, stand on pedestals far higher than where rulers sit. More so a menteri besar.

Mazilamani: It is as though he spoke straight, but others twisted it. Cut your nonsense. Does that also mean he did not praise the Kedah Tuanku (royalty) as recorded in the YouTube clip?

If his praise for the Kedah ruler is correct then his remark about the Selangor ruler is also correct. You just can’t run away.

Sanusi must understand he represents an Islamic party with Islamic values and you or your party leaders for that matter have no right to use vulgarity, make false charges, or disparage other religions or races.

It may be right in the eye of the party for political profits but what about when you appear before your Maker? Can your acts be justified?

Sultan of Kedah Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah

You may become the choice prey to be hunted by the police and MACC after the state elections. Your party and supporters will not be able to help you.

Apa pun boleh: Sanusi should not underestimate Malaysians. The people of Kedah, if they respect our royalty, should kick him out.

He is not the first one to insult the royals among his ilk and we know what his true intentions are and those using him to further their scheme to grab power.

Unlike him that spews disrespect and hatred towards others, Malaysians that support the federal government are civilised and respect all Malaysians regardless of their political leanings. Sanusi is arrogant and has no remorse.

The fact he claims he was misquoted, and his words twisted, shows he does not regret nor repent and his apology to the sultan is not sincere. The royals must beware of his type and the hidden hands behind him.

OCT: Malaysia has no high hopes that a sitting/caretaker MB will be charged now that he has apologised to the sultan. Sanusi will not be charged even if he doesn’t want to apologise.

All these recalcitrants have no shame but blame others for twisting their words when there were recordings to show otherwise.

Sanusi knows the sultan can act against him. This is the main reason for his apology. Sanusi has been punished before. However, simple Malaysians will be prosecuted to the full might of the law (if they were to do something similar to Sanusi).

How’s that for justice in Malaysia?

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