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YOURSAY | Hamzah, tell us something new in politics

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘Are you not one of them doing such deals?’

Hamzah claims Zahid entered pact with Anwar to resolve graft cases

BOBBYO: The question is not what back-door agreements the politicians make behind the people's backs, but what about the future position of the people and the nation. It is a known fact that back-door deals are signed and sealed by politicians to safeguard their very own interests.

So, what is new, Hamzah Zainudin (Bersatu secretary-general and former home minister)? Tell us something different. In the last five years before these elections, the nation experienced three different administrations. All due to the politicians haggling deals behind the people’s backs.

The nation saw a downtrend in all aspects. Law and order, economy, and even relationships between the people. Until they got tired and shipped out what they did not like or agreed to run this nation.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim got the highest mandate, but still, there were these back-door deals going on to bring in this coalition that was a complete failure.

The Yang di-Pertuan Agong, who knew this nation was sliding downwards at a dangerous pace, wisely put his foot down and wanted the political parties to work together. Still, there were individuals that had their own itineraries.

Some wanted to stop all the cases that were piled up against them. Some to close the files that can lead to an investigation of their crimes. Some wanted to control the Treasury and keep on looting from it.

Even now, there are still individuals that are hoping for a change after these state elections. Still, deals are being done by politicians who have no concern for the welfare of the people, only to protect their selfish interests.

In the end, it will be those who put a workable deal or coalition together who will rule. Not the people. It will be the coalition deciding which file to close and who to set free from their crimes. As well as who will rule which state.

Until the people mature and open their eyes to the shenanigans of the politicians, nothing will change in this nation. So Hamzah (above), tell us what is new in the political circle. Are you not one of them doing such deals? How many illegal acts did you shove under the carpet while you were home minister?

Lionking: It is very tiring reading about all these politicians who have no interest in the nation. Look at the state of the country when these jokers were managing the country, we must be mad to assume things will change with these people coming back to the government.

All Malaysians, especially the Malays, must think of their future generations. If they wish the country to go back to the dark ages and be riddled with corruption, yes, then bring them back.

It appears most of the existing politicians are old, incompetent, uneducated, and do not belong to the artificial intelligence era. Their statements so far seem downright childish and give the impression they are coming from mentally deficient individuals.

Let us bring in people with the vision to progress the country and not become the laughingstock of the world. Enough embarrassment has already been caused by the 1MDB saga.

Apanama is back: “So the deal struck between Anwar and his deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (after GE15) is because Zahid wanted his cases resolved,” Hamzah said.

No wonder Zahid’s cases are moving at a snail’s pace. Moreover, the criminal part of the littoral combat ships (LCS) scandal is almost forgotten or pretended to be forgotten since November 2022. Now, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is just performing wayang (theatrics), investigating the delivery of one ship.

And this is called an investigation?

Anwar, if Hamzah’s claim that “Zahid wanted his cases resolved” is not true, you need to initiate a criminal case in the LCS scandal based on the four forensic reports.

Rule of law should prevail here, not your post and administration. Zahid is a liability. People are not happy about his appointment except for your blind supporters who are fearful of the other side.

Over the causeway in Singapore, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has instructed his transport minister to go on leave pending an investigation by the country’s Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau.

But in Malaysia, we have a person who was charged in court and told to enter his defence being appointed as deputy prime minister and have his passport returned so a tainted senior official can represent Malaysia at the international level.

What wonderful integrity we have here, the Madani way of integrity. Singapore could be laughing at us for this wonderful joke.

Undecided: “My friend called me at dawn (the day after the Sabah election results came out) and said ‘Brother, we can settle this with one condition. Resolve the cases of the Umno president.’”

This kind of allegation by Hamzah is tantamount to showing contempt for the judiciary.

The attorney-general should not allow such blatant contempt by politicians to tarnish the image of the courts by implying that it can be manipulated by outside parties, especially the prime minister.

Although the confidence of the rakyat has improved a lot in the independence of the judiciary since Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat took over as Chief Justice, politicians still continue to create such doubts about the judiciary with impunity.

Newday: Good to read my first news piece of the day delving into the fantastic imagination of the Perikatan Nasional. The third-last paragraph on respecting the royal Institutions had me laughing and almost crying at the same time over its sheer absurdity.

I do recall that PN was extremely bitter after the Agong successfully directed the cobbling together of this coalition government. You had no choice but to accede to the decision made. Magnanimous you were not.

You have zero proof that Zahid had made any such deal with Anwar and is 100 percent coffee shop speculation that no doubt whipped your blinded followers in Kedah to a frenzy.

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