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YOURSAY | Beware of Sheraton Move 2.0

This article is a year old

YOURSAY | Anwar shouldn't fall for the actions of rogue MPs.

Gua Musang MP latest Bersatu lawmaker to back Anwar

Caught and Bowled: It appears like Sheraton 2.0 is in the making.

Will the current coalition government fall in the event that a group of 30-40 MPs from Umno, MCA, MIC, and GPS declare their full support to PAS leaders Abdul Hadi Awang or Tuan Ibrahim Man or Harapan’s Hamzah as prime minister while remaining as members of their respective parties?

I think it's time for Speaker Johari Abdul to make a ruling on the action of these three Bersatu lawmakers as to whether they have contravened the anti-hopping law.

Winning Scarecrow: This development only means one thing: The support from DAP MPs and other non-Muslim MPs for Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim is no longer deemed as important.

In fact, Anwar no longer needs the support of the non-Muslim voters in Malaysia. The Israel-Palestine conflict has rendered non-Muslims’ support for Anwar obsolete and no longer relevant.

Anwar brilliantly made the right decision to support Hamas, knowing full well that the non-Muslims would not agree to that.

Most importantly, he would gain greater support from Malay Muslims, which is more crucial and important as it has a greater number.

It is not a coincidence that all three Perikatan Nasional MPs supported Anwar after the conflict in Palestine started.

In my earlier post, I said that more and more MPs from PN will shift their support to Anwar after the PM openly and boldly declared to the world that Malaysia will always support Hamas.

Hamas’ attacks on Israeli civilians on Oct 7 were justifiable given the 70 years of oppression of the Palestinians by the Israelis.

Non-Muslims in Malaysia can now freely say that they no longer support Anwar.

The undeniable reality is that non-Muslims’ support is no longer needed by Anwar now that there is a paradigm shift of support by the Malay Muslims for Anwar as evidenced by the brave and sacrificial actions taken by the MPs from Kuala Kangsar and Labuan.

More are expected to follow suit if Anwar ignores the protests from the non-Muslims and continues to back Hamas’s struggle against Israel and the US.

Mazhilamani: Bersatu is becoming bubur (porridge) and it's their third MP to show solidarity with the PM.

Or is there something brewing within the Bersatu leadership?

Surprisingly, none of the Bersatu MPs supporting the PM opted to join PAS or have heard anything from Bersatu leader Azmin Ali.

As I have commented earlier, more will seek shelter with Pakatan Harapan, despite threats of suspension and expulsion by the party's secretary-general Hamzah Zainuddin.

Now, let’s see what Hamzah has to say about the nature of gratification by the PM for the Gua Musang MP Mohd Azizi Abu Naim.

Man on the Silver Mountain: I never really thought the PN government actually wanted this (anti-hopping) law.

The PN government, formed by several ragtag political parties, depended on numbers to survive.

The anti-hopping law was Harapan's brainchild. The loophole was probably a deliberate ambiguity to allow wriggling space for them to poach MPs from the opponents.

The specifics should be categorically clear – MPs sacked by the party forfeit their seats. Some parties - including DAP - have changed their constitution to implement this.

For the love of Malaysia: What's all this with Anwar? Don't be entrapped.

The Sheraton Move was an entrapment. PKR and DAP were too blind to see (what was going on), especially since DAP national chairperson Lim Guan Eng thought former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad was betrayed.

In fact, Dr Mahathir was behind the scheme.

I suggest that the PM make an announcement that MPs should be loyal to their parties as it (party hopping) can happen both ways.

Angin Lintang: We are talking about the “Green Wave” members who love to hop around.

Anwar knows that he already has the support of government loyalists and that as PM, he will attract some short-term support from the “Green Wave” as well.

The “Green Waves” support may be beneficial but I'm sure Anwar knows that as quickly they hop over to his side, they will be as quick to hop away.

I am dead sure that none will ever support PN or any form of religious extremism.

Steven Ong: The failed education system produced citizens who would support anything just to get what they wanted.

They would even support discriminating policies, racists and bigots all because of the privileges given to them.

A failed education that produces racists and bigots instead of knowledge, skills, honesty, integrity, love and compassion.

The country is still able to sustain itself now, because of the smart and hard-working citizens. But as their numbers dwindle, as they leave for cleaner nations, the suffering and disorder will start rising.

Beman: Why are these politicians acting in such a feudal manner? If a policy proposed by the PM benefits the people in your constituent, just vote for it.

If another policy from him is flawed in your view, debate it by putting forward counter-proposals and vote for or against it when it is time to make the decision.

You do not have to swear your allegiance to any feudal lord. We are now in the 21st century, not in the 1500s!

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