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YOURSAY | Sanusi wins the right to boast

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | ‘He wiped out others in Kedah state polls’

‘I have no right to dispute Sanusi’s madness’ - Zahid

Falcon: There seems to be a rerun of the same commentaries that were proven wrong in the last six state elections. Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Mohd Nor makes bold statements but he can, he won the right to boast as he wiped out others in Kedah.

Sanusi made life uneasy in other states. He even grabbed all major executive council portfolios. The more he is attacked, the more his support grows. We saw this on the ground face to face. Attack them any which way, but PAS is here to turn the tide.

Non-Malay fear of PAS and PN is no more despite doomsday fear-mongering. We hear robust boasts but body language shows fear. Real-time fear. One former prime minister is busy doing a food crawl with uploads on social media with several high-profile former party leaders while taking pot-shots at the current party leaders.

Seriously, in the current wave and political blunders - would anyone be surprised if Perikatan Nasional wins both seats in Johor by-elections? After all, didn't one candidate even say he needed an over-the-top voter attendance of 70 percent to assure victory?

At best a 1-1 scoreline again, would send the message that voters dislike political hypocrisy and chameleon politicians. And those who were once vocal, are they suffering from elegant silence now?

In the meantime, let's watch the immediate arrivals of politicians, subsidy announcements, projects, raining monies, grand speeches, and the lot. But the voters have already made up their minds. As we were taught at school in the 70s, 'kalah takpe, style nak (It’s okay to lose but we must have style)’.

Oct: Sanusi’s tactic is to shoot first and talk later. He knows he is untouchable even though he crossed the line. There is no way that the government will arrest and charge a sitting MB as chaos and unrest will erupt.

There had been so many complaints and police investigations but to-date they became cold cases or ended in dustbin. The latest was showing his ballot paper for all to see. The Election Commission and police said they were investigating but nothing happened after that.

Sanusi will go all out to disrupt Pakatan Harapan with all types of accusations irrespective if they are false. He is putting Harapan in a defensive position. His followers like him as Harapan and the government dare not arrest him even though he is wrong and offensive.

Proarte: Most Malays are not happy with the Madani government. They are not falling for the cynical 3R (race, religion, and royalty) antics that the government has been employing.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's Umno/Abim (Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement) DNA has come to the fore in full swing, having been hidden by the "Reformasi" mask worn by him prior to becoming PM.

Umno playing a prominent role in the Johor elections is foolhardy because deputy prime minister and Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who is the mascot for the Madani campaign is seen as tainted by numerous corruption charges.

The Yayasan Akalbudi and LCS (littoral combat ships) scandals have Zahid's name being associated with it. Zahid has submitted a representation to the Attorney General's Office to drop 47 charges of breach of trust, corruption, and money laundering involving the Yayasan Akalbudi he is facing.

Umno is the party of the world's biggest kleptocrat, jailed former premier Najib Abdul Razak, who is doing time in Kajang prison. As such, Umno and Harapan by association should brace themselves for a drubbing in these by-elections.

Kilimanjaro: Sanusi had already mocked Zahid with his party's sterling performance in both the 15th general election and the recent state elections. He did this with both confidence and arrogance. Instead of foolishly harping on him, find out how and why the Harapan and BN lost so much ground to the PAS/PN.

As for the coming two by-elections, Simpang Jeram is 50/50 but the skew is in favour of PN/PAS. In Pulai, Amanah has the upper hand but the Indian votes in Pulai are far higher and significant. If I had a chance to vote as an Indian, I certainly wouldn't vote for Amanah. This party had never voiced out on Indian issues and played dumb in such issues.

As an Indian, why would I want to vote for such a party? Hypothetically speaking, I would want to see the manifesto of PN/PAS and if they have a separate column for the Indians as they did in Selangor, then I would vote for PN/PAS. Otherwise, I would rather sleep at home.

If there is a manifesto from Harapan/BN that promises the sun and the moon to the Indians, I won't give even a cent's worth to it. Let them tell what happened to the funds in Mitra first which they promised to unearth.

OrangePanther1466: So, you would rather support the likes of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and Sanusi just because of a few sweet words on Indian affairs?

Are Indians so naive as to sacrifice our way of life by voting for the racist coalition who are intent on establishing an Islamic state? I think many Indian voters are a lot smarter. They lead productive and gainful lives doing an honest day's work in sundry shops, eateries, contracting, and farming, among other professional jobs.

They have a way of life worth fighting for. They will not waste their votes.

Iammi: We should amend the law to have general and state elections held at the same time, like before.

If a seat is vacant for whatever reason, the party should appoint someone else to replace the person. No by-elections.

We rakyat deserve to live in peace with a government focused on running the country, not entertaining the politicians' drama all year long.

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