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YOURSAY | PAS should try treating non-Muslims with respect

This article is 9 months old

YOURSAY | What do the Malay Muslims want from the Chinese community?

Stop calling non-Muslims 'kafir' if you want our support, Hadi told

OCT: PAS’ policy is that when they need non-Muslim support, especially during election time, PAS will say sweet words and pretend all is well.

However, when there is no election, those sweet words and deeds fly out the window. There is no sincerity and trust from PAS regarding non-Muslim feelings.

Non-Muslims are treated as expendable and discarded after use. There are too many incidents that have gone too far and hurt too many hearts. It is beyond repair.

The cut is too deep and hurtful. PAS can forget non-Muslim support forever as a tiger cannot change its stripes.

PAS is more like a chameleon, changing colours to one’s liking.

Koel: There is a very dangerous tendency now in PAS to normalise the use of the word “kafir”. This is a significant move to normalise religious hatred.

One of the PAS clowns is now claiming that their scriptures sanction the use of such a demeaning and derogatory word.

Strangely, no one has come out to challenge the clown.

When moderate Muslims keep quiet and allow this abuse, everyone suffers. In the end, the entire country looks and sounds like a primitive and uneducated society of brutes.

It is a shame in Malaysia that people who are learning piously look away and allow the abuse of other faiths.

Why? Is it because, in their distorted world of learning, all other faiths are subhumans?

LETDOWN 2018: This is the problem with the vocal Chinese. The unity government exists because of GPS and GRS, not Umno.

When more power is suggested for an East Malaysia coalition, it was highlighted that they are very backwards and undeveloped.

Now, to quell Islamic extremism, the East Malaysian political parties are called to neutralise the situation.

What do the vocal Chinese really want from Malaysia?

To be in control as put forward by the biggest component in Pakatan Harapan is just a dream in reality given the small Chinese numbers and constant fighting to kill each other off politically instead of uniting.

Apa pun boleh: Get real MCA senator Ti Lian Ker. After all, what is in a name?

“Kafir” means a ‘disbeliever’ and why would that be wrong? Would it make a difference if PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang called us ‘mu’min’ - a believer? Both don’t mean anything, as the constitution defines us as Malaysians.

By blowing up Hadi's slurs said in envy and jealousy and for maximum hurt to non-Muslims, we are acknowledging his evil intentions.

Non-Muslims must be above the hate and contempt preached by Islamic radicals such as Hadi, Islamic preacher Zakir Naik, and a slew of hate preachers in the ranks of Hadi and others.

It is a test of our faith, as the Gods do not differentiate us according to religion, race or gender. He cherishes all creations as His.

Let us not be reduced to or fall into the pits of vipers that spew venom all in the name of race, religion and gender.

ScarletPuma5866: Perikatan Nasional can try any trick to woo non-Muslims, but ultimately, the non-Muslims will not support PN.

The reason is very simple. PAS wants to build a theocratic country which the non-Muslims will reject 100 percent.

Then PAS wants Syariah law, which the non-Muslims also reject 100 percent. PAS lied that Malaysia is not secular. PAS wants no short pants, no short skirts. 

There is so much incompatibility between non-Muslims and Malay Muslims. How on earth will non-Muslims support PAS and Bersatu?

Just a Malaysian: Mahathir used to lament that the Malay and Chinese are like oil and water. It’s very hard for them to mix.

Now you throw in religion and it is like ice and fire. One opposes the effect of the other. This country, if it goes down the path of Islamisation, will see the diminishing presence and influence of the Chinese.

The productive segment of society, if lost, will be a bane for the country.

Poor us. We work hard to pay taxes, help bring in foreign investors, create jobs through SMEs etc, and yet our beloved country coins all kinds of derogatory names for us.

We get attacked whether we vote for BN or PAS (when they were a part of Pakatan Rakyat). What do the Malay Muslims want from the Chinese community?

Knucklehead: PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, if your party is not willing to accept Malaysia as a secular nation, prepare to lose GE16 as well.

Non-Muslims will never vote for PAS. You and your party treat them as second-class citizens.  

Why talk so much about Israel and Palestinians when you, at home, treat non-Muslims similarly?  

PAS is just being so hypocritical! Just like Palestinians, non-Muslims are humans too!

Justanothercommenter: When it comes to referring to their special privileges in the constitution, they are quick, diligent and efficient.

But that same constitution does not have the term “kafir” at all. And we are governed by the Constitution.

The usage of the term “kafir” in political speeches and especially in Parliament is nothing but a form of extremism.

Mike 1979: This MCA fella should take a course in Islamic law, where the words “kafir” or infidel, are used to call people who rebelled against the Prophet and Islam

These are words PAS uses to describe the non-Muslims of our time because they do not know any other more appropriate words, while they also do not consider themselves “jahil” or “jahilliyah”!

By the way, the MCA fella should stick to trying to bring back his party into a functional discourse!

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