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YOURSAY | Prove your innocence in court

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘A person of interest cannot dictate terms and conditions.’

Muhyiddin's son-in-law denies being on the run

Cogito Ergo Sum: A person of interest to the authorities cannot dictate the terms and conditions for his presence for questioning.

While a person is innocent until proven guilty, he or she must avail themselves for the authorities to conduct an investigation.

It is preposterous that anyone can cite “threats and persecution” as a reason for being unavailable.

Every criminal and suspect can use this excuse to escape the law.

Being the son-in-law of former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin, Muhammad Adlan Berhan has to adhere to the law and prescribed procedures.

His father-in-law should ensure his son-in-law respects the authorities of whom he was once the political head.

Gerard Lourdesamy: There must be some fantastic business dealings that take a person out of the country for three months.

Since you are now aware that the MACC is looking for you, please come back home to assist them in their investigations.

How is that threatening or persecution? So, now can we just ignore MACC based on perception? Better still break the law?

The MACC should ask Interpol to trace him and the Immigration Department must revoke his passport with immediate effect.

Coward: Adlan said, via his lawyer, that he had no intention of coming back.

With that statement, this is what will happen:

1. The Immigration Department will withdraw his passport. This will force him back or seek asylum. He will most likely do the latter.

2. MACC will seek foreign counterparts' help to arrest and repatriate him. I don't think he has big enough backers to fight this successfully.

He is worried about the unspecified threat and, of course, he views the investigation as persecution.

That's fine, let the legal process of the country he is in determine whether he had a stand. If he doesn't and gets deported, and if we convict him, we can add time to his sentence for this nonsense.

RZee: Wah! Can make a deal with MACC?

Has no one told this man that one day he has to come back to Malaysia with or without MACC’s so-called “threats or persecution”?

If he is suspected of a crime, he can get picked up like every other free Malaysian citizen and questioned. If he has done no wrong, he will be fine.

As for financial ruin, is that MACC’s problem? He should ask his family and his in-laws for financial assistance like every other free Malaysian citizen.

As for distress to his family, every free Malaysian citizen will distress their family when they do wrong or are questioned or caught.

NoobMaster69: Do you think your father-in-law is still the prime minister and you can order MACC around?

If you have done anything wrong, please come back and assist in the investigation.

If you have done something wrong and still demand to be treated like an innocent person, then you deserve to be in jail!

Please have some respect for the law. By the way, your father-in-law will not have the chance to become prime minister again.

This so-called “Green Wave” had already stopped and most voters see Perikatan Nasional as nothing but just an incompetent coalition filled with traitors and frogs!

Darwin Fernandez: If he is contactable, why must his lawyers make a press statement?

He can do it from wherever he is and neither the lawyer nor has he said in the statement where he is hiding.

His father-in-law is also mum as to his whereabouts. So what does that say?

It means he has something to hide and he knows he will be caught or arrested. Be a man and face the law if you feel you did not do anything wrong.

OCT: This guy portrays himself as an angel. So many words from his lawyer. He is not a menteri besar who can fix his appointment date and time.

The enforcement officers can call you up at any time for an interview.

If you don't like it, get your lawyer to get an injunction against them.

Malaysians are not interested in your war of words. You say this and they say that.

Prove your innocence and harassment through the court.

Come back to Malaysia and talk. If you don't come back, you are giving every reason for the government to hunt you like a fox. It is costly and dangerous to be on the run.

Sentinel: Yes. You are innocent until proven guilty. You have not been charged in court, nor have you been named a suspect in any case.

There has been no warrant issued for your immediate arrest. So why do a Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor (caretaker Kedah menteri besar)?

Just come back to Malaysia, have your lawyer wait for you at the arrival terminal and schedule a question-and-answer session with MACC.

You can even do a press conference wherever you want though exposing yourself to the outside world on this matter will just be doing nothing good for the PN campaign at this point.

You should have come back and submitted yourself for questioning because your father-in-law right now has to issue a no-comment statement every time.

You made a big mistake.

BlueShark1548: Yes, we understand that you have a business to attend overseas, but is business more important than clearing your name and reputation?

If your bank accounts are frozen, all the more you should hasten to return!

Just return immediately to clear all doubts as delays may make it look like you are evading MACC.

It is understandable if you wish to await the results of the state elections before you return.

Aristo: On one hand he said he was on a business trip. Then he said he was worried about being persecuted so he ran.

So which is which? He can’t seem to get the story straight.

If he is innocent, present the case in court and let the court decide.

GreenGuppy5137: Hello, you have no right to negotiate with the authorities on how investigations on you ought to be carried out.

You have no right to decide when it is convenient for you to appear except as provided by specific laws.

So, stop talking nonsense using lawyers. Give a specific date and time you will be available.

If not, then you are working toward becoming a fugitive, period.

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