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YOURSAY | Muhyiddin resorting to schoolboy tactics

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘You have lost the plot, this is schoolboy tactic.’

Felda debt issue: My ‘tok guru’ dad taught me not to lie - Muhyiddin

OCT: Your father has taught you not to lie. This is good advice from your father. However, that advice didn't seem to get into your head. There is no need to bring your father into this argument as all of us has a father at one time and our fathers had taught us better morals too.

It seems you are losing the plot, so you drag your father into the matter. This is schoolboy tactics. When a child cannot win, he brings in his father or mother with the hope that they can help him out.

Grow up like a man, Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin, and fight like a gentleman too. In a court, you need to show your points with facts, evidence, and proof. Your father’s advice carries no weight in the court.

In the meantime, why not tell us about your grandfather and grandmother’s advice to you too? It will be interesting to know what all of them had advised you.

FreeThinker: Muhyiddin (above) clearly does not know what he is talking about. Funds were raised and guaranteed by the government to settle Felda’s debt. Felda does not need to repay this and the government undertakes to disburse almost RM1 billion yearly till the bond is matured. The bondholder is being paid a coupon and the government will understand it has to pay it as well.

As Felda no longer carries the debt and the future payment is borne by the government, the debt is technically forgiven as the bond or Sukuk (Syaria-compliant bonds) is guaranteed by the government.

By raising Sukuk, the government does not need to come out with all the cash to settle Felda's debt immediately. Even if the debtor is government, the loan is in the book of the Finance Ministry and cannot be waived just like that.

Most often than not, some companies have no financial capability to build but require government guarantees to obtain loans. When it's guaranteed by the government, the repayment obligation falls into the hands of the government.

It’s not as simple as issuing a letter to Felda that says its debts have been waived.

Righteousness4All: This is a good lesson learned from Muhyiddin, who was also the former prime minister. In the future, when faced with such a recalcitrant, we should further improve and tighten the conditions (due to development over time and advancement over the years) with such a character.

Muhyiddin, you are expected to be the most composed, well-learned person, having good advisers, good pair of ears, eyes, a good-thinking mind, and a mouth. Thus, your understanding of giving a ‘waiver of debts’ is just by the stroke of the pen.

The outstanding amount is expected to go missing but the amount will still be reflected in the book of accounts.

It is merely a political and feel-good statement without completing the task in the accounting books. For such a statement to take full effect, the following actions must be taken, with proper justification, and recorded in a proper manner according to the Malaysian Accounting Standards.

These include a full meeting to discuss the matter, the decision must be justified and voted upon by all and recorded. Further, a resolution must be tabled and passed accordingly. The accounting books should still show the debts or it would be an unlawful omission in the accounting books. This is a punishable offence.

Please let the court decide who is correct and who is not. No point in having the pendulum effect/action, where it continues to be, “You Say, I Say.”

Kilimanjaro: If you are that honest, tell us what happened in Wang Kelian? If you are that honest, tell us about the disappearance of Pastor Raymond Koh and others. If you are that honest and since you have invoked the name of your Tok Guru, tell us the truth, why you declared an emergency during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Muhyiddin, after all, it will be stretching it too far to expect the truth from you but at least try to be truthful to yourself. By the way, when you go to court, don’t invoke your Tok Guru’s name - I don’t think that will work in the courts.

NewMalaysiaBeliever: The long and short of it is, the RM8.3 billion is owed by the settlers to Felda the organisation. Felda, with such a large deficit, can’t operate. Muhyiddin may have verbally agreed to write off the debt, but someone still needs to reimburse Felda for it to operate.

This is what Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has done. So Muhyiddin, 100 points for intent to help but a big fat zero (0) for reimbursing Felda the organisation the funds for them to be able to write off the debt to the settlers. Anwar, you win!

Doc: Muhyiddin is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. If he apologises; it will look like he is a liar, he will then have to endure a loss of dignity. Not to mention that with state elections looming; Muhyiddin being branded a liar will not go well, especially with the Felda folk electorate.

If he stands firm, he will get slapped with a defamation suit from Anwar and would have to go to court. I guess he can wait for a court date and by that time, the rakyat would have forgotten about this Felda issue and he will apologise to Anwar discreetly and get the suit cancelled.

Darwin Fernandez: You think we are fools living in this country, you also think only your parents taught you not to lie. Your words or talk are just lip service. The entire country witnessed how you took the opportunity during the lockdown and how you used it to benefit yourself. Today, you are talking about integrity.

I believe your parents taught you (not to lie) but it is sad you did not practice what your parents taught you. Stop bringing in your parents into the matter, leave them where they are. The only people who will believe you are your party and your supporters.

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